import Component from "@glimmer/component"; import didInsert from "@ember/render-modifiers/modifiers/did-insert"; import willDestroy from "@ember/render-modifiers/modifiers/will-destroy"; import { bind } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; const MAX_PARTICLES = 150; const SIZE = 144; const COLORS = [ "--tertiary", "--quaternary", "--tertiary-medium", "--quaternary-low", ]; class Particle { constructor(width, height) { this.reset(width, height); } reset(width, height) { this.y = Math.random() * (height + SIZE) - SIZE; this.origX = Math.random() * (width + SIZE); this.speed = 0.5 + Math.random(); this.ang = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI; this.scale = Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.2; this.radius = Math.random() * 25 + 25; const colorVar = COLORS[Math.floor(Math.random() * COLORS.length)]; this.color = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue(colorVar); this.flipped = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1; } move(width, height) { this.y += this.speed; if (this.y > height + SIZE) { this.reset(width, height); // start at the top this.y = -SIZE; } this.ang += this.speed / 30.0; if (this.ang > 2 * Math.PI) { this.ang = 0; } this.x = this.origX + this.radius * Math.sin(this.ang); } } export default class WizardCanvasComponent extends Component { canvas = null; particles = null; get ready() { return this.canvas !== null; } get ctx() { return this.canvas.getContext("2d"); } @bind setup(canvas) { this.canvas = canvas; this.resized(); let { width, height } = canvas; this.particles = []; for (let i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++) { this.particles.push(new Particle(width, height)); } this.paint(width, height); window.addEventListener("resize", this.resized); } @bind teardown() { this.canvas = null; window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resized); } @bind resized() { this.canvas.width = window.innerWidth; this.canvas.height = window.innerHeight; } @bind paint() { if (!this.ready) { return; } let { ctx } = this; let { width, height } = this.canvas; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); for (let particle of this.particles) { particle.move(width, height); this.drawParticle(ctx, particle); } window.requestAnimationFrame(this.paint); } drawParticle(c, p) {; c.translate(p.x - SIZE, p.y - SIZE); c.scale(p.scale * p.flipped, p.scale); c.fillStyle = p.color; c.strokeStyle = p.color; c.globalAlpha = "1.0"; c.lineWidth = "1"; c.lineCap = "butt"; c.lineJoin = "round"; c.mitterLimit = "1"; c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(97.9, 194.9); c.lineTo(103.5, 162.9); c.bezierCurveTo(88.7, 152, 84.2, 139.7, 90.2, 126.3); c.bezierCurveTo(99.5, 105.6, 124.6, 89.6, 159.7, 100.4); c.lineTo(159.7, 100.4); c.bezierCurveTo(175.9, 105.4, 186.4, 111.2, 192.6, 118.5); c.bezierCurveTo(200, 127.2, 201.6, 138.4, 197.5, 152.7); c.bezierCurveTo(194, 165, 187.4, 173.6, 177.9, 178.3); c.bezierCurveTo(165.6, 184.4, 148.4, 183.7, 129.4, 176.3); c.bezierCurveTo(127.7, 175.6, 126, 174.9, 124.4, 174.2); c.lineTo(97.9, 194.9); c.closePath(); c.moveTo(138, 99.3); c.bezierCurveTo(115.4, 99.3, 99.3, 111.9, 92.4, 127.3); c.bezierCurveTo(86.8, 139.7, 91.2, 151.2, 105.5, 161.5); c.lineTo(106.1, 161.9); c.lineTo(101.2, 189.4); c.lineTo(124, 171.7); c.lineTo(124.6, 172); c.bezierCurveTo(126.4, 172.8, 128.3, 173.6, 130.2, 174.3); c.bezierCurveTo(148.6, 181.4, 165.1, 182.2, 176.8, 176.4); c.bezierCurveTo(185.7, 172, 191.9, 163.9, 195.2, 152.2); c.bezierCurveTo(202.4, 127.2, 191.9, 112.8, 159, 102.7); c.lineTo(159, 102.7); c.bezierCurveTo(151.6, 100.3, 144.5, 99.3, 138, 99.3); c.closePath(); c.fill(); c.stroke(); c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(115.7, 136.2); c.bezierCurveTo(115.7, 137.9, 115, 139.3, 113.3, 139.3); c.bezierCurveTo(111.6, 139.3, 110.2, 137.9, 110.2, 136.2); c.bezierCurveTo(110.2, 134.5, 111.6, 133.1, 113.3, 133.1); c.bezierCurveTo(115, 133, 115.7, 134.4, 115.7, 136.2); c.closePath(); c.fill(); c.stroke(); c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(145.8, 141.6); c.bezierCurveTo(145.8, 143.3, 144.4, 144.1, 142.7, 144.1); c.bezierCurveTo(141, 144.1, 139.6, 143.4, 139.6, 141.6); c.bezierCurveTo(139.6, 141.6, 141, 138.5, 142.7, 138.5); c.bezierCurveTo(144.4, 138.5, 145.8, 139.9, 145.8, 141.6); c.closePath(); c.fill(); c.stroke(); c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(171.6, 146.8); c.bezierCurveTo(171.6, 148.5, 171, 149.9, 169.2, 149.9); c.bezierCurveTo(167.5, 149.9, 166.1, 148.5, 166.1, 146.8); c.bezierCurveTo(166.1, 145.1, 167.5, 143.7, 169.2, 143.7); c.bezierCurveTo(171, 143.6, 171.6, 145, 171.6, 146.8); c.closePath(); c.fill(); c.stroke(); c.restore(); } }