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synced 2025-03-11 02:45:21 +08:00

Over the years we accrued many spelling mistakes in the code base. This PR attempts to fix spelling mistakes and typos in all areas of the code that are extremely safe to change - comments - test descriptions - other low risk areas
131 lines
3.4 KiB
131 lines
3.4 KiB
import xss from "xss";
import escape from "discourse-common/lib/escape";
function attr(name, value) {
if (value) {
return `${name}="${xss.escapeAttrValue(value)}"`;
return name;
export { escape };
export function hrefAllowed(href, extraHrefMatchers) {
// escape single quotes
href = href.replace(/'/g, "%27");
// absolute urls
if (/^(https?:)?\/\/[\w\.\-]+/i.test(href)) {
return href;
// relative urls
if (/^\/[\w\.\-]+/i.test(href)) {
return href;
// anchors
if (/^#[\w\.\-]+/i.test(href)) {
return href;
// mailtos
if (/^mailto:[\w\.\-@]+/i.test(href)) {
return href;
if (extraHrefMatchers && extraHrefMatchers.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < extraHrefMatchers.length; i++) {
if (extraHrefMatchers[i].test(href)) {
return href;
export function sanitize(text, allowLister) {
if (!text) {
return "";
// Allow things like <3 and <_<
text = text.replace(/<([^A-Za-z\/\!]|$)/g, "<$1");
const allowList = allowLister.getAllowList(),
allowedHrefSchemes = allowLister.getAllowedHrefSchemes(),
allowedIframes = allowLister.getAllowedIframes();
let extraHrefMatchers = null;
if (allowedHrefSchemes && allowedHrefSchemes.length > 0) {
extraHrefMatchers = [
new RegExp("^(" + allowedHrefSchemes.join("|") + ")://[\\w\\.\\-]+", "i"),
if (allowedHrefSchemes.includes("tel")) {
extraHrefMatchers.push(new RegExp("^tel://\\+?[\\w\\.\\-]+", "i"));
let result = xss(text, {
whiteList: allowList.tagList,
stripIgnoreTag: true,
stripIgnoreTagBody: ["script", "table"],
onIgnoreTagAttr(tag, name, value) {
const forTag = allowList.attrList[tag];
if (forTag) {
const forAttr = forTag[name];
if (
(forAttr &&
(forAttr.indexOf("*") !== -1 || forAttr.indexOf(value) !== -1)) ||
(name.indexOf("data-") === 0 && forTag["data-*"]) ||
(tag === "a" &&
name === "href" &&
hrefAllowed(value, extraHrefMatchers)) ||
(tag === "img" &&
name === "src" &&
(/^data:image.*$/i.test(value) ||
hrefAllowed(value, extraHrefMatchers))) ||
(tag === "iframe" &&
name === "src" &&
allowedIframes.some((i) => {
return value.toLowerCase().indexOf((i || "").toLowerCase()) === 0;
) {
return attr(name, value);
if (tag === "iframe" && name === "src") {
return "-STRIP-";
if (tag === "video" && name === "autoplay") {
// This might give us duplicate 'muted' attributes
// but they will be deduped by later processing
return "autoplay muted";
// Heading ids must begin with `heading--`
if (
["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"].indexOf(tag) !== -1 &&
) {
return attr(name, value);
const custom = allowLister.getCustom();
for (let i = 0; i < custom.length; i++) {
const fn = custom[i];
if (fn(tag, name, value)) {
return attr(name, value);
return result
.replace(/\[removed\]/g, "")
.replace(/\<iframe[^>]+\-STRIP\-[^>]*>[^<]*<\/iframe>/g, "")
.replace(/&(?![#\w]+;)/g, "&")
.replace(/'/g, "'")
.replace(/ \/>/g, ">");