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synced 2024-12-02 14:35:09 +08:00
Added some more specs that will be used to auto generate the api docs.
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470 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'swagger_helper'
describe 'users' do
let(:'Api-Key') { Fabricate(:api_key).key }
let(:'Api-Username') { 'system' }
path '/users.json' do
post 'Creates a user' do
tags 'Users'
consumes 'application/json'
parameter name: 'Api-Key', in: :header, type: :string, required: true
parameter name: 'Api-Username', in: :header, type: :string, required: true
parameter name: :user_body, in: :body, schema: {
type: :object,
properties: {
"name": { type: :string },
"email": { type: :string },
"password": { type: :string },
"username": { type: :string },
"active": { type: :boolean },
"approved": { type: :boolean },
"user_fields[1]": { type: :string },
required: ['name', 'email', 'password', 'username']
produces 'application/json'
response '200', 'user created' do
schema type: :object, properties: {
success: { type: :boolean },
active: { type: :boolean },
message: { type: :string },
user_id: { type: :integer },
let(:user_body) { {
name: 'user',
username: 'user1',
email: 'user1@example.com',
password: '13498428e9597cab689b468ebc0a5d33',
active: true
} }
run_test! do |response|
data = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(data['success']).to eq(true)
expect(data['active']).to eq(true)
path '/users/{username}.json' do
get 'Get a single user by username' do
tags 'Users'
consumes 'application/json'
parameter name: 'Api-Key', in: :header, type: :string, required: true
parameter name: 'Api-Username', in: :header, type: :string, required: true
parameter name: :username, in: :path, type: :string, required: true
produces 'application/json'
response '200', 'user response' do
schema type: :object, properties: {
user_badges: {
type: :array,
items: {
type: :object,
properties: {
id: { type: :integer },
granted_at: { type: :string },
created_at: { type: :string },
count: { type: :integer },
badge_id: { type: :integer },
user_id: { type: :integer },
granted_by_id: { type: :integer },
badges: {
type: :array,
items: {
type: :object,
properties: {
id: { type: :integer },
name: { type: :string },
description: { type: :string },
grant_count: { type: :integer },
allow_title: { type: :boolean },
multiple_grant: { type: :boolean },
icon: { type: :string },
image: { type: :string, nullable: true },
listable: { type: :boolean },
enabled: { type: :boolean },
badge_grouping_id: { type: :integer },
system: { type: :boolean },
slug: { type: :string },
manually_grantable: { type: :boolean },
badge_type_id: { type: :integer },
badge_types: {
type: :array,
items: {
type: :object,
properties: {
id: { type: :integer },
name: { type: :string },
sort_order: { type: :integer },
users: {
type: :array,
items: {
type: :object,
properties: {
id: { type: :integer },
username: { type: :string },
name: { type: :string, nullable: true },
avatar_template: { type: :string },
moderator: { type: :boolean },
admin: { type: :boolean },
user: {
type: :object,
properties: {
id: { type: :integer },
username: { type: :string },
name: { type: :string, nullable: true },
avatar_template: { type: :string },
email: { type: :string },
secondary_emails: {
type: :array,
items: {
unconfirmed_emails: {
type: :array,
items: {
last_posted_at: { type: :string, nullable: true },
last_seen_at: { type: :string, nullable: true },
created_at: { type: :string },
ignored: { type: :boolean },
muted: { type: :boolean },
can_ignore_user: { type: :boolean },
can_mute_user: { type: :boolean },
can_send_private_messages: { type: :boolean },
can_send_private_message_to_user: { type: :boolean },
trust_level: { type: :integer },
moderator: { type: :boolean },
admin: { type: :boolean },
title: { type: :string, nullable: true },
badge_count: { type: :integer },
custom_fields: {
type: :object,
properties: {
time_read: { type: :integer },
recent_time_read: { type: :integer },
primary_group_id: { type: :string, nullable: true },
primary_group_name: { type: :string, nullable: true },
primary_group_flair_url: { type: :string, nullable: true },
primary_group_flair_bg_color: { type: :string, nullable: true },
primary_group_flair_color: { type: :string, nullable: true },
featured_topic: { type: :string, nullable: true },
staged: { type: :boolean },
can_edit: { type: :boolean },
can_edit_username: { type: :boolean },
can_edit_email: { type: :boolean },
can_edit_name: { type: :boolean },
uploaded_avatar_id: { type: :integer, nullable: true },
has_title_badges: { type: :boolean },
pending_count: { type: :integer },
profile_view_count: { type: :integer },
second_factor_enabled: { type: :boolean },
second_factor_backup_enabled: { type: :boolean },
associated_accounts: {
type: :array,
items: {
can_upload_profile_header: { type: :boolean },
can_upload_user_card_background: { type: :boolean },
post_count: { type: :integer },
can_be_deleted: { type: :boolean },
can_delete_all_posts: { type: :boolean },
locale: { type: :string, nullable: true },
muted_category_ids: {
tpe: :array,
items: {
regular_category_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
watched_tags: {
type: :array,
items: {
watching_first_post_tags: {
type: :array,
items: {
tracked_tags: {
type: :array,
items: {
muted_tags: {
type: :array,
items: {
tracked_category_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
