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This controller handles actions related to a user's invitations
@class UserInvitedController
@extends Ember.ArrayController
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
user: null,
model: null,
totalInvites: null,
init: function() {
this.set('searchTerm', '');
uploadText: function() { return I18n.t("user.invited.bulk_invite.text"); }.property(),
Observe the search term box with a debouncer and change the results.
@observes searchTerm
_searchTermChanged: Discourse.debounce(function() {
var self = this;
Discourse.Invite.findInvitedBy(self.get('user'), this.get('searchTerm')).then(function (invites) {
self.set('model', invites);
}, 250).observes('searchTerm'),
The maximum amount of invites that will be displayed in the view
@property maxInvites
maxInvites: Discourse.computed.setting('invites_shown'),
Can the currently logged in user invite users to the site
@property canInviteToForum
canInviteToForum: function() {
return Discourse.User.currentProp('can_invite_to_forum');
Can the currently logged in user bulk invite users to the site (only Admin is allowed to perform this operation)
@property canBulkInvite
canBulkInvite: function() {
return Discourse.User.currentProp('admin');
Should the search filter input box be displayed?
@property showSearch
showSearch: function() {
return this.get('totalInvites') > 9;
Were the results limited by our `maxInvites`
@property truncated
truncated: function() {
return this.get('invites.length') === Discourse.SiteSettings.invites_shown;
actions: {
Rescind a given invite
@method rescive
@param {Discourse.Invite} invite the invite to rescind.
rescind: function(invite) {
return false;