
269 lines
7.4 KiB

/* global BreakString:true */
* memoize.js
* by @philogb and @addyosmani
* with further optimizations by @mathias
* and @DmitryBaranovsk
* perf tests: http://bit.ly/q3zpG3
* Released under an MIT license.
* modified with cap by Sam
function cappedMemoize(fn, max) {
fn.maxMemoize = max;
fn.memoizeLength = 0;
return function () {
const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
let hash = "";
let i = args.length;
let currentArg = null;
while (i--) {
currentArg = args[i];
hash += (currentArg === new Object(currentArg)) ?
JSON.stringify(currentArg) : currentArg;
if(!fn.memoize) {
fn.memoize = {};
if (hash in fn.memoize) {
return fn.memoize[hash];
} else {
if(fn.memoizeLength > max) {
fn.memoizeLength = 0;
fn.memoize = {};
const result = fn.apply(this, args);
fn.memoize[hash] = result;
return result;
const breakUp = cappedMemoize(function(str, hint){
return new BreakString(str).break(hint);
}, 100);
export { breakUp };
export function shortDate(date){
return moment(date).format(I18n.t("dates.medium.date_year"));
function shortDateNoYear(date) {
return moment(date).format(I18n.t("dates.tiny.date_month"));
function tinyDateYear(date) {
return moment(date).format(I18n.t("dates.tiny.date_year"));
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/196972/convert-string-to-title-case-with-javascript
// TODO: locale support ?
export function toTitleCase(str) {
return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){
return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();
export function longDate(dt) {
if (!dt) return;
return moment(dt).longDate();
// suppress year, if current year
export function longDateNoYear(dt) {
if (!dt) return;
if ((new Date()).getFullYear() !== dt.getFullYear()) {
return moment(dt).format(I18n.t("dates.long_date_with_year"));
} else {
return moment(dt).format(I18n.t("dates.long_date_without_year"));
export function updateRelativeAge(elems) {
// jQuery .each
const $this = $(this);
$this.html(relativeAge(new Date($this.data('time')), {format: $this.data('format'), wrapInSpan: false}));
export function autoUpdatingRelativeAge(date,options) {
if (!date) return "";
if (+date === +new Date(0)) return "";
options = options || {};
let format = options.format || "tiny";
let append = "";
if (format === 'medium') {
append = " date";
if(options.leaveAgo) {
format = 'medium-with-ago';
options.wrapInSpan = false;
const relAge = relativeAge(date, options);
if (format === 'tiny' && relativeAgeTinyShowsYear(relAge)) {
append += " with-year";
if (options.title) {
append += "' title='" + longDate(date);
return "<span class='relative-date" + append + "' data-time='" + date.getTime() + "' data-format='" + format + "'>" + relAge + "</span>";
function relativeAgeTiny(date){
const format = "tiny";
const distance = Math.round((new Date() - date) / 1000);
const distanceInMinutes = Math.round(distance / 60.0);
let formatted;
const t = function(key,opts){
return I18n.t("dates." + format + "." + key, opts);
case(distanceInMinutes < 1):
formatted = t("less_than_x_minutes", {count: 1});
case(distanceInMinutes >= 1 && distanceInMinutes <= 44):
formatted = t("x_minutes", {count: distanceInMinutes});
case(distanceInMinutes >= 45 && distanceInMinutes <= 89):
formatted = t("about_x_hours", {count: 1});
case(distanceInMinutes >= 90 && distanceInMinutes <= 1409):
formatted = t("about_x_hours", {count: Math.round(distanceInMinutes / 60.0)});
case(Discourse.SiteSettings.relative_date_duration === 0 && distanceInMinutes <= 525599):
formatted = shortDateNoYear(date);
case(distanceInMinutes >= 1410 && distanceInMinutes <= 2519):
formatted = t("x_days", {count: 1});
case(distanceInMinutes >= 2520 && distanceInMinutes <= ((Discourse.SiteSettings.relative_date_duration||14) * 1440)):
formatted = t("x_days", {count: Math.round(distanceInMinutes / 1440.0)});
if(date.getFullYear() === new Date().getFullYear()) {
formatted = shortDateNoYear(date);
} else {
formatted = tinyDateYear(date);
return formatted;
* Returns true if the given tiny date string includes the year.
* Useful for checking if the string isn't so tiny.
function relativeAgeTinyShowsYear(relativeAgeString) {
return relativeAgeString.match(/'[\d]{2}$/);
function relativeAgeMediumSpan(distance, leaveAgo) {
let formatted;
const distanceInMinutes = Math.round(distance / 60.0);
const t = function(key, opts){
return I18n.t("dates.medium" + (leaveAgo?"_with_ago":"") + "." + key, opts);
case(distanceInMinutes >= 1 && distanceInMinutes <= 55):
formatted = t("x_minutes", {count: distanceInMinutes});
case(distanceInMinutes >= 56 && distanceInMinutes <= 89):
formatted = t("x_hours", {count: 1});
case(distanceInMinutes >= 90 && distanceInMinutes <= 1409):
formatted = t("x_hours", {count: Math.round(distanceInMinutes / 60.0)});
case(distanceInMinutes >= 1410 && distanceInMinutes <= 2159):
formatted = t("x_days", {count: 1});
case(distanceInMinutes >= 2160):
formatted = t("x_days", {count: Math.round((distanceInMinutes - 720.0) / 1440.0)});
return formatted || '&mdash';
function relativeAgeMedium(date, options) {
const wrapInSpan = options.wrapInSpan !== false;
const leaveAgo = options.leaveAgo;
const distance = Math.round((new Date() - date) / 1000);
if (!date) {
return "&mdash;";
const fullReadable = longDate(date);
const fiveDaysAgo = 432000;
const oneMinuteAgo = 60;
let displayDate = "";
if (distance < oneMinuteAgo) {
displayDate = I18n.t("now");
} else if (distance > fiveDaysAgo) {
if ((new Date()).getFullYear() !== date.getFullYear()) {
displayDate = shortDate(date);
} else {
displayDate = shortDateNoYear(date);
} else {
displayDate = relativeAgeMediumSpan(distance, leaveAgo);
if(wrapInSpan) {
return "<span class='date' title='" + fullReadable + "'>" + displayDate + "</span>";
} else {
return displayDate;
// mostly lifted from rails with a few amendments
export function relativeAge(date, options) {
options = options || {};
const format = options.format || "tiny";
if(format === "tiny") {
return relativeAgeTiny(date, options);
} else if (format === "medium") {
return relativeAgeMedium(date, options);
} else if (format === 'medium-with-ago') {
return relativeAgeMedium(date, _.extend(options, {format: 'medium', leaveAgo: true}));
export function number(val) {
let formattedNumber;
val = parseInt(val, 10);
if (isNaN(val)) val = 0;
if (val > 999999) {
formattedNumber = I18n.toNumber(val / 1000000, {precision: 1});
return I18n.t("number.short.millions", {number: formattedNumber});
if (val > 999) {
formattedNumber = I18n.toNumber(val / 1000, {precision: 1});
return I18n.t("number.short.thousands", {number: formattedNumber});
return val.toString();