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1047 lines
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(function() {
var define, requireModule, require, requirejs;
(function() {
var _isArray;
if (!Array.isArray) {
_isArray = function (x) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(x) === "[object Array]";
} else {
_isArray = Array.isArray;
var registry = {}, seen = {}, state = {};
var FAILED = false;
define = function(name, deps, callback) {
if (!_isArray(deps)) {
callback = deps;
deps = [];
registry[name] = {
deps: deps,
callback: callback
function reify(deps, name, seen) {
var length = deps.length;
var reified = new Array(length);
var dep;
var exports;
for (var i = 0, l = length; i < l; i++) {
dep = deps[i];
if (dep === 'exports') {
exports = reified[i] = seen;
} else {
reified[i] = require(resolve(dep, name));
return {
deps: reified,
exports: exports
requirejs = require = requireModule = function(name) {
if (state[name] !== FAILED &&
seen.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
return seen[name];
if (!registry[name]) {
throw new Error('Could not find module ' + name);
var mod = registry[name];
var reified;
var module;
var loaded = false;
seen[name] = { }; // placeholder for run-time cycles
try {
reified = reify(mod.deps, name, seen[name]);
module = mod.callback.apply(this, reified.deps);
loaded = true;
} finally {
if (!loaded) {
state[name] = FAILED;
return reified.exports ? seen[name] : (seen[name] = module);
function resolve(child, name) {
if (child.charAt(0) !== '.') { return child; }
var parts = child.split('/');
var nameParts = name.split('/');
var parentBase;
if (nameParts.length === 1) {
parentBase = nameParts;
} else {
parentBase = nameParts.slice(0, -1);
for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
var part = parts[i];
if (part === '..') { parentBase.pop(); }
else if (part === '.') { continue; }
else { parentBase.push(part); }
return parentBase.join('/');
requirejs.entries = requirejs._eak_seen = registry;
requirejs.clear = function(){
requirejs.entries = requirejs._eak_seen = registry = {};
seen = state = {};
define('ember-qunit', ['exports', 'ember-qunit/module-for', 'ember-qunit/module-for-component', 'ember-qunit/module-for-model', 'ember-qunit/test', 'ember-test-helpers'], function (exports, moduleFor, moduleForComponent, moduleForModel, test, ember_test_helpers) {
'use strict';
exports.moduleFor = moduleFor['default'];
exports.moduleForComponent = moduleForComponent['default'];
exports.moduleForModel = moduleForModel['default'];
exports.test = test['default'];
exports.setResolver = ember_test_helpers.setResolver;
define('ember-qunit/module-for-component', ['exports', 'ember-qunit/qunit-module', 'ember-test-helpers'], function (exports, qunit_module, ember_test_helpers) {
'use strict';
function moduleForComponent(name, description, callbacks) {
qunit_module.createModule(ember_test_helpers.TestModuleForComponent, name, description, callbacks);
exports['default'] = moduleForComponent;
define('ember-qunit/module-for-model', ['exports', 'ember-qunit/qunit-module', 'ember-test-helpers'], function (exports, qunit_module, ember_test_helpers) {
'use strict';
function moduleForModel(name, description, callbacks) {
qunit_module.createModule(ember_test_helpers.TestModuleForModel, name, description, callbacks);
exports['default'] = moduleForModel;
define('ember-qunit/module-for', ['exports', 'ember-qunit/qunit-module', 'ember-test-helpers'], function (exports, qunit_module, ember_test_helpers) {
'use strict';
function moduleFor(name, description, callbacks) {
qunit_module.createModule(ember_test_helpers.TestModule, name, description, callbacks);
exports['default'] = moduleFor;
define('ember-qunit/qunit-module', ['exports', 'qunit'], function (exports, qunit) {
'use strict';
exports.createModule = createModule;
function beforeEachCallback(callbacks) {
if (typeof callbacks !== 'object') { return; }
if (!callbacks) { return; }
var beforeEach;
if (callbacks.setup) {
beforeEach = callbacks.setup;
delete callbacks.setup;
if (callbacks.beforeEach) {
beforeEach = callbacks.beforeEach;
delete callbacks.beforeEach;
return beforeEach;
function afterEachCallback(callbacks) {
if (typeof callbacks !== 'object') { return; }
if (!callbacks) { return; }
var afterEach;
if (callbacks.teardown) {
afterEach = callbacks.teardown;
delete callbacks.teardown;
if (callbacks.afterEach) {
afterEach = callbacks.afterEach;
delete callbacks.afterEach;
return afterEach;
function createModule(Constructor, name, description, callbacks) {
var beforeEach = beforeEachCallback(callbacks || description);
var afterEach = afterEachCallback(callbacks || description);
var module = new Constructor(name, description, callbacks);
qunit.module(module.name, {
setup: function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