watched_category_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
watched_first_post_category_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
system_avatar_upload_id: { type: :string, nullable: true },
system_avatar_template: { type: :string },
gravatar_avatar_upload_id: { type: :integer },
gravatar_avatar_template: { type: :string },
muted_usernames: {
type: :array,
items: {
ignored_usernames: {
type: :array,
items: {
allowed_pm_usernames: {
type: :array,
items: {
mailing_list_posts_per_day: { type: :integer },
can_change_bio: { type: :boolean },
can_change_location: { type: :boolean },
can_change_website: { type: :boolean },
user_api_keys: { type: :string, nullable: true },
user_auth_tokens: {
type: :array,
items: {
type: :object,
properties: {
id: { type: :integer },
client_ip: { type: :string },
location: { type: :string },
browser: { type: :string },
device: { type: :string },
os: { type: :string },
icon: { type: :string },
created_at: { type: :string },
seen_at: { type: :string },
is_active: { type: :boolean },
reminders_frequency: {
type: :array,
items: {
type: :object,
properties: {
name: { type: :string },
value: { type: :integer },
featured_user_badge_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
invited_by: { type: :string, nullable: true },
groups: {
type: :array,
items: {
type: :object,
properties: {
id: { type: :integer },
automatic: { type: :boolean },
name: { type: :string },
display_name: { type: :string },
user_count: { type: :integer },
mentionable_level: { type: :integer },
messageable_level: { type: :integer },
visibility_level: { type: :integer },
automatic_membership_email_domains: { type: :string, nullable: true },
primary_group: { type: :boolean },
title: { type: :string, nullable: true },
grant_trust_level: { type: :string, nullable: true },
incoming_email: { type: :string, nullable: true },
has_messages: { type: :boolean },
flair_url: { type: :string, nullable: true },
flair_bg_color: { type: :string, nullable: true },
flair_color: { type: :string, nullable: true },
bio_raw: { type: :string, nullable: true },
bio_cooked: { type: :string, nullable: true },
bio_excerpt: { type: :string, nullable: true },
public_admission: { type: :boolean },
public_exit: { type: :boolean },
allow_membership_requests: { type: :boolean },
full_name: { type: :string, nullable: true },
default_notification_level: { type: :integer },
membership_request_template: { type: :string, nullable: true },
members_visibility_level: { type: :integer },
can_see_members: { type: :boolean },
can_admin_group: { type: :boolean },
publish_read_state: { type: :boolean },
smtp_server: { type: :string, nullable: true },
smtp_port: { type: :string, nullable: true },
smtp_ssl: { type: :string, nullable: true },
imap_server: { type: :string, nullable: true },
imap_port: { type: :string, nullable: true },
imap_ssl: { type: :string, nullable: true },
imap_mailbox_name: { type: :string },
imap_mailboxes: {
type: :array,
items: {
email_username: { type: :string, nullable: true },
email_password: { type: :string, nullable: true },
imap_last_error: { type: :string, nullable: true },
imap_old_emails: { type: :string, nullable: true },
imap_new_emails: { type: :string, nullable: true },
watching_category_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
tracking_category_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
watching_first_post_category_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
regular_category_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
muted_category_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
watching_tags: {
type: :array,
items: {
watching_first_post_tags: {
type: :array,
items: {
tracking_tags: {
type: :array,
items: {
regular_tags: {
type: :array,
items: {
muted_tags: {
type: :array,
items: {
group_users: {
type: :array,
items: {
type: :object,
properties: {
group_id: { type: :integer },
user_id: { type: :integer },
notification_level: { type: :integer },
owner: { type: :boolean },
user_option: {
type: :object,
properties: {
user_id: { type: :integer },
mailing_list_mode: { type: :boolean },
mailing_list_mode_frequency: { type: :integer },
email_digests: { type: :boolean },
email_level: { type: :integer },
email_messages_level: { type: :integer },
external_links_in_new_tab: { type: :boolean },
color_scheme_id: { type: :string, nullable: true },
dark_scheme_id: { type: :string, nullable: true },
dynamic_favicon: { type: :boolean },
enable_quoting: { type: :boolean },
enable_defer: { type: :boolean },
digest_after_minutes: { type: :integer },
automatically_unpin_topics: { type: :boolean },
auto_track_topics_after_msecs: { type: :integer },
notification_level_when_replying: { type: :integer },
new_topic_duration_minutes: { type: :integer },
email_previous_replies: { type: :integer },
email_in_reply_to: { type: :boolean },
like_notification_frequency: { type: :integer },
include_tl0_in_digests: { type: :boolean },
theme_ids: {
type: :array,
items: {
theme_key_seq: { type: :integer },
allow_private_messages: { type: :boolean },
enable_allowed_pm_users: { type: :boolean },
homepage_id: { type: :string, nullable: true },
hide_profile_and_presence: { type: :boolean },
text_size: { type: :string },
text_size_seq: { type: :integer },
title_count_mode: { type: :string },
timezone: { type: :string, nullable: true },
skip_new_user_tips: { type: :boolean },
let(:username) { 'system' }