import DiscourseURL from 'discourse/lib/url'; import RestModel from 'discourse/models/rest'; import PostsWithPlaceholders from 'discourse/lib/posts-with-placeholders'; import { default as computed } from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators'; import { loadTopicView } from 'discourse/models/topic'; function calcDayDiff(p1, p2) { if (!p1) { return; } const date = p1.get('created_at'); if (date && p2) { const lastDate = p2.get('created_at'); if (lastDate) { const delta = new Date(date).getTime() - new Date(lastDate).getTime(); const days = Math.round(delta / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); p1.set('daysSincePrevious', days); } } } export default RestModel.extend({ _identityMap: null, posts: null, stream: null, userFilters: null, summary: null, loaded: null, loadingAbove: null, loadingBelow: null, loadingFilter: null, stagingPost: null, postsWithPlaceholders: null, init() { this._identityMap = {}; const posts = []; const postsWithPlaceholders = PostsWithPlaceholders.create({ posts, store: }); this.setProperties({ posts, postsWithPlaceholders, stream: [], userFilters: [], summary: false, loaded: false, loadingAbove: false, loadingBelow: false, loadingFilter: false, stagingPost: false, }); }, loading: Ember.computed.or('loadingAbove', 'loadingBelow', 'loadingFilter', 'stagingPost'), notLoading: Ember.computed.not('loading'), filteredPostsCount: Ember.computed.alias("stream.length"), @computed('posts.@each') hasPosts() { return this.get('posts.length') > 0; }, @computed('hasPosts', 'filteredPostsCount') hasLoadedData(hasPosts, filteredPostsCount) { return hasPosts && filteredPostsCount > 0; }, canAppendMore: Ember.computed.and('notLoading', 'hasPosts', 'lastPostNotLoaded'), canPrependMore: Ember.computed.and('notLoading', 'hasPosts', 'firstPostNotLoaded'), @computed('hasLoadedData', 'firstPostId', 'posts.@each') firstPostPresent(hasLoadedData, firstPostId) { if (!hasLoadedData) { return false; } return !!this.get('posts').findProperty('id', firstPostId); }, firstPostNotLoaded: Ember.computed.not('firstPostPresent'), firstPostId: Ember.computed.alias('stream.firstObject'), lastPostId: Ember.computed.alias('stream.lastObject'), @computed('hasLoadedData', 'lastPostId', '') loadedAllPosts(hasLoadedData, lastPostId) { if (!hasLoadedData) { return false; } if (lastPostId === -1) { return true; } return !!this.get('posts').findProperty('id', lastPostId); }, lastPostNotLoaded: Ember.computed.not('loadedAllPosts'), /** Returns a JS Object of current stream filter options. It should match the query params for the stream. **/ @computed('summary', 'show_deleted', 'userFilters.[]') streamFilters(summary, showDeleted) { const result = {}; if (summary) { result.filter = "summary"; } if (showDeleted) { result.show_deleted = true; } const userFilters = this.get('userFilters'); if (!Ember.isEmpty(userFilters)) { result.username_filters = userFilters.join(","); } return result; }, @computed('streamFilters.[]', 'topic.posts_count', 'posts.length') hasNoFilters() { const streamFilters = this.get('streamFilters'); return !(streamFilters && ((streamFilters.filter === 'summary') || streamFilters.username_filters)); }, /** Returns the window of posts above the current set in the stream, bound to the top of the stream. This is the collection we'll ask for when scrolling upwards. **/ @computed('posts.@each', 'stream.@each') previousWindow() { // If we can't find the last post loaded, bail const firstPost = _.first(this.get('posts')); if (!firstPost) { return []; } // Find the index of the last post loaded, if not found, bail const stream = this.get('stream'); const firstIndex = this.indexOf(firstPost); if (firstIndex === -1) { return []; } let startIndex = firstIndex - this.get('topic.chunk_size'); if (startIndex < 0) { startIndex = 0; } return stream.slice(startIndex, firstIndex); }, /** Returns the window of posts below the current set in the stream, bound by the bottom of the stream. This is the collection we use when scrolling downwards. **/ @computed('posts.lastObject', 'stream.@each') nextWindow(lastLoadedPost) { // If we can't find the last post loaded, bail if (!lastLoadedPost) { return []; } // Find the index of the last post loaded, if not found, bail const stream = this.get('stream'); const lastIndex = this.indexOf(lastLoadedPost); if (lastIndex === -1) { return []; } if ((lastIndex + 1) >= this.get('highest_post_number')) { return []; } // find our window of posts return stream.slice(lastIndex+1, lastIndex + this.get('topic.chunk_size') + 1); }, cancelFilter() { this.set('summary', false); this.set('show_deleted', false); this.get('userFilters').clear(); }, toggleSummary() { this.get('userFilters').clear(); this.toggleProperty('summary'); return this.refresh().then(() => { if (this.get('summary')) { this.jumpToSecondVisible(); } }); }, toggleDeleted() { this.toggleProperty('show_deleted'); return