import componentTest from 'helpers/component-test'; moduleForComponent('value-list', {integration: true}); componentTest('functionality', { template: '{{value-list value=values}}', test: function(assert) { andThen(() => { assert.ok(this.$('.values .value').length === 0, 'it has no values'); assert.ok(this.$('input').length, 'it renders the input'); assert.ok(this.$('.btn-primary[disabled]').length, 'it is disabled with no value'); }); fillIn('input', 'eviltrout'); andThen(() => { assert.ok(!this.$('.btn-primary[disabled]').length, "it isn't disabled anymore"); }); click('.btn-primary'); andThen(() => { assert.ok(this.$('.values .value').length === 1, 'it adds the value'); assert.ok(this.$('input').val() === '', 'it clears the input'); assert.ok(this.$('.btn-primary[disabled]').length, "it is disabled again"); }); click('.value .btn-small'); andThen(() => { assert.ok(this.$('.values .value').length === 0, 'it removes the value'); }); } });