module.setup().then(function() {
if (beforeEach) {
beforeEach.call(module.context, assert);
teardown: function(assert) {
if (afterEach) {
afterEach.call(module.context, assert);
var done = assert.async();
define('ember-qunit/test', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers', 'qunit'], function (exports, Ember, ember_test_helpers, qunit) {
'use strict';
function test(testName, callback) {
function wrapper(assert) {
var context = ember_test_helpers.getContext();
var result = callback.call(context, assert);
function failTestOnPromiseRejection(reason) {
var message;
if (reason instanceof Error) {
message = reason.stack;
} else {
message = Ember['default'].inspect(reason);
ok(false, message);
qunit.test(testName, wrapper);
exports['default'] = test;
define('ember-test-helpers', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-model', 'ember-test-helpers/test-context', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver'], function (exports, Ember, TestModule, TestModuleForComponent, TestModuleForModel, test_context, test_resolver) {
'use strict';
Ember['default'].testing = true;
exports.TestModule = TestModule['default'];
exports.TestModuleForComponent = TestModuleForComponent['default'];
exports.TestModuleForModel = TestModuleForModel['default'];
exports.getContext = test_context.getContext;
exports.setContext = test_context.setContext;
exports.setResolver = test_resolver.setResolver;
define('ember-test-helpers/build-registry', ['exports'], function (exports) {
'use strict';
function exposeRegistryMethodsWithoutDeprecations(container) {
var methods = [
function exposeRegistryMethod(container, method) {
container[method] = function() {
return container._registry[method].apply(container._registry, arguments);
for (var i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++) {
exposeRegistryMethod(container, methods[i]);
exports['default'] = function(resolver) {
var registry, container;
var namespace = Ember.Object.create({
Resolver: { create: function() { return resolver; } }
function register(name, factory) {
var thingToRegisterWith = registry || container;
if (!container.lookupFactory(name)) {
thingToRegisterWith.register(name, factory);
if (Ember.Application.buildRegistry) {
registry = Ember.Application.buildRegistry(namespace);
registry.register('component-lookup:main', Ember.ComponentLookup);
registry = registry;
container = registry.container();
} else {
container = Ember.Application.buildContainer(namespace);
container.register('component-lookup:main', Ember.ComponentLookup);
// Ember 1.10.0 did not properly add `view:toplevel` or `view:default`
// to the registry in Ember.Application.buildRegistry :(
register('view:toplevel', Ember.View.extend());
register('view:default', Ember._MetamorphView);
var globalContext = typeof global === 'object' && global || self;
if (globalContext.DS) {
var DS = globalContext.DS;
if (DS._setupContainer) {
DS._setupContainer(registry || container);
} else {
register('transform:boolean', DS.BooleanTransform);
register('transform:date', DS.DateTransform);
register('transform:number', DS.NumberTransform);
register('transform:string', DS.StringTransform);
register('serializer:-default', DS.JSONSerializer);
register('serializer:-rest', DS.RESTSerializer);
register('adapter:-rest', DS.RESTAdapter);
return {
registry: registry,
container: container
define('ember-test-helpers/isolated-container', function () {
'use strict';
define('ember-test-helpers/test-context', ['exports'], function (exports) {
'use strict';
exports.setContext = setContext;
exports.getContext = getContext;
var __test_context__;
function setContext(context) {
__test_context__ = context;
function getContext() {
return __test_context__;
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-component', ['exports', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver'], function (exports, TestModule, Ember, test_resolver) {
'use strict';
exports['default'] = TestModule['default'].extend({
init: function(componentName, description, callbacks) {
// Allow `description` to be omitted
if (!callbacks && typeof description === 'object') {
callbacks = description;
description = null;
} else if (!callbacks) {
callbacks = {};
this.componentName = componentName;
if (callbacks.needs || callbacks.unit || callbacks.integration === false) {
this.isUnitTest = true;
} else if (callbacks.integration) {
this.isUnitTest = false;
} else {
Ember['default'].deprecate("the component:" + componentName + " test module is implicitly running in unit test mode, which will change to integration test mode by default in an upcoming version of ember-test-helpers. Add `unit: true` or a `needs:[]` list to explicitly opt in to unit test mode.");
this.isUnitTest = true;
if (!this.isUnitTest) {
callbacks.integration = true;
if (description) {
