import TopicTrackingState from "discourse/models/topic-tracking-state"; import createStore from "helpers/create-store"; import Category from "discourse/models/category"; import { NotificationLevels } from "discourse/lib/notification-levels"; import User from "discourse/models/user"; QUnit.module("model:topic-tracking-state", { beforeEach() { this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(2012, 11, 31, 12, 0).getTime()); }, afterEach() { this.clock.restore(); } }); QUnit.test("tag counts", function(assert) { const state = TopicTrackingState.create(); state.loadStates([ { topic_id: 1, last_read_post_number: null, tags: ["foo", "new"] }, { topic_id: 2, last_read_post_number: null, tags: ["new"] }, { topic_id: 3, last_read_post_number: null, tags: ["random"] }, { topic_id: 4, last_read_post_number: 1, highest_post_number: 7, tags: ["unread"], notification_level: NotificationLevels.TRACKING }, { topic_id: 5, last_read_post_number: 1, highest_post_number: 7, tags: ["bar", "unread"], notification_level: NotificationLevels.TRACKING }, { topic_id: 6, last_read_post_number: 1, highest_post_number: 7, tags: null, notification_level: NotificationLevels.TRACKING } ]); const states = state.countTags(["new", "unread"]); assert.equal(states["new"].newCount, 2, "new counts"); assert.equal(states["new"].unreadCount, 0, "new counts"); assert.equal(states["unread"].unreadCount, 2, "unread counts"); assert.equal(states["unread"].newCount, 0, "unread counts"); }); QUnit.test("sync", function(assert) { const state = TopicTrackingState.create(); state.states["t111"] = { last_read_post_number: null }; state.updateSeen(111, 7); const list = { topics: [ { highest_post_number: null, id: 111, unread: 10, new_posts: 10 } ] }; state.sync(list, "new"); assert.equal( list.topics.length, 0, "expect new topic to be removed as it was seen" ); }); QUnit.test("subscribe to category", function(assert) { const store = createStore(); const darth = store.createRecord("category", { id: 1, slug: "darth" }), luke = store.createRecord("category", { id: 2, slug: "luke", parentCategory: darth }), categoryList = [darth, luke]; sandbox.stub(Category, "list").returns(categoryList); const state = TopicTrackingState.create(); state.trackIncoming("c/darth/1/l/latest"); state.notify({ message_type: "new_topic", topic_id: 1, payload: { category_id: 2, topic_id: 1 } }); state.notify({ message_type: "new_topic", topic_id: 2, payload: { category_id: 3, topic_id: 2 } }); state.notify({ message_type: "new_topic", topic_id: 3, payload: { category_id: 1, topic_id: 3 } }); assert.equal( state.get("incomingCount"), 2, "expect to properly track incoming for category" ); state.resetTracking(); state.trackIncoming("c/darth/luke/2/l/latest"); state.notify({ message_type: "new_topic", topic_id: 1, payload: { category_id: 2, topic_id: 1 } }); state.notify({ message_type: "new_topic", topic_id: 2, payload: { category_id: 3, topic_id: 2 } }); state.notify({ message_type: "new_topic", topic_id: 3, payload: { category_id: 1, topic_id: 3 } }); assert.equal( state.get("incomingCount"), 1, "expect to properly track incoming for subcategory" ); }); QUnit.test("getSubCategoryIds", assert => { const store = createStore(); const foo = store.createRecord("category", { id: 1, slug: "foo" }); const bar = store.createRecord("category", { id: 2, slug: "bar", parent_category_id: }); const baz = store.createRecord("category", { id: 3, slug: "baz", parent_category_id: }); sandbox.stub(Category, "list").returns([foo, bar, baz]); const state = TopicTrackingState.create(); assert.deepEqual(Array.from(state.getSubCategoryIds(1)), [1, 2, 3]); assert.deepEqual(Array.from(state.getSubCategoryIds(2)), [2, 3]); assert.deepEqual(Array.from(state.getSubCategoryIds(3)), [3]); }); QUnit.test("countNew", assert => { const store = createStore(); const foo = store.createRecord("category", { id: 1, slug: "foo" }); const bar = store.createRecord("category", { id: 2, slug: "bar", parent_category_id: }); const baz = store.createRecord("category", { id: 3, slug: "baz", parent_category_id: }); const qux = store.createRecord("category", { id: 4, slug: "qux" }); sandbox.stub(Category, "list").returns([foo, bar, baz, qux]); let currentUser = User.create({ username: "chuck", muted_category_ids: [4] }); const state = TopicTrackingState.create({ currentUser }); assert.equal(state.countNew(1), 0); assert.equal(state.countNew(2), 0); assert.equal(state.countNew(3), 0); state.states["t112"] = { last_read_post_number: null, id: 112, notification_level: NotificationLevels.TRACKING, category_id: 2 }; assert.equal(state.countNew(1), 1); assert.equal(state.countNew(1, "missing-tag"), 0); assert.equal(state.countNew(2), 1); assert.equal(state.countNew(3), 0); state.states["t113"] = { last_read_post_number: null, id: 113, notification_level: NotificationLevels.TRACKING, category_id: 3, tags: ["amazing"] }; assert.equal(state.countNew(1), 2); assert.equal(state.countNew(2), 2); assert.equal(state.countNew(3), 1); assert.equal(state.countNew(3, "amazing"), 1); assert.equal(state.countNew(3, "missing"), 0); state.states["t111"] = { last_read_post_number: null, id: 111, notification_level: NotificationLevels.TRACKING, category_id: 1 }; assert.equal(state.countNew(1), 3); assert.equal(state.countNew(2), 2); assert.equal(state.countNew(3), 1); state.states["t115"] = { last_read_post_number: null, id: 115, category_id: 4 }; assert.equal(state.countNew(4), 0); }); QUnit.test("mute topic", function(assert) { let currentUser = User.create({ username: "chuck", muted_category_ids: [] }); const state = TopicTrackingState.create({ currentUser }); state.trackMutedTopic(1); assert.equal(currentUser.muted_topics[0].topicId, 1); state.pruneOldMutedTopics(); assert.equal(state.isMutedTopic(1), true); this.clock.tick(60000); state.pruneOldMutedTopics(); assert.equal(state.isMutedTopic(1), false); });