# coding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true require "mysql2" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") require "htmlentities" require "tsort" require "optparse" require "etc" require "open3" class ImportScripts::Smf2 < ImportScripts::Base def self.run options = Options.new begin options.parse! rescue Options::SettingsError => err $stderr.puts "Cannot load SMF settings: #{err.message}" exit 1 rescue Options::Error => err $stderr.puts err.to_s.capitalize $stderr.puts options.usage exit 1 end new(options).perform end attr_reader :options def initialize(options) if options.timezone.nil? $stderr.puts "No source timezone given and autodetection from PHP failed." $stderr.puts "Use -t option to specify correct source timezone:" $stderr.puts options.usage exit 1 end super() @options = options begin Time.zone = options.timezone rescue ArgumentError $stderr.puts "Timezone name '#{options.timezone}' is invalid." exit 1 end if options.database.blank? $stderr.puts "No database name given." $stderr.puts options.usage exit 1 end if options.password == :ask require "highline" $stderr.print "Enter password for MySQL database `#{options.database}`: " options.password = HighLine.new.ask("") { |q| q.echo = false } end @default_db_connection = create_db_connection end def execute import_groups import_users import_categories import_posts postprocess_posts make_prettyurl_permalinks("/forum") end def import_groups puts "", "creating groups" total = query(<<-SQL, as: :single) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {prefix}membergroups WHERE min_posts = -1 AND group_type IN (1, 2) SQL create_groups(query(<<-SQL), total: total) { |group| group } SELECT id_group AS id, group_name AS name FROM {prefix}membergroups WHERE min_posts = -1 AND group_type IN (1, 2) SQL end GUEST_GROUP = -1 MEMBER_GROUP = 0 ADMIN_GROUP = 1 MODERATORS_GROUP = 2 def import_users puts "", "creating users" total = query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {prefix}members", as: :single) create_users(query(<<-SQL), total: total) do |member| SELECT a.id_member, a.member_name, a.date_registered, a.real_name, a.email_address, CONCAT(LCASE(a.member_name),':', a.passwd) AS password, a.is_activated, a.last_login, a.birthdate, a.member_ip, a.id_group, a.additional_groups, b.id_attach, b.file_hash, b.filename FROM {prefix}members AS a LEFT JOIN {prefix}attachments AS b ON a.id_member = b.id_member SQL group_ids = [member[:id_group], *member[:additional_groups].split(",").map(&:to_i)] create_time = begin Time.zone.at(member[:date_registered]) rescue StandardError Time.now end last_seen_time = begin Time.zone.at(member[:last_login]) rescue StandardError nil end ip_addr = begin IPAddr.new(member[:member_ip]) rescue StandardError nil end { id: member[:id_member], username: member[:member_name], password: member[:password], created_at: create_time, name: member[:real_name], email: member[:email_address], active: member[:is_activated] == 1, approved: member[:is_activated] == 1, last_seen_at: last_seen_time, date_of_birth: member[:birthdate], ip_address: ip_addr, admin: group_ids.include?(ADMIN_GROUP), moderator: group_ids.include?(MODERATORS_GROUP), post_create_action: proc do |user| user.update(created_at: create_time) if create_time < user.created_at user.save GroupUser.transaction do group_ids.each do |gid| (group_id = group_id_from_imported_group_id(gid)) && GroupUser.find_or_create_by(user: user, group_id: group_id) end end if options.smfroot && member[:id_attach].present? && user.uploaded_avatar_id.blank? ( path = find_smf_attachment_path( member[:id_attach], member[:file_hash], member[:filename], ) ) && begin upload = create_upload(user.id, path, member[:filename]) user.