# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Onebox::Engine::GithubCommitOnebox do describe "regular commit url" do before do stub_request( :get, "https://api.github.com/repos/discourse/discourse/commits/803d023e2307309f8b776ab3b8b7e38ba91c0919", ).to_return(status: 200, body: onebox_response("githubcommit")) end include_context "with engines" do let(:link) do "https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/803d023e2307309f8b776ab3b8b7e38ba91c0919" end end it_behaves_like "an engine" describe "#to_html" do it "includes repository name" do expect(html).to include("discourse/discourse") end it "includes commit sha" do expect(html).to include("803d023e2307309f8b776ab3b8b7e38ba91c0919") end it "includes commit author gravatar" do expect(html).to include("2F7d3010c11d08cf990b7614d2c2ca9098.png") end it "includes commit message" do expect(html).to include("Fixed GitHub auth") end it "includes commit author" do expect(html).to include("SamSaffron") end it "includes commit time and date" do expect(html).to include("02:16AM - 02 Aug 13 UTC") end it "includes number of files changed" do expect(html).to include("1 file") end it "includes number of additions" do expect(html).to include("18 additions") end it "includes number of deletions" do expect(html).to include("2 deletions") end end context "when github_onebox_access_token is configured" do before { SiteSetting.github_onebox_access_tokens = "discourse|github_pat_1234" } it "sends it as part of the request" do html expect(WebMock).to have_requested( :get, "https://api.github.com/repos/discourse/discourse/commits/803d023e2307309f8b776ab3b8b7e38ba91c0919", ).with(headers: { "Authorization" => "Bearer github_pat_1234" }) end end end describe "PR with commit URL" do before do stub_request( :get, "https://api.github.com/repos/discourse/discourse/commits/803d023e2307309f8b776ab3b8b7e38ba91c0919", ).to_return(status: 200, body: onebox_response("githubcommit")) end include_context "with engines" do let(:link) do "https://github.com/discourse/discourse/pull/4662/commit/803d023e2307309f8b776ab3b8b7e38ba91c0919" end end # TODO: fix test to make sure it's not failing when matching object # it_behaves_like "an engine" describe "#to_html" do it "includes repository name" do expect(html).to include("discourse/discourse") end it "includes commit sha" do expect(html).to include("803d023e2307309f8b776ab3b8b7e38ba91c0919") end it "includes commit author gravatar" do expect(html).to include("2F7d3010c11d08cf990b7614d2c2ca9098.png") end it "includes commit message" do expect(html).to include("Fixed GitHub auth") end it "includes commit author" do expect(html).to include("SamSaffron") end it "includes commit time and date" do expect(html).to include("02:16AM - 02 Aug 13 UTC") end it "includes number of files changed" do expect(html).to include("1 file") end it "includes number of additions" do expect(html).to include("18 additions") end it "includes number of deletions" do expect(html).to include("2 deletions") end end context "when github_onebox_access_token is configured" do before { SiteSetting.github_onebox_access_tokens = "discourse|github_pat_1234" } it "sends it as part of the request" do html expect(WebMock).to have_requested( :get, "https://api.github.com/repos/discourse/discourse/commits/803d023e2307309f8b776ab3b8b7e38ba91c0919", ).with(headers: { "Authorization" => "Bearer github_pat_1234" }) end end end describe ".matches_regexp" do it "matches valid GitHub commit URL" do valid_url = URI("https://github.com/owner/repo/commit/9a9b9c9d9e9f9a9b9c9d9e9f9a9b9c9d9e9f9a9b") expect(described_class === valid_url).to eq(true) end it "does not match URL with subdomain" do subdomain_url = URI( "https://subdomain.github.com/owner/repo/commit/9a9b9c9d9e9f9g9h9i9j9k9l9m9n9o9p9q9r9s9t", ) expect(described_class === subdomain_url).to eq(false) end it "does not match URL with additional domain" do malicious_url = URI( "https://github.com.malicious.com/owner/repo/commit/9a9b9c9d9e9f9g9h9i9j9k9l9m9n9o9p9q9r9s9t", ) expect(described_class === malicious_url).to eq(false) end it "does not match URL with invalid path" do invalid_path_url = URI("https://github.com/owner/repo/branches/9a9b9c9d9e9f9g9h9i9j9k9l9m9n9o9p9q9r9s9t") expect(described_class === invalid_path_url).to eq(false) end it "does not match URL with invalid commit hash" do invalid_hash_url = URI("https://github.com/owner/repo/commit/invalidhash") expect(described_class === invalid_hash_url).to eq(false) end end end