import { default as computed, observes } from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators'; import InputValidation from 'discourse/models/input-validation'; import { load, lookupCache } from 'pretty-text/oneboxer'; import { ajax } from 'discourse/lib/ajax'; export default Ember.Component.extend({ classNames: ['title-input'], watchForLink: Ember.computed.alias('composer.canEditTopicFeaturedLink'), didInsertElement() { this._super(); if (this.get('focusTarget') === 'title') { this.$('input').putCursorAtEnd(); } }, @computed('composer.titleLength', 'composer.missingTitleCharacters', 'composer.minimumTitleLength', 'lastValidatedAt') validation(titleLength, missingTitleChars, minimumTitleLength, lastValidatedAt) { let reason; if (titleLength < 1) { reason = I18n.t('composer.error.title_missing'); } else if (missingTitleChars > 0) { reason = I18n.t('composer.error.title_too_short', {min: minimumTitleLength}); } else if (titleLength > this.siteSettings.max_topic_title_length) { reason = I18n.t('composer.error.title_too_long', {max: this.siteSettings.max_topic_title_length}); } if (reason) { return InputValidation.create({ failed: true, reason, lastShownAt: lastValidatedAt }); } }, @observes('composer.titleLength') _titleChanged() { if (this.get('composer.titleLength') === 0) { this.set('autoPosted', false); } if (this.get('autoPosted') || !this.get('watchForLink')) { return; } if (Ember.testing) { this._checkForUrl(); } else {, this._checkForUrl, 500); } }, @observes('composer.replyLength') _clearFeaturedLink() { if (this.get('watchForLink') && this.get('composer.replyLength') === 0) { this.set('composer.featuredLink', null); } }, _checkForUrl() { if (this.get('isAbsoluteUrl') && (this.get('composer.reply')||"").length === 0) { // Try to onebox. If success, update post body and title. this.set('composer.loading', true); const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = this.get('composer.title'); let loadOnebox = load(link, false, ajax); if (loadOnebox && loadOnebox.then) { loadOnebox.then( () => { this._updatePost(lookupCache(this.get('composer.title'))); }).finally(() => { this.set('composer.loading', false); }); } else { this._updatePost(loadOnebox); this.set('composer.loading', false); } } }, _updatePost(html) { if (html) { this.set('autoPosted', true); this.set('composer.featuredLink', this.get('composer.title')); const $h = $(html), header = $h.find('h4').length > 0 ? $h.find('h4') : $h.find('h3'); this.set('composer.reply', this.get('composer.title')); if (header.length > 0 && header.text().length > 0) { this.set('composer.title', header.text().trim()); } else { const filename = (this.get('composer.featuredLink')||"").split("/").pop(); if (filename && filename.length > 0) { this.set('composer.title', filename.trim()); } } } }, @computed('composer.title') isAbsoluteUrl() { return this.get('composer.titleLength') > 0 && /^(https?:)?\/\/[\w\.\-]+/i.test(this.get('composer.title')); } });