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id) if upload.persisted? rescue SystemCallError => err puts "Could not import avatar: #{err.message}" end end end, } end end def import_categories create_categories(query(<<-SQL)) do |board| SELECT id_board, id_parent, name, description, member_groups FROM {prefix}boards ORDER BY id_parent ASC, id_board ASC SQL parent_id = category_id_from_imported_category_id(board[:id_parent]) if board[:id_parent] > 0 groups = (board[:member_groups] || "").split(/,/).map(&:to_i) restricted = !groups.include?(GUEST_GROUP) && !groups.include?(MEMBER_GROUP) board[:name] += board[:id_board].to_s if Category.find_by_name(board[:name]) { id: board[:id_board], name: board[:name], description: board[:description], parent_category_id: parent_id, post_create_action: restricted && proc do |category| category.update(read_restricted: true) groups.each do |imported_group_id| (group_id = group_id_from_imported_group_id(imported_group_id)) && CategoryGroup.find_or_create_by(category: category, group_id: group_id) do |cg| cg.permission_type = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:full] end end end, } end end def import_posts puts "", "creating posts" spinner = %w[/ - \\ |].cycle total = query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {prefix}messages", as: :single) PostCreator.class_eval do def guardian @guardian ||= if opts[:import_mode] @@system_guardian ||= Guardian.new(Discourse.system_user) else Guardian.new(@user) end end end db2 = create_db_connection create_posts(query(<<-SQL), total: total) do |message| SELECT m.id_msg, m.id_topic, m.id_member, m.poster_time, m.body, m.subject, t.id_board, t.id_first_msg, COUNT(a.id_attach) AS attachment_count FROM {prefix}messages AS m LEFT JOIN {prefix}topics AS t ON t.id_topic = m.id_topic LEFT JOIN {prefix}attachments AS a ON a.id_msg = m.id_msg AND a.attachment_type = 0 GROUP BY m.id_msg ORDER BY m.id_topic ASC, m.id_msg ASC SQL skip = false ignore_quotes = false post = { id: message[:id_msg], user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(message[:id_member]) || -1, created_at: Time.zone.at(message[:poster_time]), post_create_action: ignore_quotes && proc do |p| p.custom_fields["import_rebake"] = "t" p.save end, } if message[:id_msg] == message[:id_first_msg] post[:category] = category_id_from_imported_category_id(message[:id_board]) post[:title] = decode_entities(message[:subject]) else parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(message[:id_first_msg]) if parent post[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id] else puts "Parent post #{message[:id_first_msg]} doesn't exist. Skipping #{message[:id_msg]}: #{message[:subject][0..40]}" skip = true end end next nil if skip attachments = message[:attachment_count] == 0 ? [] : query(<<-SQL, connection: db2, as: :array) SELECT id_attach, file_hash, filename FROM {prefix}attachments WHERE attachment_type = 0 AND id_msg = #{message[:id_msg]} ORDER BY id_attach ASC SQL attachments.map! do |a| begin import_attachment(post, a) rescue StandardError ( puts $! nil ) end end post[:raw] = convert_message_body(message[:body], attachments, ignore_quotes: ignore_quotes) next post end end def import_attachment(post, attachment) path = find_smf_attachment_path( attachment[:id_attach], attachment[:file_hash], attachment[:filename], ) raise "Attachment for post #{post[:id]} failed: #{attachment[:filename]}" if path.blank? upload = create_upload(post[:user_id], path, attachment[:filename]) unless upload.persisted? raise "Attachment for post #{post[:id]} failed: #{upload.errors.full_messages.join(", ")}" end upload rescue SystemCallError => err raise "Attachment for post #{post[:id]} failed: #{err.message}" end def postprocess_posts puts "", "rebaking posts" tags = PostCustomField.where(name: "import_rebake", value: "t") tags_total = tags.count tags_done = 0 tags.each do |tag| post = tag.post Post.transaction do post.raw = convert_bbcode(post.raw) post.rebake! post.save tag.destroy! end print_status(tags_done += 1, tags_total) end end private def create_db_connection Mysql2::Client.new( host: options.host, username: options.username, password: options.password, database: options.database, ) end def query(sql, **opts, &block) db = opts[:connection] || @default_db_connection return __query(db, sql).to_a if opts[:as] == :array return __query(db, sql, as: :array).first[0] if opts[:as] == :single return __query(db, sql, stream: true).each(&block) if block_given? __query(db, sql, stream: true) end def __query(db, sql, **opts) db.query( sql.gsub("{prefix}", options.prefix), { symbolize_keys: true, cache_rows: false }.merge(opts), ) end TRTR_TABLE = begin from = "ŠŽšžŸÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ" to = "SZszYAAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy" from.chars.zip(to.chars) end def find_smf_attachment_path(attachment_id, file_hash, filename) cleaned_name = filename.dup TRTR_TABLE.each { |from, to| cleaned_name.gsub!(from, to) } cleaned_name.gsub!(/\s/, "_") cleaned_name.gsub!(/[^\w_\.\-]/, "") legacy_name = "#{attachment_id}_#{cleaned_name.gsub(".", "_")}#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(cleaned_name)}" [filename, "#{attachment_id}_#{file_hash}", legacy_name].map do |name| File.join(options.smfroot, "attachments", name) end .detect { |file| File.exist?(file) } end def decode_entities(*args) (@html_entities ||= HTMLEntities.new).decode(*args) end def convert_message_body(body, attachments = [], **opts) body = decode_entities(body.gsub(%r{<br\s*/>}, "\n")) body.gsub!(ColorPattern, '\k<inner>') body.gsub!(ListPattern) do |s| params = parse_tag_params($~[:params]) tag = params["type"] == "decimal" ? "ol" : "ul" "\n[#{tag}]#{$~[:inner].strip}[/#{tag}]\n" end body.gsub!(XListPattern) do |s| r = +"\n[ul]" s.lines.each { |l| r += "[li]#{l.strip.sub(/^\[x\]\s*/, "")}[/li]" } "#{r}[/ul]\n" end if attachments.present? use_count = Hash.new(0) AttachmentPatterns.each do |p| pattern, emitter = *p body.gsub!(pattern) do |s| next s if (num = $~[:num].to_i - 1) < 0 next s if (upload = attachments[num]).blank? use_count[num] += 1 instance_exec(upload, &emitter) end end if use_count.keys.length < attachments.select(&:present?).length body = "#{body}\n\n---" attachments.each_with_index do |upload, num| "#{body}\n\n#{get_upload_markdown(upload)}" if upload.present? && use_count[num] == (0) end end end opts[:ignore_quotes] ? body : convert_bbcode(body) end def get_upload_markdown(upload) html_for_upload(upload, upload.original_filename) end def convert_quotes(body) body .to_s .gsub(QuotePattern) do |s| inner = $~[:inner].strip params = parse_tag_params($~[:params]) if params["author"].present? quote = +"\n[quote=\"#{params["author"]}" if QuoteParamsPattern =~ params["link"] tl = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id($~[:msg].to_i) quote = "#{quote} post:#{tl[:post_number]}, topic:#{tl[:topic_id]}" if tl end quote = "#{quote}\"]\n#{convert_quotes(inner)}\n[/quote]" else "<blockquote>#{convert_quotes(inner)}</blockquote>" end end end IGNORED_BBCODE ||= %w[ black blue center color email flash font glow green iurl left list move red right shadown size table time white ] def convert_bbcode(raw) return "" if raw.blank? raw = convert_quotes(raw) # [acronym] raw.gsub!(%r{\[acronym=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[/acronym\]}im) { %{<abbr title="#{$1}">#{$2}</abbr>} } # [br] raw.gsub!(/\[br\]/i, "\n") raw.gsub!(%r{<br\s*/?>}i, "\n") # [hr] raw.gsub!(/\[hr\]/i, "<hr/>") # [sub] raw.gsub!(%r{\[sub\](.*?)\[/sub\]}im) { "<sub>#{$1}</sub>" } # [sup] raw.gsub!(%r{\[sup\](.*?)\[/sup\]}im) { "<sup>#{$1}</sup>" } # [html] raw.gsub!