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synced 2025-03-29 00:25:40 +08:00

Increase memory allocation to 512MB so guest VM is not swapping. SSH forwarding, DNS host nat resolver. Don't use NFS on darwin, just use standard folder sharing.
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# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# See https://github.com/discourse/core/blob/master/DEVELOPMENT.md
Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
config.vm.box = 'discourse-pre'
config.vm.box_url = 'http://www.discourse.org/vms/discourse-pre.box'
# Make this VM reachable on the host network as well, so that other
# VM's running other browsers can access our dev server.
config.vm.network :hostonly, ''
# Make it so that network access from the vagrant guest is able to
# use SSH private keys that are present on the host without copying
# them into the VM.
config.ssh.forward_agent = true
# This setting gives the VM 512MB of MEMORIES instead of the default 384.
config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 512]
# This setting makes it so that network access from inside the vagrant guest
# is able to resolve DNS using the hosts VPN connection.
config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
config.vm.forward_port 3000, 4000
config.vm.forward_port 1080, 4080 # Mailcatcher
config.vm.share_folder("v-root", "/vagrant", ".")