this._super.call(this, 'component:' + componentName, description, callbacks);
} else {
this._super.call(this, 'component:' + componentName, callbacks);
if (this.isUnitTest) {
} else {
this.callbacks.subject = function() {
throw new Error("component integration tests do not support `subject()`.");
setupComponentUnitTest: function() {
var _this = this;
var resolver = test_resolver.getResolver();
var container = this.container;
var context = this.context;
var layoutName = 'template:components/' + this.componentName;
var layout = resolver.resolve(layoutName);
if (layout) {
container.register(layoutName, layout);
container.injection(this.subjectName, 'layout', layoutName);
context.dispatcher = Ember['default'].EventDispatcher.create();
context.dispatcher.setup({}, '#ember-testing');
this.callbacks.render = function() {
var containerView = Ember['default'].ContainerView.create({container: container});
var subject = context.subject();
_this.teardownSteps.unshift(function() {
Ember['default'].run(function() {
Ember['default'].tryInvoke(containerView, 'destroy');
this.callbacks.append = function() {
Ember['default'].deprecate('this.append() is deprecated. Please use this.render() or this.$() instead.');
return context.$();
context.$ = function() {
var subject = this.subject();
return subject.$.apply(subject, arguments);
setupComponentIntegrationTest: function() {
var module = this;
var context = this.context;
context.dispatcher = Ember['default'].EventDispatcher.create();
context.dispatcher.setup({}, '#ember-testing');
this.actionHooks = {};
context.render = function(template) {
if (!template) {
throw new Error("in a component integration test you must pass a template to `render()`");
if (Ember['default'].isArray(template)) {
template = template.join('');
if (typeof template === 'string') {
template = Ember['default'].Handlebars.compile(template);
module.component = Ember['default'].Component.create({
layout: template,
container: module.container
module.component.set('context' ,context);
module.component.set('controller', module);
Ember['default'].run(function() {
context.$ = function() {
return module.component.$.apply(module.component, arguments);
context.set = function(key, value) {
Ember['default'].run(function() {
Ember['default'].set(context, key, value);
context.get = function(key) {
return Ember['default'].get(context, key);
context.on = function(actionName, handler) {
module.actionHooks[actionName] = handler;
setupContext: function() {
if (!this.isUnitTest) {
this.context.factory = function() {};
send: function(actionName) {
var hook = this.actionHooks[actionName];
if (!hook) {
throw new Error("integration testing template received unexpected action " + actionName);
hook.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
teardownComponent: function() {
var component = this.component;
if (component) {
Ember['default'].run(function() {
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module-for-model', ['exports', 'ember-test-helpers/test-module', 'ember'], function (exports, TestModule, Ember) {
'use strict';
exports['default'] = TestModule['default'].extend({
init: function(modelName, description, callbacks) {
this.modelName = modelName;
this._super.call(this, 'model:' + modelName, description, callbacks);
setupModel: function() {
var container = this.container;
var defaultSubject = this.defaultSubject;
var callbacks = this.callbacks;
var modelName = this.modelName;
var adapterFactory = container.lookupFactory('adapter:application');
if (!adapterFactory) {
container.register('adapter:application', DS.FixtureAdapter);
callbacks.store = function(){
var container = this.container;
var store = container.lookup('service:store') || container.lookup('store:main');
return store;
if (callbacks.subject === defaultSubject) {
callbacks.subject = function(options) {
var container = this.container;
return Ember['default'].run(function() {
var store = container.lookup('service:store') || container.lookup('store:main');
return store.createRecord(modelName, options);
define('ember-test-helpers/test-module', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-test-helpers/test-context', 'klassy', 'ember-test-helpers/test-resolver', 'ember-test-helpers/build-registry'], function (exports, Ember, test_context, klassy, test_resolver, buildRegistry) {
'use strict';
exports['default'] = klassy.Klass.extend({
init: function(subjectName, description, callbacks) {
// Allow `description` to be omitted, in which case it should
// default to `subjectName`
if (!callbacks && typeof description === 'object') {
callbacks = description;
description = subjectName;
this.subjectName = subjectName;
this.description = description || subjectName;
this.name = description || subjectName;
this.callbacks = callbacks || {};
if (this.callbacks.integration) {
this.isIntegration = callbacks.integration;