(/\[html\]/i, "\n```html\n") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/html\]}i, "\n```\n") # [php] raw.gsub!(/\[php\]/i, "\n```php\n") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/php\]}i, "\n```\n") # [code] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?code\]}i, "\n```\n") # [pre] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?pre\]}i, "\n```\n") # [tt] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?tt\]}i, "`") # [ftp] raw.gsub!(/\[ftp/i, "[url") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/ftp\]}i, "[/url]") # [me] raw.gsub!(%r{\[me=([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[/me\]}im) { "_\\* #{$1} #{$2}_" } # [ul] raw.gsub!(/\[ul\]/i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/ul\]}i, "") # [li] raw.gsub!(%r{\[li\](.*?)\[/li\]}im) { "- #{$1}" } # puts [img] on their own line raw.gsub!(%r{\[img[^\]]*\](.*?)\[/img\]}im) { "\n#{$1}\n" } # puts [youtube] on their own line raw.gsub!(%r{\[youtube\](.*?)\[/youtube\]}im) { "\n#{$1}\n" } IGNORED_BBCODE.each { |code| raw.gsub!(%r{\[#{code}[^\]]*\](.*?)\[/#{code}\]}im, '\1') } # ensure [/quote] are on their own line raw.gsub!(%r{\s*\[/quote\]\s*}im, "\n[/quote]\n") # remove tapatalk mess raw.gsub!(%r{Sent from .+? using \[url=.*?\].+?\[/url\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(/Sent from .+? using .+?\z/i, "") # clean URLs raw.gsub!(%r{\[url=(.+?)\]\1\[/url\]}i, '\1') raw end def extract_quoted_message_ids(body) Set.new.tap do |quoted| body.scan(/\[quote\s+([^\]]+)\s*\]/) do |params| params = parse_tag_params(params) if params.has_key?("link") match = QuoteParamsPattern.match(params["link"]) quoted = "#{quoted}#{match[:msg].to_i}" if match end end end end # param1=value1=still1 value1 param2=value2 ... # => {'param1' => 'value1=still1 value1', 'param2' => 'value2 ...'} def parse_tag_params(params) params .to_s .strip .scan(/(?<param>\w+)=(?<value>(?:(?>\S+)|\s+(?!\w+=))*)/) .inject({}) do |h, e| h[e[0]] = e[1] h end end class << self private # [tag param=value param2=value2] # text # [tag nested=true]text[/tag] # [/tag] # => match[:params] == 'param=value param2=value2' # match[:inner] == "\n text\n [tag nested=true]text[/tag]\n" def build_nested_tag_regex(ltag, rtag = nil) rtag ||= "/" + ltag / \[#{ltag}(?-x:[ =](?<params>[^\]]*))?\] # consume open tag, followed by... (?<inner>(?: (?> [^\[]+ ) # non-tags, or... | \[(?! #{ltag}(?-x:[ =][^\]]*)?\] | #{rtag}\]) # different tags, or ... | (?<re> # recursively matched tags of the same kind \[#{ltag}(?-x:[ =][^\]]*)?\] (?: (?> [^\[]+ ) | \[(?! #{ltag}(?-x:[ =][^\]]*)?\] | #{rtag}\]) | \g<re> # recursion here )* \[#{rtag}\] ) )*) \[#{rtag}\] /x end end QuoteParamsPattern = /^topic=(?<topic>\d+).msg(?<msg>\d+)#msg\k<msg>$/ XListPattern = /(?<xblock>(?>^\[x\]\s*(?<line>.*)$\n?)+)/ QuotePattern = build_nested_tag_regex("quote") ColorPattern = build_nested_tag_regex("color") ListPattern = build_nested_tag_regex("list") AttachmentPatterns = [ [/^\[attach(?:|img|url|mini)=(?<num>\d+)\]$/, ->(u) { "\n" + get_upload_markdown(u) + "\n" }], [/\[attach(?:|img|url|mini)=(?<num>\d+)\]/, ->(u) { get_upload_markdown(u) }], ] # Provides command line options and parses the SMF settings file. class Options class Error < StandardError end class SettingsError < Error end def parse!(args = ARGV) raise Error, "not enough arguments" if ARGV.empty? begin parser.parse!