this.refresh(); }, jumpToSecondVisible() { const posts = this.get('posts'); if (posts.length > 1) { const secondPostNum = posts[1].get('post_number'); DiscourseURL.jumpToPost(secondPostNum); } }, // Filter the stream to a particular user. toggleParticipant(username) { const userFilters = this.get('userFilters'); this.set('summary', false); this.set('show_deleted', true); let jump = false; if (userFilters.contains(username)) { userFilters.removeObject(username); } else { userFilters.addObject(username); jump = true; } return this.refresh().then(() => { if (jump) { this.jumpToSecondVisible(); } }); }, /** Loads a new set of posts into the stream. If you provide a `nearPost` option and the post is already loaded, it will simply scroll there and load nothing. **/ refresh(opts) { opts = opts || {}; opts.nearPost = parseInt(opts.nearPost, 10); const topic = this.get('topic'); // Do we already have the post in our list of posts? Jump there. if (opts.forceLoad) { this.set('loaded', false); } else { const postWeWant = this.get('posts').findProperty('post_number', opts.nearPost); if (postWeWant) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } } // TODO: if we have all the posts in the filter, don't go to the server for them. this.set('loadingFilter', true); opts = _.merge(opts, this.get('streamFilters')); // Request a topicView return loadTopicView(topic, opts).then(json => { this.updateFromJson(json.post_stream); this.setProperties({ loadingFilter: false, loaded: true }); }).catch(result => { this.errorLoading(result); throw result; }); }, collapsePosts(from, to){ const posts = this.get('posts'); const remove = posts.filter(post => { const postNumber = post.get('post_number'); return postNumber >= from && postNumber <= to; }); posts.removeObjects(remove); // make gap this.set('gaps', this.get('gaps') || {before: {}, after: {}}); const before = this.get('gaps.before'); const post = posts.find(p => p.get('post_number') > to); before[post.get('id')] = => p.get('id')); post.set('hasGap', true); this.get('stream').enumerableContentDidChange(); }, // Fill in a gap of posts before a particular post fillGapBefore(post, gap) { const postId = post.get('id'), stream = this.get('stream'), idx = stream.indexOf(postId), currentPosts = this.get('posts'); if (idx !== -1) { // Insert the gap at the appropriate place stream.splice.apply(stream, [idx, 0].concat(gap)); let postIdx = currentPosts.indexOf(post); const origIdx = postIdx; if (postIdx !== -1) { return this.findPostsByIds(gap).then(posts => { posts.forEach(p => { const stored = this.storePost(p); if (!currentPosts.contains(stored)) { currentPosts.insertAt(postIdx++, stored); } }); delete this.get('gaps.before')[postId]; this.get('stream').enumerableContentDidChange(); this.get('postsWithPlaceholders').arrayContentDidChange(origIdx, 0, posts.length); post.set('hasGap', false); }); } } return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); }, // Fill in a gap of posts after a particular post fillGapAfter(post, gap) { const postId = post.get('id'), stream = this.get('stream'), idx = stream.indexOf(postId); if (idx !== -1) { stream.pushObjects(gap); return this.appendMore().then(() => { this.get('stream').enumerableContentDidChange(); }); } return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); }, // Appends the next window of posts to the stream. Call it when scrolling downwards. appendMore() { // Make sure we can append more posts if (!this.get('canAppendMore')) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } const postIds = this.get('nextWindow'); if (Ember.isEmpty(postIds)) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } this.set('loadingBelow', true); const postsWithPlaceholders = this.get('postsWithPlaceholders'); postsWithPlaceholders.appending(postIds); return this.findPostsByIds(postIds).then(posts => { posts.forEach(p => this.appendPost(p)); return posts; }).finally(() => { postsWithPlaceholders.finishedAppending(postIds); this.set('loadingBelow', false); }); }, // Prepend the previous window of posts to the stream. Call it when scrolling upwards. prependMore() { // Make sure we can append more posts if (!this.get('canPrependMore')) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } const postIds = this.get('previousWindow'); if (Ember.isEmpty(postIds)) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } this.set('loadingAbove', true); return this.findPostsByIds(postIds.reverse()).then(posts => { posts.forEach(p => this.prependPost(p)); }).finally(() => { const postsWithPlaceholders = this.get('postsWithPlaceholders'); postsWithPlaceholders.finishedPrepending(postIds); this.set('loadingAbove', false); }); }, /** Stage a post for insertion in the stream. It should be rendered right away under the assumption that the post will