import selectKit from "helpers/select-kit-helper"; import componentTest from "helpers/component-test"; moduleForComponent("group-list", { integration: true }); componentTest("default", { template: "{{site-setting setting=setting}}", beforeEach() { = [ { id: 1, name: "Donuts" }, { id: 2, name: "Cheese cake" } ]; this.set( "setting", Ember.Object.create({ allowsNone: undefined, category: "foo", default: "", description: "Choose groups", overridden: false, placeholder: null, preview: null, secret: false, setting: "foo_bar", type: "group_list", validValues: undefined, value: "Donuts" }) ); }, async test(assert) { const subject = selectKit(".list-setting"); assert.equal( subject.header().value(), "Donuts", "it selects the setting's value" ); await subject.expand(); await subject.selectRowByValue("Cheese cake"); assert.equal( subject.header().value(), "Donuts,Cheese cake", "it allows to select a setting from the list of choices" ); } });