(args) rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err raise Error, err.message end raise Error, "too many arguments" if args.length > 1 self.smfroot = args.first read_smf_settings if self.smfroot self.host ||= "localhost" self.username ||= Etc.getlogin self.prefix ||= "smf_" self.timezone ||= get_php_timezone end def usage parser.to_s end attr_accessor :host attr_accessor :username attr_accessor :password attr_accessor :database attr_accessor :prefix attr_accessor :smfroot attr_accessor :timezone private def get_php_timezone phpinfo, status = Open3.capture2("php", "-i") phpinfo.lines.each do |line| key, *vals = line.split(" => ").map(&:strip) break vals[0] if key == "Default timezone" end rescue Errno::ENOENT $stderr.puts "Error: PHP CLI executable not found" end def read_smf_settings settings = File.join(self.smfroot, "Settings.php") File .readlines(settings) .each do |line| next unless m = %r{\$([a-z_]+)\s*=\s*['"](.+?)['"]\s*;\s*((#|//).*)?$}.match(line) case m[1] when "db_server" self.host ||= m[2] when "db_user" self.username ||= m[2] when "db_passwd" self.password ||= m[2] when "db_name" self.database ||= m[2] when "db_prefix" self.prefix ||= m[2] end end rescue => err raise SettingsError, err.message unless self.database end def parser @parser ||= OptionParser.new(nil, 12) do |o| o.banner = "Usage:\t#{File.basename($0)} <SMFROOT> [options]\n" o.banner = "${o.banner}\t#{File.basename($0)} -d <DATABASE> [options]" o.on("-h HOST", :REQUIRED, "MySQL server hostname [\"#{self.host}\"]") do |s| self.host = s end o.on("-u USER", :REQUIRED, "MySQL username [\"#{self.username}\"]") do |s| self.username = s end o.on( "-p [PASS]", :OPTIONAL, "MySQL password. Without argument, reads password from STDIN.", ) { |s| self.password = s || :ask } o.on("-d DBNAME", :REQUIRED, "Name of SMF database") { |s| self.database = s } o.on("-f PREFIX", :REQUIRED, "Table names prefix [\"#{self.prefix}\"]") do |s| self.prefix = s end o.on("-t TIMEZONE", :REQUIRED, "Timezone used by SMF2 [auto-detected from PHP]") do |s| self.timezone = s end end end end #Options # Framework around TSort, used to build a dependency graph over messages # to find and solve cyclic quotations. class MessageDependencyGraph include TSort def initialize @nodes = {} end def [](key) @nodes[key] end def add_message(id, prev = nil, quoted = []) @nodes[id] = Node.new(self, id, prev, quoted) end def tsort_each_node(&block) @nodes.each_value(&block) end def tsort_each_child(node, &block) node.dependencies.each(&block) end def cycles strongly_connected_components.select { |c| c.length > 1 }.to_a end class Node attr_reader :id def initialize(graph, id, prev = nil, quoted = []) @graph = graph @id = id @prev = prev @quoted = quoted end def prev @graph[@prev] end def quoted @quoted.map { |id| @graph[id] }.reject(&:nil?) end def ignore_quotes? !!@ignore_quotes end def ignore_quotes=(value) @ignore_quotes = !!value @dependencies = nil end def dependencies @dependencies ||= Set .new .tap do |deps| deps.merge(quoted) unless ignore_quotes? deps << prev if prev.present? end .to_a end def hash @id.hash end def eql?(other) @id.eql?(other) end def inspect "#<#{self.class.name}: id=#{id.inspect}, prev=#{safe_id(@prev)}, quoted=[#{@quoted.map(&method(:safe_id)).join(", ")}]>" end private def safe_id(id) @graph[id].present? ? @graph[id].id.inspect : "(#{id})" end end #Node end #MessageDependencyGraph def make_prettyurl_permalinks(prefix) puts "creating permalinks for prettyurl plugin" begin serialized = query(<<-SQL, as: :single) SELECT value FROM {prefix}settings WHERE variable='pretty_board_urls'; SQL board_slugs = Array.new ser = /\{(.*)\}/.match(serialized)[1] ser.scan(/i:(\d+);s:\d+:\"(.*?)\";/).each { |nv| board_slugs[nv[0].to_i] = nv[1] } topic_urls = query(<<-SQL, as: :array) SELECT t.id_first_msg, t.id_board,u.pretty_url FROM smf_topics t LEFT JOIN smf_pretty_topic_urls u ON u.id_topic = t.id_topic ; SQL topic_urls.each do |url| t = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(url[:id_first_msg]) Permalink.create( url: "#{prefix}/#{board_slugs[url[:id_board]]}/#{url[:pretty_url]}", topic_id: t[:topic_id], ) end rescue StandardError end end end ImportScripts::Smf2.run