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A data model representing a Topic
@class Topic
@extends Discourse.Model
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.Topic = Discourse.Model.extend({
postStream: function() {
return Discourse.PostStream.create({topic: this});
details: function() {
return Discourse.TopicDetails.create({topic: this});
invisible: Em.computed.not('visible'),
deleted: Em.computed.notEmpty('deleted_at'),
canConvertToRegular: function() {
var a = this.get('archetype');
return a !== 'regular' && a !== 'private_message';
convertArchetype: function(archetype) {
var a = this.get('archetype');
if (a !== 'regular' && a !== 'private_message') {
this.set('archetype', 'regular');
return Discourse.ajax(this.get('url'), {
type: 'PUT',
data: {archetype: 'regular'}
searchContext: function() {
return ({ type: 'topic', id: this.get('id') });
category: function() {
var categoryId = this.get('category_id');
if (categoryId) {
return Discourse.Category.list().findProperty('id', categoryId);
var categoryName = this.get('categoryName');
if (categoryName) {
return Discourse.Category.list().findProperty('name', categoryName);
return null;
}.property('category_id', 'categoryName'),
shareUrl: function(){
var user = Discourse.User.current();
return this.get('url') + (user ? '?u=' + user.get('username_lower') : '');
url: function() {
var slug = this.get('slug');
if (slug.trim().length === 0) {
slug = "topic";
return Discourse.getURL("/t/") + slug + "/" + (this.get('id'));
}.property('id', 'slug'),
// Helper to build a Url with a post number
urlForPostNumber: function(postNumber) {
var url = this.get('url');
if (postNumber && (postNumber > 1)) {
url += "/" + postNumber;
return url;
lastReadUrl: function() {
return this.urlForPostNumber(this.get('last_read_post_number'));
}.property('url', 'last_read_post_number'),
lastUnreadUrl: function() {
var postNumber = Math.min(this.get('last_read_post_number') + 1, this.get('highest_post_number'));
return this.urlForPostNumber(postNumber);
}.property('url', 'last_read_post_number', 'highest_post_number'),
lastPostUrl: function() {
return this.urlForPostNumber(this.get('highest_post_number'));
}.property('url', 'highest_post_number'),
// The amount of new posts to display. It might be different than what the server
// tells us if we are still asynchronously flushing our "recently read" data.
// So take what the browser has seen into consideration.
displayNewPosts: function() {
var delta, result;
var highestSeen = Discourse.Session.currentProp('highestSeenByTopic')[this.get('id')];
if (highestSeen) {
delta = highestSeen - this.get('last_read_post_number');
if (delta > 0) {
result = this.get('new_posts') - delta;
if (result < 0) {
result = 0;
return result;
return this.get('new_posts');
}.property('new_posts', 'id'),
// The coldmap class for the age of the topic
ageCold: function() {
var createdAt, createdAtDays, daysSinceEpoch, lastPost, nowDays;
if (!(lastPost = this.get('last_posted_at'))) return;
if (!(createdAt = this.get('created_at'))) return;
daysSinceEpoch = function(dt) {
// 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 = days since epoch
return dt.getTime() / 86400000;
// Show heat on age
nowDays = daysSinceEpoch(new Date());
createdAtDays = daysSinceEpoch(new Date(createdAt));
if (daysSinceEpoch(new Date(lastPost)) > nowDays - 90) {
if (createdAtDays < nowDays - 60) return 'coldmap-high';
if (createdAtDays < nowDays - 30) return 'coldmap-med';
if (createdAtDays < nowDays - 14) return 'coldmap-low';
return null;
}.property('age', 'created_at'),
viewsHeat: function() {
var v = this.get('views');
if( v >= Discourse.SiteSettings.topic_views_heat_high ) return 'heatmap-high';
if( v >= Discourse.SiteSettings.topic_views_heat_medium ) return 'heatmap-med';
if( v >= Discourse.SiteSettings.topic_views_heat_low ) return 'heatmap-low';
return null;
archetypeObject: function() {
return Discourse.Site.currentProp('archetypes').findProperty('id', this.get('archetype'));
isPrivateMessage: Em.computed.equal('archetype', 'private_message'),
toggleStatus: function(property) {
return Discourse.ajax(this.get('url') + "/status", {
type: 'PUT',
data: {status: property, enabled: this.get(property) ? 'true' : 'false' }
favoriteTooltipKey: function() {
