Sam 9a9ad9bda8 FEATURE: Badge progress
- Refactor model so it stores backfill query
- Implement autobiographer
- Remove sample badge
- Correct featured badges to only include a badge once
2014-07-03 17:29:44 +10:00

110 lines
2.7 KiB

class Badge < ActiveRecord::Base
# badge ids
Welcome = 5
NicePost = 6
GoodPost = 7
GreatPost = 8
Autobiographer = 9
# other consts
AutobiographerMinBioLength = 10
module Queries
Welcome = <<SQL
SELECT p.user_id, min(post_id) post_id, min(pa.created_at) granted_at
FROM post_actions pa
JOIN posts p on p.id = pa.post_id
JOIN topics t on t.id = p.topic_id
WHERE p.deleted_at IS NULL AND
t.deleted_at IS NULL AND
t.visible AND
post_action_type_id = 2
GROUP BY p.user_id
Autobiographer = <<SQL
SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at
FROM users u
JOIN user_profiles up on u.id = up.user_id
WHERE bio_raw IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(TRIM(bio_raw)) > #{Badge::AutobiographerMinBioLength} AND
uploaded_avatar_id IS NOT NULL
def self.like_badge(count)
# we can do better with dates, but its hard work
SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at FROM posts p
JOIN topics t on p.topic_id = t.id
WHERE p.deleted_at IS NULL AND
t.deleted_at IS NULL AND
t.visible AND
p.like_count >= #{count.to_i}
def self.trust_level(level)
# we can do better with dates, but its hard work figuring this out historically
SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u
WHERE trust_level >= #{level.to_i}
belongs_to :badge_type
has_many :user_badges, dependent: :destroy
validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true
validates :badge_type, presence: true
validates :allow_title, inclusion: [true, false]
validates :multiple_grant, inclusion: [true, false]
def self.trust_level_badge_ids
def self.like_badge_counts
@like_badge_counts ||= {
NicePost => 10,
GoodPost => 25,
GreatPost => 50
def reset_grant_count!
self.grant_count = UserBadge.where(badge_id: id).count
def single_grant?
# == Schema Information
# Table name: badges
# id :integer not null, primary key
# name :string(255) not null
# description :text
# badge_type_id :integer not null
# grant_count :integer default(0), not null
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime
# allow_title :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# multiple_grant :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# icon :string(255) default("fa-certificate")
# listable :boolean default(TRUE)
# target_posts :boolean default(FALSE)
# query :text
# Indexes
# index_badges_on_name (name) UNIQUE