Martin Brennan 628ba9d1e2
FEATURE: Promote bookmarks with reminders to core functionality (#9369)
The main thrust of this PR is to take all the conditional checks based on the `enable_bookmarks_with_reminders` away and only keep the code from the `true` path, making bookmarks with reminders the core bookmarks feature. There is also a migration to create `Bookmark` records out of `PostAction` bookmarks for a site.

### Summary

* Remove logic based on whether enable_bookmarks_with_reminders is true. This site setting is now obsolete, the old bookmark functionality is being removed. Retain the setting and set the value to `true` in a migration.
* Use the code from the rake task to create a database migration that creates bookmarks from post actions.
* Change the bookmark report to read from the new table.
* Get rid of old endpoints for bookmarks
* Link to the new bookmarks list from the user summary page
2020-04-22 13:44:19 +10:00

119 lines
3.8 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
class Bookmark < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :post
belongs_to :topic
validates :reminder_at, presence: {
message: I18n.t("bookmarks.errors.time_must_be_provided", reminder_type: I18n.t("bookmarks.reminders.at_desktop")),
if: -> { reminder_type.present? && reminder_type != Bookmark.reminder_types[:at_desktop] }
validate :unique_per_post_for_user
validate :ensure_sane_reminder_at_time
# we don't care whether the post or topic is deleted,
# they hold important information about the bookmark
def post
Post.unscoped { super }
def topic
Topic.unscoped { super }
def unique_per_post_for_user
existing_bookmark = Bookmark.find_by(user_id: user_id, post_id: post_id)
return if existing_bookmark.blank? || existing_bookmark.id == id
self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("bookmarks.errors.already_bookmarked_post"))
def ensure_sane_reminder_at_time
return if reminder_at.blank?
if reminder_at < Time.zone.now
self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("bookmarks.errors.cannot_set_past_reminder"))
if reminder_at > 10.years.from_now.utc
self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("bookmarks.errors.cannot_set_reminder_in_distant_future"))
def no_reminder?
self.reminder_at.blank? && self.reminder_type.blank?
scope :pending_reminders, ->(before_time = Time.now.utc) do
where("reminder_at IS NOT NULL AND reminder_at <= :before_time", before_time: before_time)
scope :pending_at_desktop_reminders, ->(before_time = Time.now.utc) do
where("reminder_at IS NULL AND reminder_type = :at_desktop", at_desktop: reminder_types[:at_desktop])
scope :pending_reminders_for_user, ->(user) do
pending_reminders.where(user: user)
scope :at_desktop_reminders_for_user, ->(user) do
where("reminder_type = :at_desktop AND user_id = :user_id", at_desktop: reminder_types[:at_desktop], user_id: user.id)
def self.reminder_types
@reminder_type = Enum.new(
at_desktop: 0,
later_today: 1,
next_business_day: 2,
tomorrow: 3,
next_week: 4,
next_month: 5,
custom: 6,
start_of_next_business_week: 7,
later_this_week: 8
def self.count_per_day(opts = nil)
opts ||= {}
result = where('bookmarks.created_at >= ?', opts[:start_date] || (opts[:since_days_ago] || 30).days.ago)
result = result.where('bookmarks.created_at <= ?', opts[:end_date]) if opts[:end_date]
result = result.joins(:topic).merge(Topic.in_category_and_subcategories(opts[:category_id])) if opts[:category_id]
# == Schema Information
# Table name: bookmarks
# id :bigint not null, primary key
# user_id :bigint not null
# topic_id :bigint not null
# post_id :bigint not null
# name :string
# reminder_type :integer
# reminder_at :datetime
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
# reminder_last_sent_at :datetime
# reminder_set_at :datetime
# Indexes
# index_bookmarks_on_post_id (post_id)
# index_bookmarks_on_reminder_at (reminder_at)
# index_bookmarks_on_reminder_set_at (reminder_set_at)
# index_bookmarks_on_reminder_type (reminder_type)
# index_bookmarks_on_topic_id (topic_id)
# index_bookmarks_on_user_id (user_id)
# index_bookmarks_on_user_id_and_post_id (user_id,post_id) UNIQUE
# Foreign Keys
# fk_rails_... (post_id => posts.id)
# fk_rails_... (topic_id => topics.id)
# fk_rails_... (user_id => users.id)