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synced 2025-03-09 11:55:54 +08:00

We were only supporting the main name of each HighlightJS language. So, by default, you could not use `js` or `jsx` to highlight Javascript, given they are aliases for `javascript`. This PR adds a list of aliases as a constant to core (built via a rake task), and then checks against the `highlighted_languages` site settings plus the list of aliases when processing a code block.
124 lines
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124 lines
2.9 KiB
// Update it by running `rake javascript:update_constants`
export const HLJS_ALIASES = {
bash: ["sh"],
c: ["h"],
cpp: ["cc", "c++", "h++", "hpp", "hh", "hxx", "cxx"],
csharp: ["cs", "c#"],
diff: ["patch"],
go: ["golang"],
graphql: ["gql"],
ini: ["toml"],
java: ["jsp"],
javascript: ["js", "jsx", "mjs", "cjs"],
kotlin: ["kt", "kts"],
makefile: ["mk", "mak", "make"],
xml: [
markdown: ["md", "mkdown", "mkd"],
objectivec: ["mm", "objc", "obj-c", "obj-c++", "objective-c++"],
perl: ["pl", "pm"],
plaintext: ["text", "txt"],
python: ["py", "gyp", "ipython"],
"python-repl": ["pycon"],
ruby: ["rb", "gemspec", "podspec", "thor", "irb"],
rust: ["rs"],
shell: ["console", "shellsession"],
typescript: ["ts", "tsx"],
vbnet: ["vb"],
yaml: ["yml"],
actionscript: ["as"],
angelscript: ["asc"],
apache: ["apacheconf"],
applescript: ["osascript"],
arduino: ["ino"],
armasm: ["arm"],
asciidoc: ["adoc"],
autohotkey: ["ahk"],
axapta: ["x++"],
brainfuck: ["bf"],
"c-like": [],
capnproto: ["capnp"],
clean: ["icl", "dcl"],
clojure: ["clj", "edn"],
cmake: ["cmake.in"],
coffeescript: ["coffee", "cson", "iced"],
cos: ["cls"],
crmsh: ["crm", "pcmk"],
crystal: ["cr"],
delphi: ["dpr", "dfm", "pas", "pascal"],
django: ["jinja"],
dns: ["bind", "zone"],
dockerfile: ["docker"],
dos: ["bat", "cmd"],
dust: ["dst"],
elixir: ["ex", "exs"],
erlang: ["erl"],
excel: ["xlsx", "xls"],
fortran: ["f90", "f95"],
fsharp: ["fs", "f#"],
gams: ["gms"],
gauss: ["gss"],
gcode: ["nc"],
gherkin: ["feature"],
handlebars: ["hbs", "html.hbs", "html.handlebars", "htmlbars"],
haskell: ["hs"],
haxe: ["hx"],
htmlbars: ["hbs", "html.hbs", "html.handlebars", "htmlbars"],
http: ["https"],
hy: ["hylang"],
inform7: ["i7"],
"jboss-cli": ["wildfly-cli"],
"julia-repl": ["jldoctest"],
lasso: ["ls", "lassoscript"],
latex: ["tex"],
livescript: ["ls"],
mathematica: ["mma", "wl"],
mercury: ["m", "moo"],
mipsasm: ["mips"],
moonscript: ["moon"],
nestedtext: ["nt"],
nginx: ["nginxconf"],
nimrod: ["nim"],
nix: ["nixos"],
ocaml: ["ml"],
openscad: ["scad"],
pf: ["pf.conf"],
pgsql: ["postgres", "postgresql"],
powershell: ["pwsh", "ps", "ps1"],
processing: ["pde"],
puppet: ["pp"],
purebasic: ["pb", "pbi"],
q: ["k", "kdb"],
qml: ["qt"],
reasonml: ["re"],
roboconf: ["graph", "instances"],
routeros: ["mikrotik"],
scilab: ["sci"],
smalltalk: ["st"],
sml: ["ml"],
sql_more: ["mysql", "oracle"],
stan: ["stanfuncs"],
stata: ["do", "ado"],
step21: ["p21", "step", "stp"],
stylus: ["styl"],
tcl: ["tk"],
twig: ["craftcms"],
vbscript: ["vbs"],
verilog: ["v", "sv", "svh"],
xl: ["tao"],
xquery: ["xpath", "xq"],
zephir: ["zep"],