delete callbacks.integration;
initSubject: function() {
this.callbacks.subject = this.callbacks.subject || this.defaultSubject;
initNeeds: function() {
this.needs = [this.subjectName];
if (this.callbacks.needs) {
this.needs = this.needs.concat(this.callbacks.needs);
delete this.callbacks.needs;
initSetupSteps: function() {
this.setupSteps = [];
this.contextualizedSetupSteps = [];
if (this.callbacks.beforeSetup) {
this.setupSteps.push( this.callbacks.beforeSetup );
delete this.callbacks.beforeSetup;
if (this.callbacks.setup) {
this.contextualizedSetupSteps.push( this.callbacks.setup );
delete this.callbacks.setup;
initTeardownSteps: function() {
this.teardownSteps = [];
this.contextualizedTeardownSteps = [];
if (this.callbacks.teardown) {
this.contextualizedTeardownSteps.push( this.callbacks.teardown );
delete this.callbacks.teardown;
if (this.callbacks.afterTeardown) {
this.teardownSteps.push( this.callbacks.afterTeardown );
delete this.callbacks.afterTeardown;
setup: function() {
var self = this;
return self.invokeSteps(self.setupSteps).then(function() {
return self.invokeSteps(self.contextualizedSetupSteps, self.context);
teardown: function() {
var self = this;
return self.invokeSteps(self.contextualizedTeardownSteps, self.context).then(function() {
return self.invokeSteps(self.teardownSteps);
}).then(function() {
self.cache = null;
self.cachedCalls = null;
invokeSteps: function(steps, _context) {
var context = _context;
if (!context) {
context = this;
steps = steps.slice();
function nextStep() {
var step = steps.shift();
if (step) {
// guard against exceptions, for example missing components referenced from needs.
return new Ember['default'].RSVP.Promise(function(ok) {
} else {
return Ember['default'].RSVP.resolve();
return nextStep();
setupContainer: function() {
if (this.isIntegration) {
} else {
setupContext: function() {
var subjectName = this.subjectName;
var container = this.container;
var factory = function() {
return container.lookupFactory(subjectName);
container: this.container,
registry: this.registry,
factory: factory,
dispatcher: null
this.context = test_context.getContext();
setupTestElements: function() {
if (Ember['default'].$('#ember-testing').length === 0) {
Ember['default'].$('<div id="ember-testing"/>').appendTo(document.body);
teardownSubject: function() {
var subject = this.cache.subject;
if (subject) {
Ember['default'].run(function() {
Ember['default'].tryInvoke(subject, 'destroy');
teardownContainer: function() {
var container = this.container;
Ember['default'].run(function() {
teardownContext: function() {
var context = this.context;
if (context.dispatcher) {
Ember['default'].run(function() {
teardownTestElements: function() {
Ember['default'].View.views = {};
defaultSubject: function(options, factory) {
return factory.create(options);
// allow arbitrary named factories, like rspec let
contextualizeCallbacks: function() {
var _this = this;
var callbacks = this.callbacks;
var context = this.context;
var factory = context.factory;
this.cache = this.cache || {};
this.cachedCalls = this.cachedCalls || {};
var keys = (Object.keys || Ember['default'].keys)(callbacks);
for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
(function(key) {
context[key] = function(options) {
if (_this.cachedCalls[key]) { return _this.cache[key]; }
var result = callbacks[key].call(_this, options, factory());
_this.cache[key] = result;
_this.cachedCalls[key] = true;
return result;
_setupContainer: function() {
var resolver = test_resolver.getResolver();
var items = buildRegistry['default'](resolver);
this.container = items.container;
this.registry = items.registry;
var thingToRegisterWith = this.registry || this.container;
var router = resolver.resolve('router:main');
router = router || Ember['default'].Router.extend();
thingToRegisterWith.register('router:main', router);
_setupIsolatedContainer: function() {
var resolver = test_resolver.getResolver();
var thingToRegisterWith = this.registry || this.container;
for (var i = this.needs.length; i > 0; i--) {
var fullName = this.needs[i - 1];
var normalizedFullName = resolver.normalize(fullName);
thingToRegisterWith.register(fullName, resolver.resolve(normalizedFullName));
thingToRegisterWith.resolver = function() { };
_setupIntegratedContainer: function() {
define('ember-test-helpers/test-resolver', ['exports'], function (exports) {
'use strict';
exports.setResolver = setResolver;
exports.getResolver = getResolver;
var __resolver__;
function setResolver(resolver) {
__resolver__ = resolver;
function getResolver() {
if (__resolver__ == null) throw new Error('you must set a resolver with `testResolver.set(resolver)`');
return __resolver__;
define('klassy', ['exports'], function (exports) {
'use strict';
Extend a class with the properties and methods of one or more other classes.
