import { renderIcon } from "discourse/lib/icon-library"; import { i18n } from "discourse-i18n"; import DateWithZoneHelper from "./date-with-zone-helper"; const DATETIME_FORMAT = "LLL"; const DATE_FORMAT = "LL"; const FULL_DATETIME_FORMAT = "LLLL"; const TIME_FORMAT = "h:mm A"; const DAY_OF_THE_WEEK_FORMAT = "dddd"; const RANGE_SEPARATOR = "→"; const TIME_ICON = "clock"; const SHORT_FORMAT_DAYS_PERIOD = 1; export default class LocalDateBuilder { constructor(params = {}, localTimezone) { this.time = params.time; =; this.recurring = params.recurring; this.sameLocalDayAsFrom = params.sameLocalDayAsFrom; this.timezones = Array.from( new Set((params.timezones || []).filter(Boolean)) ); this.timezone = params.timezone || "UTC"; this.calendar = typeof params.calendar === "undefined" ? true : params.calendar; this.displayedTimezone = params.displayedTimezone; this.format = params.format || (this.time ? DATETIME_FORMAT : DATE_FORMAT); this.countdown = params.countdown; this.duration = params.duration; this.localTimezone = localTimezone; } build() { const [year, month, day] ="-").map((x) => parseInt(x, 10)); const [hour, minute, second] = (this.time || "") .split(":") .map((x) => (x ? parseInt(x, 10) : undefined)); let displayedTimezone; if (this.time) { displayedTimezone = this.displayedTimezone || this.localTimezone; } else { displayedTimezone = this.displayedTimezone || this.timezone || this.localTimezone; } let localDate = new DateWithZoneHelper({ year, month: month ? month - 1 : null, day, hour, minute, second, timezone: this.timezone, localTimezone: this.localTimezone, }); if (this.recurring && moment().isAfter(localDate.datetime)) { const type = this.recurring.split(".")[1]; const repetitionsForType = localDate.unitRepetitionsBetweenDates( this.recurring, ); localDate = localDate.add(repetitionsForType, type); } const previews = this._generatePreviews(localDate, displayedTimezone); const hasTime = hour !== undefined; return { pastEvent: !this.recurring &&, formatted: this._applyFormatting(localDate, displayedTimezone, hasTime), previews, textPreview: this._generateTextPreviews(previews), }; } _generateTextPreviews(previews) { return previews .map((preview) => { const formattedZone = this._zoneWithoutPrefix(preview.timezone); return `${formattedZone} ${preview.formatted}`; }) .join(", "); } _generatePreviews(localDate, displayedTimezone) { const previewedTimezones = []; const timezones = this.timezones.filter( (timezone) => !this._isEqualZones(timezone, this.localTimezone) ); previewedTimezones.push({ timezone: this._zoneWithoutPrefix(this.localTimezone), current: true, formatted: this._createDateTimeRange( DateWithZoneHelper.fromDatetime( localDate.datetime, localDate.timezone, this.localTimezone ), this.time, this.duration ), }); if ( this.timezone && displayedTimezone === this.localTimezone && this.timezone !== displayedTimezone && !this._isEqualZones(displayedTimezone, this.timezone) && !this.timezones.any((t) => this._isEqualZones(t, this.timezone)) ) { timezones.unshift(this.timezone); } timezones.forEach((timezone) => { if (this._isEqualZones(timezone, displayedTimezone)) { return; } if (this._isEqualZones(timezone, this.localTimezone)) { timezone = this.localTimezone; } previewedTimezones.push({ timezone: this._zoneWithoutPrefix(timezone), formatted: this._createDateTimeRange( DateWithZoneHelper.fromDatetime( localDate.datetime, localDate.timezone, timezone ), this.time, this.duration ), }); }); return previewedTimezones.uniqBy("timezone"); } _isEqualZones(timezoneA, timezoneB) { if ((timezoneA || timezoneB) && (!timezoneA || !timezoneB)) { return false; } if (timezoneA.includes(timezoneB) || timezoneB.includes(timezoneA)) { return true; } return ( === ); } _createDateTimeRange(startRange, time, duration) { const [startDate, endDate] = this._calculateDatesForRange( startRange, time, duration ); let formatElements = [ startDate.format(`${DAY_OF_THE_WEEK_FORMAT}, ${DATE_FORMAT}`), this._optionalTimeIcon(startDate, endDate), startDate.format(TIME_FORMAT), ]; if (endDate) { formatElements = formatElements.concat([ RANGE_SEPARATOR, endDate.format(this._endDateFormat(startDate, endDate)), ]); } return formatElements.filter(Boolean).join(" "); } _shortFormat(startDate, endDate) { return ( endDate.datetime.diff(startDate.datetime, "days") < SHORT_FORMAT_DAYS_PERIOD ); } _optionalTimeIcon(startDate, endDate) { if (!endDate || this._shortFormat(startDate, endDate)) { return `
${renderIcon("string", TIME_ICON)}`; } } _endDateFormat(startDate, endDate) { return this._shortFormat(startDate, endDate) ? TIME_FORMAT : FULL_DATETIME_FORMAT; } _calculateDatesForRange(date, time, duration) { // if a time has been given we do not attempt to automatically create a range // instead we show only one date with a format showing the time if (time && !duration) { return [date]; } const dates = [ date, duration ? date.add(duration, "minutes") : date.add(24, "hours"), ]; return duration < 0 ? dates.reverse() : dates; } _applyFormatting(localDate, displayedTimezone, hasTime) { if (this.countdown) { const diffTime =; if (diffTime < 0) { return moment.duration(diffTime).humanize(); } else { return i18n("discourse_local_dates.relative_dates.countdown.passed"); } } const sameTimezone = this._isEqualZones( displayedTimezone, this.localTimezone ); if (this.calendar) { const inCalendarRange = moment .tz(this.localTimezone) .isBetween( localDate.subtract(2, "day").datetime, localDate.add(1, "day").datetime.endOf("day") ); if (this.sameLocalDayAsFrom) { return this._timeOnlyFormat(localDate, displayedTimezone); } if (inCalendarRange && sameTimezone) { const date = localDate.datetimeWithZone(this.localTimezone); if (hasTime && date.hours() === 0 && date.minutes() === 0) { return date.format("dddd"); } return date.calendar(, this._calendarFormats(this.time ? this.time : null) ); } } if (!sameTimezone) { return this._formatWithZone(localDate, displayedTimezone, this.format); } return localDate.format(this.format); } _calendarFormats(time) { return { sameDay: this._translateCalendarKey(time, "today"), nextDay: this._translateCalendarKey(time, "tomorrow"), lastDay: this._translateCalendarKey(time, "yesterday"), sameElse: "L", }; } _translateCalendarKey(time, key) { const translated = i18n(`discourse_local_dates.relative_dates.${key}`, { time: "LT", }); if (time) { return translated .split("LT") .map((w) => `[${w}]`) .join("LT"); } else { return `[${translated.replace(" LT", "")}]`; } } _formatTimezone(timezone) { return timezone.replace("_", " ").replace("Etc/", "").split("/"); } _zoneWithoutPrefix(timezone) { const [part1, part2] = this._formatTimezone(timezone); return part2 || part1; } _formatWithZone(localDate, displayedTimezone, format) { let formatted = localDate .datetimeWithZone(displayedTimezone) .format(format); return `${formatted} (${this._zoneWithoutPrefix(displayedTimezone)})`; } _timeOnlyFormat(localTime, displayedTimezone) { return this._formatWithZone(localTime, displayedTimezone, "LT"); } }