return this.get('starred') ? 'favorite.help.unstar' : 'favorite.help.star';
favoriteTooltip: function() {
return I18n.t(this.get('favoriteTooltipKey'));
toggleStar: function() {
var topic = this;
return Discourse.ajax({
url: "" + (this.get('url')) + "/star",
type: 'PUT',
data: { starred: topic.get('starred') ? true : false }
}).then(null, function (error) {
if (error && error.responseText) {
} else {
// Save any changes we've made to the model
save: function() {
// Don't save unless we can
if (!this.get('details.can_edit')) return;
return Discourse.ajax(this.get('url'), {
type: 'PUT',
data: { title: this.get('title'), category: this.get('category.name') }
// Reset our read data for this topic
resetRead: function() {
return Discourse.ajax("/t/" + this.get('id') + "/timings", {
type: 'DELETE'
// Invite a user to this topic
inviteUser: function(user) {
return Discourse.ajax("/t/" + this.get('id') + "/invite", {
type: 'POST',
data: { user: user }
// Delete this topic
destroy: function(deleted_by) {
deleted_at: new Date(),
deleted_by: deleted_by,
'details.can_delete': false,
'details.can_recover': true
return Discourse.ajax("/t/" + this.get('id'), { type: 'DELETE' });
// Recover this topic if deleted
recover: function(deleted_by) {
deleted_at: null,
deleted_by: null,
'details.can_delete': true,
'details.can_recover': false
return Discourse.ajax("/t/" + this.get('id') + "/recover", { type: 'PUT' });
// Update our attributes from a JSON result
updateFromJson: function(json) {
var keys = Object.keys(json);
var topic = this;
keys.forEach(function (key) {
topic.set(key, json[key]);
Clears the pin from a topic for the currently logged in user
@method clearPin
clearPin: function() {
var topic = this;
// Clear the pin optimistically from the object
topic.set('pinned', false);
Discourse.ajax("/t/" + this.get('id') + "/clear-pin", {
type: 'PUT'
}).then(null, function() {
// On error, put the pin back
topic.set('pinned', true);
// Is the reply to a post directly below it?
isReplyDirectlyBelow: function(post) {
var posts = this.get('postStream.posts');
if (!posts) return;
var postBelow = posts[posts.indexOf(post) + 1];
// If the post directly below's reply_to_post_number is our post number, it's
// considered directly below.
return postBelow && postBelow.get('reply_to_post_number') === post.get('post_number');
excerptNotEmpty: Em.computed.notEmpty('excerpt'),
hasExcerpt: Em.computed.and('pinned', 'excerptNotEmpty'),
excerptTruncated: function() {
var e = this.get('excerpt');
return( e && e.substr(e.length - 8,8) === '…' );
readLastPost: Discourse.computed.propertyEqual('last_read_post_number', 'highest_post_number'),
canCleanPin: Em.computed.and('pinned', 'readLastPost')
NotificationLevel: {
Find similar topics to a given title and body
@method findSimilar
@param {String} title The current title
@param {String} body The current body
@returns A promise that will resolve to the topics
findSimilarTo: function(title, body) {
return Discourse.ajax("/topics/similar_to", { data: {title: title, raw: body} }).then(function (results) {
return results.map(function(topic) { return Discourse.Topic.create(topic); });
// Load a topic, but accepts a set of filters
find: function(topicId, opts) {
var data, promise, url;
url = Discourse.getURL("/t/") + topicId;
if (opts.nearPost) {
url += "/" + opts.nearPost;
data = {};
if (opts.postsAfter) {
data.posts_after = opts.postsAfter;
if (opts.postsBefore) {
data.posts_before = opts.postsBefore;
if (opts.trackVisit) {
data.track_visit = true;
// Add username filters if we have them
if (opts.userFilters && opts.userFilters.length > 0) {
data.username_filters = [];
opts.userFilters.forEach(function(username) {
// Add the best of filter if we have it
if (opts.bestOf === true) {
data.best_of = true;
// Check the preload store. If not, load it via JSON
return Discourse.ajax(url + ".json", {data: data});
mergeTopic: function(topicId, destinationTopicId) {
var promise = Discourse.ajax("/t/" + topicId + "/merge-topic", {
type: 'POST',
data: {destination_topic_id: destinationTopicId}
}).then(function (result) {
if (result.success) return result;
return promise;
movePosts: function(topicId, opts) {
var promise = Discourse.ajax("/t/" + topicId + "/move-posts", {
type: 'POST',
data: opts
}).then(function (result) {
if (result.success) return result;
return promise;