# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ sk: js: discourse_automation: create: Vytvoriť fields: user: label: Používateľ pm: title: label: Názov raw: label: Telo pms: title: label: Názov raw: label: Telo group: label: Skupina text: label: Text triggerables: user_badge_granted: fields: badge: label: Odznak stalled_topic: durations: P2W: "Dva týždne" P3M: "Tri mesiace" P6M: "Šesť mesiacov" P1Y: "Jeden rok" recurring: frequencies: minute: minúta hour: hodina day: deň week: týždeň month: mesiac year: rok fields: recurrence: label: Opakovanie stalled_wiki: durations: P2W: "Dva týždne" P3M: "Tri mesiace" P6M: "Šesť mesiacov" P1Y: "Jeden rok" topic: fields: restricted_topic: label: ID témy post_created_edited: fields: restricted_category: label: Kategória restricted_group: label: Skupina created: Vytvorené category_created_edited: fields: restricted_category: label: Nadradená kategória pm_created: fields: restricted_user: label: Používatelia restricted_group: label: Skupina after_post_cook: fields: restricted_category: label: Kategória restricted_tags: label: Štítky scriptables: auto_tag_topic: fields: tags: label: Štítky post: fields: topic: label: ID témy group_category_notification_default: fields: group: label: Skupina user_global_notice: levels: error: Chyba user_group_membership_through_badge: fields: group: label: Skupina badge: label: Odznak suspend_user_by_email: fields: actor: label: Používateľ pin_topic: fields: pinnable_topic: label: ID témy banner_topic: fields: topic_id: label: ID témy user: label: Používateľ close_topic: fields: topic: label: ID témy user: label: Používateľ models: trigger: name: label: Spúšťač automation: name: label: Meno trigger: label: Spúšťač version: label: Verzia enabled: label: Povolené disabled: label: Vypnuté