succeed. We can then `commitPost` when it succeeds or `undoPost` when it fails. **/ stagePost(post, user) { // We can't stage two posts simultaneously if (this.get('stagingPost')) { return "alreadyStaging"; } this.set('stagingPost', true); const topic = this.get('topic'); topic.setProperties({ posts_count: (topic.get('posts_count') || 0) + 1, last_posted_at: new Date(), 'details.last_poster': user, highest_post_number: (topic.get('highest_post_number') || 0) + 1 }); post.setProperties({ post_number: topic.get('highest_post_number'), topic: topic, created_at: new Date(), id: -1 }); // If we're at the end of the stream, add the post if (this.get('loadedAllPosts')) { this.appendPost(post); this.get('stream').addObject(post.get('id')); return "staged"; } return "offScreen"; }, // Commit the post we staged. Call this after a save succeeds. commitPost(post) { if (this.get('') === post.get('topic_id')) { if (this.get('loadedAllPosts')) { this.appendPost(post); this.get('stream').addObject(post.get('id')); } } this.get('stream').removeObject(-1); this._identityMap[-1] = null; this.set('stagingPost', false); }, /** Undo a post we've staged in the stream. Remove it from being rendered and revert the state we changed. **/ undoPost(post) { this.get('stream').removeObject(-1); this.get('postsWithPlaceholders').removePost(() => this.posts.removeObject(post)); this._identityMap[-1] = null; const topic = this.get('topic'); this.set('stagingPost', false); topic.setProperties({ highest_post_number: (topic.get('highest_post_number') || 0) - 1, posts_count: (topic.get('posts_count') || 0) - 1 }); // TODO unfudge reply count on parent post }, prependPost(post) { const stored = this.storePost(post); if (stored) { const posts = this.get('posts'); calcDayDiff(posts.get('firstObject'), stored); posts.unshiftObject(stored); } return post; }, appendPost(post) { const stored = this.storePost(post); if (stored) { const posts = this.get('posts'); calcDayDiff(stored, this.get('lastAppended')); if (!posts.contains(stored)) { if (!this.get('loadingBelow')) { this.get('postsWithPlaceholders').appendPost(() => posts.pushObject(stored)); } else { posts.pushObject(stored); } } if (stored.get('id') !== -1) { this.set('lastAppended', stored); } } return post; }, removePosts(posts) { if (Ember.isEmpty(posts)) { return; } const postIds = => p.get('id')); const identityMap = this._identityMap; this.get('stream').removeObjects(postIds); this.get('posts').removeObjects(posts); postIds.forEach(id => delete identityMap[id]); }, // Returns a post from the identity map if it's been inserted. findLoadedPost(id) { return this._identityMap[id]; }, loadPost(postId){ const url = "/posts/" + postId; const store =; return Discourse.ajax(url).then(p => this.storePost(store.createRecord('post', p))); }, /** Finds and adds a post to the stream by id. Typically this would happen if we receive a message from the message bus indicating there's a new post. We'll only insert it if we currently have no filters. **/ triggerNewPostInStream(postId) { if (!postId) { return; } // We only trigger if there are no filters active if (!this.get('hasNoFilters')) { return; } const loadedAllPosts = this.get('loadedAllPosts'); if (this.get('stream').indexOf(postId) === -1) { this.get('stream').addObject(postId); if (loadedAllPosts) { this.set('loadingLastPost', true); this.findPostsByIds([postId]).then(posts => { posts.forEach(p => this.appendPost(p)); }).finally(() => { this.set('loadingLastPost', false); }); } } }, triggerRecoveredPost(postId) { const existing = this._identityMap[postId]; if (existing) { this.triggerChangedPost(postId, new Date()); } else { // need to insert into stream const url = "/posts/" + postId; const store =; Discourse.ajax(url).then(p => { const post = store.createRecord('post', p); const stream = this.get("stream"); const posts = this.get("posts"); this.storePost(post); // we need to zip this into the stream let index = 0; stream.forEach(pid => { if (pid < { index+= 1; } }); stream.insertAt(index,; index = 0; posts.forEach(_post => { if ( < { index+= 1; } }); if (index < posts.length) { posts.insertAt(index, post); } else { if (post.post_number < posts[posts.length-1].post_number + 5) { this.appendMore(); } } }); } }, triggerDeletedPost(postId){ const existing = this._identityMap[postId]; if (existing) { const url = "/posts/" + postId; const store =; Discourse.ajax(url).then(p => { this.storePost(store.createRecord('post', p)); }).catch(() => { this.removePosts([existing]); }); } }, triggerChangedPost(postId, updatedAt) { if (!postId) { return; } const existing = this._identityMap[postId]; if (existing && existing.updated_at !