import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import { guidFor } from "@ember/object/internals"; import { getOwner, setOwner } from "@ember/owner"; import { service } from "@ember/service"; import { MENU } from "float-kit/lib/constants"; import FloatKitInstance from "float-kit/lib/float-kit-instance"; export default class DMenuInstance extends FloatKitInstance { @service menu; @service site; @service modal; /** * Indicates whether the menu is expanded or not. * @property {boolean} expanded - Tracks the state of menu expansion, initially set to false. */ @tracked expanded = false; /** * Specifies whether the trigger for opening/closing the menu is detached from the menu itself. * This is the case when a menu is trigger programmatically instead of through the component. * @property {boolean} detachedTrigger - Tracks whether the trigger is detached, initially set to false. */ @tracked detachedTrigger = false; /** * Configuration options for the DMenuInstance. * @property {Object} options - Options object that configures the menu behavior and display. */ @tracked options; @tracked _trigger; constructor(owner, options = {}) { super(...arguments); setOwner(this, owner); this.options = { ...MENU.options, ...options }; } get portalOutletElement() { return document.getElementById("d-menu-portals"); } get trigger() { return this._trigger; } set trigger(element) { this._trigger = element; = || guidFor(element); this.setupListeners(); } get shouldTrapPointerDown() { return this.expanded; } @action async close(options = { focusTrigger: true }) { if (getOwner(this).isDestroying) { return; } await super.close(...arguments); if ( && this.options.modalForMobile && this.expanded) { await this.modal.close(); } await; if (options.focusTrigger) { this.trigger?.focus?.(); } await this.options.onClose?.(this); } @action async show() { await; await; } @action async onPointerMove(event) { if (this.expanded && this.trigger.contains( { return; } await this.onTrigger(event); } @action async onClick(event) { if (this.expanded && this.untriggers.includes("click")) { return await this.onUntrigger(event); } await this.onTrigger(event); } @action async onPointerLeave(event) { if (this.untriggers.includes("hover")) { await this.onUntrigger(event); } } @action async onTrigger() { await this.options.beforeTrigger?.(this); await; } @action async onUntrigger() { await this.close(); } @action destroy() { this.close(); this.tearDownListeners(); } }