// This is executed in mini_racer to provide the JS logic for lib/discourse_js_processor.rb

/* global rails */

const CONSOLE_PREFIX = "[DiscourseJsProcessor] ";
globalThis.window = {};
globalThis.console = {
  log(...args) {
    rails.logger.info(CONSOLE_PREFIX + args.join(" "));
  warn(...args) {
    rails.logger.warn(CONSOLE_PREFIX + args.join(" "));
  error(...args) {
    rails.logger.error(CONSOLE_PREFIX + args.join(" "));

import HTMLBarsInlinePrecompile from "babel-plugin-ember-template-compilation";
import colocatedBabelPlugin from "ember-cli-htmlbars/lib/colocated-babel-plugin";
import { precompile } from "ember-source/dist/ember-template-compiler";
import Handlebars from "handlebars";
import { transform as babelTransform } from "@babel/standalone";
import { minify as terserMinify } from "terser";
import RawHandlebars from "discourse-common/addon/lib/raw-handlebars";
import { WidgetHbsCompiler } from "discourse-widget-hbs/lib/widget-hbs-compiler";

function manipulateAstNodeForTheme(node, themeId) {
  // Magically add theme id as the first param for each of these helpers)
  if (
    node.path.parts &&
    ["theme-i18n", "theme-prefix", "theme-setting"].includes(node.path.parts[0])
  ) {
    if (node.params.length === 1) {
        type: "NumberLiteral",
        value: themeId,
        original: themeId,
        loc: { start: {}, end: {} },

function buildEmberTemplateManipulatorPlugin(themeId) {
  return function () {
    return {
      name: "theme-template-manipulator",
      visitor: {
        SubExpression: (node) => manipulateAstNodeForTheme(node, themeId),
        MustacheStatement: (node) => manipulateAstNodeForTheme(node, themeId),

function buildTemplateCompilerBabelPlugins({ themeId }) {
  const compiler = { precompile };

  if (themeId) {
    compiler.precompile = (src, opts) => {
      return precompile(src, {
        plugins: {
          ast: [buildEmberTemplateManipulatorPlugin(themeId)],

  return [
        enableLegacyModules: ["ember-cli-htmlbars"],

function buildThemeRawHbsTemplateManipulatorPlugin(themeId) {
  return function (ast) {
    ["SubExpression", "MustacheStatement"].forEach((pass) => {
      const visitor = new Handlebars.Visitor();
      visitor.mutating = true;
      visitor[pass] = (node) => manipulateAstNodeForTheme(node, themeId);

globalThis.compileRawTemplate = function (source, themeId) {
  try {
    const plugins = [];
    if (themeId) {
    return RawHandlebars.precompile(source, false, { plugins }).toString();
  } catch (error) {
    // Workaround for https://github.com/rubyjs/mini_racer/issues/262
    error.message = JSON.stringify(error.message);
    throw error;

globalThis.transpile = function (source, options = {}) {
  const { moduleId, filename, skipModule, themeId, commonPlugins } = options;
  const plugins = [];

  plugins.push(...buildTemplateCompilerBabelPlugins({ themeId }));
  if (moduleId && !skipModule) {
    plugins.push(["transform-modules-amd", { noInterop: true }]);

  try {
    return babelTransform(source, {
      ast: false,
  } catch (error) {
    // Workaround for https://github.com/rubyjs/mini_racer/issues/262
    error.message = JSON.stringify(error.message);
    throw error;

// mini_racer doesn't have native support for getting the result of an async operation.
// To work around that, we provide a getMinifyResult which can be used to fetch the result
// in a followup method call.
let lastMinifyError, lastMinifyResult;

globalThis.minify = async function (sources, options) {
  lastMinifyError = lastMinifyResult = null;
  try {
    lastMinifyResult = await terserMinify(sources, options);
  } catch (e) {
    lastMinifyError = e;

globalThis.getMinifyResult = function () {
  const error = lastMinifyError;
  const result = lastMinifyResult;

  lastMinifyError = lastMinifyResult = null;

  if (error) {
    throw error;
  return result;