When a method is replaced with another method, it will be wrapped in a
function that makes the replaced method accessible via `this._super`.
@method extendClass
@param {Object} destination The class to merge into
@param {Object} source One or more source classes
var extendClass = function(destination) {
var sources = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
var source;
for (var i = 0, l = sources.length; i < l; i++) {
source = sources[i];
for (var p in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(p) &&
destination[p] &&
typeof destination[p] === 'function' &&
typeof source[p] === 'function') {
/* jshint loopfunc:true */
destination[p] =
(function(destinationFn, sourceFn) {
var wrapper = function() {
var prevSuper = this._super;
this._super = destinationFn;
var ret = sourceFn.apply(this, arguments);
this._super = prevSuper;
return ret;
wrapper.wrappedFunction = sourceFn;
return wrapper;
})(destination[p], source[p]);
} else {
destination[p] = source[p];
// `subclassing` is a state flag used by `defineClass` to track when a class is
// being subclassed. It allows constructors to avoid calling `init`, which can
// be expensive and cause undesirable side effects.
var subclassing = false;
Define a new class with the properties and methods of one or more other classes.
The new class can be based on a `SuperClass`, which will be inserted into its
prototype chain.
Furthermore, one or more mixins (object that contain properties and/or methods)
may be specified, which will be applied in order. When a method is replaced
with another method, it will be wrapped in a function that makes the previous
method accessible via `this._super`.
@method defineClass
@param {Object} SuperClass A base class to extend. If `mixins` are to be included
without a `SuperClass`, pass `null` for SuperClass.
@param {Object} mixins One or more objects that contain properties and methods
to apply to the new class.
var defineClass = function(SuperClass) {
var Klass = function() {
if (!subclassing && this.init) {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
if (SuperClass) {
subclassing = true;
Klass.prototype = new SuperClass();
subclassing = false;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var extendArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
extendClass.apply(Klass.prototype, extendArgs);
Klass.constructor = Klass;
Klass.extend = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
return defineClass.apply(Klass, args);
return Klass;
A base class that can be extended.
var CelestialObject = Klass.extend({
init: function(name) {
this.name = name;
this.isCelestialObject = true;
greeting: function() {
return 'Hello from ' + this.name;
var Planet = CelestialObject.extend({
init: function(name) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.isPlanet = true;
greeting: function() {
return this._super() + '!';
var earth = new Planet('Earth');
console.log(earth instanceof Klass); // true
console.log(earth instanceof CelestialObject); // true
console.log(earth instanceof Planet); // true
console.log(earth.isCelestialObject); // true
console.log(earth.isPlanet); // true
console.log(earth.greeting()); // 'Hello from Earth!'
@class Klass
var Klass = defineClass(null, {
init: function() {}
exports.Klass = Klass;
exports.defineClass = defineClass;
exports.extendClass = extendClass;
define('qunit', ['exports'], function (exports) {
'use strict';
/* globals test:true */
var module = QUnit.module;
var test = QUnit.test;
var skip = QUnit.skip;
exports['default'] = QUnit;
exports.module = module;
exports.test = test;
exports.skip = skip;
define("ember", ["exports"], function(__exports__) {
__exports__["default"] = window.Ember;
var emberQunit = requireModule("ember-qunit");
window.moduleFor = emberQunit.moduleFor;
window.moduleForComponent = emberQunit.moduleForComponent;
window.moduleForModel = emberQunit.moduleForModel;
window.test = emberQunit.test;
window.setResolver = emberQunit.setResolver;
//# sourceMappingURL=ember-qunit.map