2016-11-11 16:00:28 -05:00

129 lines
4.8 KiB

import { blank, present } from 'helpers/qunit-helpers';
import { mapRoutes } from 'discourse/mapping-router';
moduleFor('controller:topic', 'controller:topic', {
needs: ['controller:modal', 'controller:composer', 'controller:application'],
setup() {
this.registry.register('router:main', mapRoutes());
import Topic from 'discourse/models/topic';
import AppEvents from 'discourse/lib/app-events';
var buildTopic = function() {
return Topic.create({
title: "Qunit Test Topic",
participants: [
{id: 1234,
post_count: 4,
username: "eviltrout"}
test("editingMode", function() {
var topic = buildTopic(),
topicController = this.subject({model: topic});
ok(!topicController.get('editingTopic'), "we are not editing by default");
topicController.set('model.details.can_edit', false);
ok(!topicController.get('editingTopic'), "calling editTopic doesn't enable editing unless the user can edit");
topicController.set('model.details.can_edit', true);
ok(topicController.get('editingTopic'), "calling editTopic enables editing if the user can edit");
equal(topicController.get('buffered.title'), topic.get('title'));
equal(topicController.get('buffered.category_id'), topic.get('category_id'));
ok(!topicController.get('editingTopic'), "cancelling edit mode reverts the property value");
test("toggledSelectedPost", function() {
var tc = this.subject({ model: buildTopic() }),
post = Discourse.Post.create({id: 123, post_number: 2}),
postStream = tc.get('model.postStream');
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 124, post_number: 3}));
blank(tc.get('selectedPosts'), "there are no selected posts by default");
equal(tc.get('selectedPostsCount'), 0, "there is a selected post count of 0");
ok(!tc.postSelected(post), "the post is not selected by default");
tc.send('toggledSelectedPost', post);
present(tc.get('selectedPosts'), "there is a selectedPosts collection");
equal(tc.get('selectedPostsCount'), 1, "there is a selected post now");
ok(tc.postSelected(post), "the post is now selected");
tc.send('toggledSelectedPost', post);
ok(!tc.postSelected(post), "the post is no longer selected");
test("selectAll", function() {
var tc = this.subject({model: buildTopic(), appEvents: AppEvents.create()}),
post = Discourse.Post.create({id: 123, post_number: 2}),
postStream = tc.get('model.postStream');
ok(!tc.postSelected(post), "the post is not selected by default");
ok(tc.postSelected(post), "the post is now selected");
ok(tc.get('allPostsSelected'), "all posts are selected");
ok(!tc.postSelected(post), "the post is deselected again");
ok(!tc.get('allPostsSelected'), "all posts are not selected");
test("Automating setting of allPostsSelected", function() {
var topic = buildTopic(),
tc = this.subject({model: topic}),
post = Discourse.Post.create({id: 123, post_number: 2}),
postStream = tc.get('model.postStream');
topic.set('posts_count', 1);
ok(!tc.get('allPostsSelected'), "all posts are not selected by default");
tc.send('toggledSelectedPost', post);
ok(tc.get('allPostsSelected'), "all posts are selected if we select the only post");
tc.send('toggledSelectedPost', post);
ok(!tc.get('allPostsSelected'), "the posts are no longer automatically selected");
test("Select Replies when present", function() {
var topic = buildTopic(),
tc = this.subject({ model: topic }),
p1 = Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 1, reply_count: 1}),
p2 = Discourse.Post.create({id: 2, post_number: 2}),
p3 = Discourse.Post.create({id: 2, post_number: 3, reply_to_post_number: 1});
ok(!tc.postSelected(p3), "replies are not selected by default");
tc.send('toggledSelectedPostReplies', p1);
ok(tc.postSelected(p1), "it selects the post");
ok(!tc.postSelected(p2), "it doesn't select a post that's not a reply");
ok(tc.postSelected(p3), "it selects a post that is a reply");
equal(tc.get('selectedPostsCount'), 2, "it has a selected posts count of two");
// If we deselected the post whose replies are selected...
tc.send('toggledSelectedPost', p1);
ok(!tc.postSelected(p1), "it deselects the post");
ok(!tc.postSelected(p3), "it deselects the replies too");
// If we deselect a reply, it should deselect the parent's replies selected attribute. Weird but what else would make sense?
tc.send('toggledSelectedPostReplies', p1);
tc.send('toggledSelectedPost', p3);
ok(tc.postSelected(p1), "the post stays selected");
ok(!tc.postSelected(p3), "it deselects the replies too");