import Component from "@glimmer/component"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { fn } from "@ember/helper"; import { on } from "@ember/modifier"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import didInsert from "@ember/render-modifiers/modifiers/did-insert"; import { service } from "@ember/service"; import { htmlSafe } from "@ember/template"; import ConditionalLoadingSection from "discourse/components/conditional-loading-section"; import CopyButton from "discourse/components/copy-button"; import DButton from "discourse/components/d-button"; import DModal from "discourse/components/d-modal"; import dIcon from "discourse/helpers/d-icon"; import withEventValue from "discourse/helpers/with-event-value"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; import discourseLater from "discourse/lib/later"; import { POPULAR_THEMES } from "discourse/lib/popular-themes"; import { i18n } from "discourse-i18n"; import InstallThemeItem from "admin/components/install-theme-item"; import { COMPONENTS, THEMES } from "admin/models/theme"; import ComboBox from "select-kit/components/combo-box"; const MIN_NAME_LENGTH = 4; const CREATE_TYPES = [ { name: i18n("admin.customize.theme.theme"), value: THEMES }, { name: i18n("admin.customize.theme.component"), value: COMPONENTS }, ]; export default class InstallThemeModal extends Component { @service store; @tracked selection = this.args.model.selection || "popular"; @tracked uploadUrl = this.args.model.uploadUrl; @tracked uploadName = this.args.model.uploadName; @tracked selectedType = this.args.model.selectedType; @tracked advancedVisible = false; @tracked loading = false; @tracked localFile; @tracked publicKey; @tracked branch; @tracked duplicateRemoteThemeWarning; @tracked themeCannotBeInstalled; @tracked name; @tracked loadingTimePassed; recordType = this.args.model.recordType || "theme"; keyGenUrl = this.args.model.keyGenUrl || "/admin/themes/generate_key_pair"; importUrl = this.args.model.importUrl || "/admin/themes/import"; willDestroy() { super.willDestroy(...arguments); this.args.model.clearParams?.(); } get showPublicKey() { return this.uploadUrl?.match?.(/^ssh:\/\/.+@.+$|.+@.+:.+$/); } get submitLabel() { if (this.themeCannotBeInstalled) { return "admin.customize.theme.create_placeholder"; } return `admin.customize.theme.${this.create ? "create" : "install"}`; } get component() { return this.selectedType === COMPONENTS; } get local() { return this.selection === "local"; } get remote() { return this.selection === "remote"; } get create() { return this.selection === "create"; } get directRepoInstall() { return this.selection === "directRepoInstall"; } get popular() { return this.selection === "popular"; } get nameTooShort() { return ! || < MIN_NAME_LENGTH; } get installDisabled() { return ( this.loading || (this.remote && !this.uploadUrl) || (this.local && !this.localFile) || (this.create && this.nameTooShort) ); } get placeholder() { if (this.component) { return i18n("admin.customize.theme.component_name"); } else { return i18n("admin.customize.theme.theme_name"); } } get themes() { return => { if ( this.args.model.installedThemes.some((installedTheme) => this.themeHasSameUrl(installedTheme, popularTheme.value) ) ) { popularTheme.installed = true; } return popularTheme; }); } get installingMessage() { if (this.loadingTimePassed > 10) { return i18n("admin.customize.theme.installing_message_long_time"); } return i18n("admin.customize.theme.installing_message"); } themeHasSameUrl(theme, url) { const themeUrl = theme.remote_theme?.remote_url; return ( themeUrl && url && url.replace(/\.git$/, "") === themeUrl.replace(/\.git$/, "") ); } @action async generatePublicKey() { try { const pair = await ajax(this.keyGenUrl, { type: "POST", }); this.publicKey = pair.public_key; } catch (err) { popupAjaxError(err); } } @action toggleAdvanced() { this.advancedVisible = !this.advancedVisible; } @action uploadLocaleFile(event) { this.localFile =[0]; } @action updateSelectedType(type) { this.args.model.updateSelectedType(type); this.selectedType = type; } @action installThemeFromList(url) { this.uploadUrl = url; this.installTheme(); } @action async installTheme() { if (this.create) { return this.#createTheme(); } let options = { type: "POST", }; if (this.local) { options.processData = false; options.contentType = false; = new FormData();"theme", this.localFile); } if (this.remote || this.popular || this.directRepoInstall) { const duplicate = this.args.model.content && this.args.model.content.find((theme) => this.themeHasSameUrl(theme, this.uploadUrl) ); if (duplicate && !this.duplicateRemoteThemeWarning) { const warning = i18n("admin.customize.theme.duplicate_remote_theme", { name:, }); this.duplicateRemoteThemeWarning = warning; return; } = { remote: this.uploadUrl, branch: this.branch, public_key: this.publicKey, }; } // User knows that theme cannot be installed, but they want to continue // to force install it. if (this.themeCannotBeInstalled) {["force"] = true; } // Used by theme-creator if (this.args.model.userId) {["user_id"] = this.args.model.userId; } try { this.loading = true; this.loadingTimePassed = 0; this.#backgroundLoading(); const result = await ajax(this.importUrl, options); const theme =, result.theme); this.args.model.addTheme(theme); this.args.closeModal(); } catch (err) { if (!this.publicKey || this.themeCannotBeInstalled) { return popupAjaxError(err); } this.themeCannotBeInstalled = i18n("admin.customize.theme.force_install"); } finally { this.loadingTimePassed = 0; this.loading = false; } } #backgroundLoading() { if (this.loading) { discourseLater(() => { if (this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) { return; } this.loadingTimePassed += 1; this.#backgroundLoading(); }, 1000); } } async #createTheme() { this.loading = true; const theme =; try { await{ name:, component: this.component }); this.args.model.addTheme(theme); this.args.closeModal(); } catch (err) { popupAjaxError(err); } finally { this.loading = false; } }