# frozen_string_literal: true class VanillaBodyParser def self.configure(lookup:, uploader:, host:, uploads_path:) @@lookup = lookup @@uploader = uploader @@host = host @@uploads_path = uploads_path end def initialize(row, user_id) @row = row @user_id = user_id end def parse return clean_up(@row["Body"]) unless rich? full_text = json.each_with_index.map(&method(:parse_fragment)).join("") normalize full_text end private def clean_up(text) #
text = text.gsub(%r{\
(.*?)\}im) { "\n```\n#{$1}\n```\n" }
text = text.gsub(%r{\(.*?)\}im) { "\n```\n#{$1}\n```\n" } # text = text.gsub("\\", "").gsub(%r{\(.*?)\}im) { "#{$1}" } #
text = text.gsub(%r{\
(.*?)\}im) { "\n[quote]\n#{$1}\n[/quote]\n" } # [code], [quote] text = text .gsub(%r{\[/?code\]}i, "\n```\n") .gsub(/\[quote.*?\]/i, "\n" + '\0' + "\n") .gsub(%r{\[/quote\]}i, "\n" + '\0' + "\n") text .gsub(%r{]*>}, "") .gsub(%r{]*>}, "") .gsub(%r{]*>}, "") .gsub(/^ +/, "") .gsub(/ +/, " ") end def rich? @row["Format"].casecmp?("Rich") end def json return nil unless rich? @json ||= JSON.parse(@row["Body"]).map(&:deep_symbolize_keys) end def parse_fragment(fragment, index) text = ( if fragment.keys.one? && fragment[:insert].is_a?(String) fragment[:insert] else rich_parse(fragment) end ) text = parse_code(text, fragment, index) text = parse_list(text, fragment, index) text end def rich_parse(fragment) insert = fragment[:insert] if insert.respond_to?(:dig) && insert.dig(:mention, :userID) return parse_mention(insert[:mention]) end return parse_formatting(fragment) if fragment[:attributes] embed_type = insert.dig(:"embed-external", :data, :embedType) quoting = embed_type == "quote" return parse_quote(insert) if quoting embed = embed_type.in? %w[image link file] parse_embed(insert, embed_type) if embed end def parse_mention(mention) user = user_from_imported_id(mention[:userID]) username = user&.username || mention[:name] "@#{username}" end def user_from_imported_id(imported_id) user_id = @@lookup.user_id_from_imported_user_id(imported_id) User.find(user_id) if user_id end def parse_formatting(fragment) insert = fragment[:insert] attributes = fragment[:attributes] text = fragment[:insert] text = "#{text}" if attributes[:link] text = "#{text}" if attributes[:italic] text = "#{text}" if attributes[:bold] text end # In the Quill format used by Vanilla Forums, a line is rendered as `code` # when it's followed by a fragment with attributes: {'code-block': true}. def parse_code(text, fragment, index) next_fragment = next_fragment(index) next_code = next_fragment.dig(:attributes, :"code-block") if next_code previous_fragment = previous_fragment(index) previous_code = previous_fragment.dig(:attributes, :"code-block") if previous_code text = text.gsub(/\\n(.*?)\\n/) { "\n```\n#{$1}\n```\n" } else last_pos = text.rindex(/\n/) if last_pos array = [text[0..last_pos].strip, text[last_pos + 1..text.length].strip] text = array.join("\n```\n") else text = "\n```\n#{text}" end end end current_code = fragment.dig(:attributes, :"code-block") if current_code second_next_fragment = second_next_fragment(index) second_next_code = second_next_fragment.dig(:attributes, :"code-block") # if current is code and 2 after is not, prepend ``` text = "\n```\n#{text}" unless second_next_code end text end def parse_list(text, fragment, index) next_fragment = next_fragment(index) next_list = next_fragment.dig(:attributes, :list, :type) if next_list # if next is list, prepend
  • text = "
  • " + text previous_fragment = previous_fragment(index) previous_list = previous_fragment.dig(:attributes, :list, :type) # if next is list and previous is not, prepend
        list_tag = next_list == "ordered" ? "
          " : "
            " text = "\n#{list_tag}\n#{text}" unless previous_list end current_list = fragment.dig(:attributes, :list, :type) if current_list # if current is list prepend tag_closings = "" second_next_fragment = second_next_fragment(index) second_next_list = second_next_fragment.dig(:attributes, :list, :type) # if current is list and 2 after is not, prepend
        list_tag = current_list == "ordered" ? "
    " : "" tag_closings = "#{tag_closings}\n#{list_tag}" unless second_next_list text = tag_closings + text end text end def next_fragment(index) json[index + 1] || {} end def previous_fragment(index) json[index - 1] || {} end def second_next_fragment(index) json[index + 2] || {} end def parse_quote(insert) embed = insert.dig(:"embed-external", :data) import_post_id = "#{embed[:recordType]}##{embed[:recordID]}" topic = @@lookup.topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(import_post_id) user = user_from_imported_id(embed.dig(:insertUser, :userID)) quote_info = ( if topic && user "=\"#{user.username}, post: #{topic[:post_number]}, topic: #{topic[:topic_id]}\"" else "" end ) "[quote#{quote_info}]\n#{embed[:body]}\n[/quote]\n\n" \ "" end def parse_embed(insert, embed_type) embed = insert.dig(:"embed-external", :data) url = embed[:url] if %r{https?\://#{@@host}/uploads/.*}.match?(url) remote_path = url.scan(%r{uploads/(.*)}) path = File.join(@@uploads_path, remote_path) upload = @@uploader.create_upload(@user_id, path, embed[:name]) if upload&.persisted? return "\n" + @@uploader.html_for_upload(upload, embed[:name]) + "\n" else puts "Failed to upload #{path}" puts upload.errors.full_messages.join(", ") if upload end end if embed_type == "link" "\n[#{embed[:name]}](#{url})\n" elsif embed_type == "image" "\n\"#{embed[:name]}\"\n" else "\n#{embed[:name]}\n" end end def normalize(full_text) code_matcher = /```(.*\n)+```/ code_block = full_text[code_matcher] full_text[code_matcher] = "{{{CODE_BLOCK}}}" if code_block full_text = double_new_lines(full_text) full_text["{{{CODE_BLOCK}}}"] = code_block if code_block full_text end def double_new_lines(text) text.split("\n").map(&:strip).map(&:presence).compact.join("\n\n") end end