== updatedAt) { const url = "/posts/" + postId; const store =; Discourse.ajax(url).then(p => this.storePost(store.createRecord('post', p))); } }, // Returns the "thread" of posts in the history of a post. findReplyHistory(post) { const url = `/posts/${post.get('id')}/reply-history.json?max_replies=${Discourse.SiteSettings.max_reply_history}`; const store =; return Discourse.ajax(url).then(result => { return => this.storePost(store.createRecord('post', p))); }).then(replyHistory => { post.set('replyHistory', replyHistory); }); }, /** Returns the closest post given a postNumber that may not exist in the stream. For example, if the user asks for a post that's deleted or otherwise outside the range. This allows us to set the progress bar with the correct number. **/ closestPostForPostNumber(postNumber) { if (!this.get('hasPosts')) { return; } let closest = null; this.get('posts').forEach(p => { if (!closest) { closest = p; return; } if (Math.abs(postNumber - p.get('post_number')) < Math.abs(closest.get('post_number') - postNumber)) { closest = p; } }); return closest; }, // Get the index of a post in the stream. (Use this for the topic progress bar.) progressIndexOfPost(post) { return this.progressIndexOfPostId(post.get('id')); }, // Get the index in the stream of a post id. (Use this for the topic progress bar.) progressIndexOfPostId(postId) { return this.get('stream').indexOf(postId) + 1; }, /** Returns the closest post number given a postNumber that may not exist in the stream. For example, if the user asks for a post that's deleted or otherwise outside the range. This allows us to set the progress bar with the correct number. **/ closestPostNumberFor(postNumber) { if (!this.get('hasPosts')) { return; } let closest = null; this.get('posts').forEach(p => { if (closest === postNumber) { return; } if (!closest) { closest = p.get('post_number'); } if (Math.abs(postNumber - p.get('post_number')) < Math.abs(closest - postNumber)) { closest = p.get('post_number'); } }); return closest; }, // Find a postId for a postNumber, respecting gaps findPostIdForPostNumber(postNumber) { const stream = this.get('stream'), beforeLookup = this.get('gaps.before'), streamLength = stream.length; let sum = 1; for (let i=0; i posts.clear()); this.set('gaps', null); if (postStreamData) { // Load posts if present const store =; postStreamData.posts.forEach(p => this.appendPost(store.createRecord('post', p))); delete postStreamData.posts; // Update our attributes this.setProperties(postStreamData); } }, /** Stores a post in our identity map, and sets up the references it needs to find associated objects like the topic. It might return a different reference than you supplied if the post has already been loaded. **/ storePost(post) { // Calling `Ember.get(undefined)` raises an error if (!post) { return; } const postId = Ember.get(post, 'id'); if (postId) { const existing = this._identityMap[post.get('id')]; // Update the `highest_post_number` if this post is higher. const postNumber = post.get('post_number'); if (postNumber && postNumber > (this.get('topic.highest_post_number') || 0)) { this.set('topic.highest_post_number', postNumber); } if (existing) { // If the post is in the identity map, update it and return the old reference. existing.updateFromPost(post); return existing; } post.set('topic', this.get('topic')); this._identityMap[post.get('id')] = post; } return post; }, findPostsByIds(postIds) { const identityMap = this._identityMap; const unloaded = postIds.filter(p => !identityMap[p]); // Load our unloaded posts by id return this.loadIntoIdentityMap(unloaded).then(() => { return => identityMap[p]).compact(); }); }, loadIntoIdentityMap(postIds) { if (Ember.isEmpty(postIds)) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve([]); } const url = "/t/" + this.get('') + "/posts.json"; const data = { post_ids: postIds }; const store =; return Discourse.ajax(url, {data}).then(result => { const posts = Ember.get(result, "post_stream.posts"); if (posts) { posts.forEach(p => this.storePost(store.createRecord('post', p))); } }); }, indexOf(post) { return this.get('stream').indexOf(post.get('id')); }, // Handles an error loading a topic based on a HTTP status code. Updates // the text to the correct values. errorLoading(result) { const status = result.jqXHR.status; const topic = this.get('topic'); this.set('loadingFilter', false); topic.set('errorLoading', true); // If the result was 404 the post is not found // If it was 410 the post is deleted and the user should not see it if (status === 404 || status === 410) { topic.set('notFoundHtml', result.jqXHR.responseText); return; } // If the result is 403 it means invalid access if (status === 403) { topic.set('noRetry', true); if (Discourse.User.current()) { topic.set('message', I18n.t('topic.invalid_access.description')); } else { topic.set('message', I18n.t('topic.invalid_access.login_required')); } return; } // Otherwise supply a generic error message topic.set('message', I18n.t('topic.server_error.description')); } });