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"<p>Any plans to support localization of UI elements, so that I (for example) could set up a completely German speaking forum?</p>",
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'<p>The application strings <a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/config/locales/en.yml" rel="nofollow">are externalized</a>, so localization should be entirely possible with enough translation effort.</p>',
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'<p>Yep, all strings are going through a lookup table.*</p>\n\n<p><a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/config/locales">master/config/locales</a></p>\n\n<p>So you could replace that lookup table with the "de" one to get German.</p>\n\n<p><sub>* we didn\'t get all the strings into the lookup table for launch, but the vast, vast majority of them are and the ones that are not, we will fix as we go!</sub></p>',
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'<p>Is it a coincidence that the strings file is 1337 lines long? <img src="/images/emoji/twitter/smiley.png" title=":smiley:" class="emoji" alt="smiley" width="64" height="64"></p>',
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'<p><aside class="quote" data-post="3" data-topic="280"><div class="title">\n<div class="quote-controls"></div>\n<img width="20" height="20" src="/user_avatar/meta.discourse.org/codinghorror/40/5297.png" class="avatar">codinghorror said:</div>\n<blockquote><p>So you could replace that lookup table with the "de" one to get German.</p></blockquote></aside></p>\n\n<p>The problem I see here is that this file is likely two grow and change massively over the next couple months, and tracking these changes in order to keep a localized file up to date is going to be a <em>bitch</em>. </p>\n\n<p>I wonder where there is a tool that can compare two yml structures and point out which nodes are missing? That would help keep track of new strings.</p>\n\n<p>Re keeping track of <em>changed</em> strings, <a class="mention" href="/users/eviltrout">@eviltrout</a> I found this very interesting: <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4232922/why-do-people-use-plain-english-as-translation-placeholders" rel="nofollow">http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4232922/why-do-people-use-plain-english-as-translation-placeholders</a> if plain English placeholders were used, any change in strings would lead to a <em>new</em> node in the yml file, making keeping the translation up to date easier. Maybe worth thinking about in the future.</p>',
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'<p>Yes, I really like the concept of fuzzy matching for localization, perhaps you can chase up <a href="https://github.com/SlexAxton">alex sexton</a> he was meaning to upload a localization tool for this kind of stuff. </p>\n\n<p>Also, I am a big fan of <a href="https://github.com/SlexAxton/messageformat.js">ICU message format</a>, but it is not the "Rails way (tm)". </p>',
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'<p>Looks interesting, I\'ll take a peek.</p>\n\n<p>As said on dev, the best tool I can see in terms of giving translators a proper interface <em>and</em> quality control would be something like <a href="http://translate.wordpress.org/projects/bbpress/dev" rel="nofollow">GlotPress</a>. It\'s based on the PO messages format (is that somehow related to ICU?) but looks pretty great.</p>\n\n<p><aside class="quote" data-post="6" data-topic="280"><div class="title">\n<div class="quote-controls"></div>\n<img width="20" height="20" src="/user_avatar/meta.discourse.org/sam/40/5243.png" class="avatar">sam said:</div>\n<blockquote><p>fuzzy matching for localization</p></blockquote></aside></p>\n\n<p>I\'m not familiar with the term in this context, you mean keeping the English version in the code base (instead of a generic code like <code>message_error_nametooshort</code> ?)</p>',
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"<p>ICU Message format is basically Gettext on steroids, Gettext has been around for so many years and actually works pretty well, being super prevalent in Linux. </p>\n\n<p>Trouble is you need a fuzzy matcher for translators if you are going to store stuff like <code>mf.compile( 'This is a message.' )</code> in source, one letter change and all your translators need to validate it.</p>",
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'<aside class="quote no-group\" data-post="3" data-topic="62">\n<div class="title">\n<div class="quote-controls"></div>\n<img alt="" width="20" height="20" src="/user_avatar/meta.discourse.org/sam/40/5243.png" class="avatar"><a href="/t/a-new-topic-with-a-link-to-another-topic/62/3">A new topic with a link to another topic</a>\n</div>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Thanks for posting this</p>\n</blockquote>\n</aside>\n<p>repost after a reload thank you!</p>',
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"<p>Hmm...You could theoretically also build something into the development process that would monitor changes to the English locale file and make a translator-friendly list of changes between versions.</p>",
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"<p>Yeah, totally, also we could build tools for dev that make introducing string less annoying and make it possible to garbage collect old unused strings, I hate trudging through that file.</p>",
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'<p><aside class="quote" data-post="11" data-topic="280" data-full="true"><div class="title">\n<div class="quote-controls"></div>\n<img width="20" height="20" src="/user_avatar/meta.discourse.org/sam/40/5243.png" class="avatar">sam said:</div>\n<blockquote><p>Yeah, totally, also we could build tools for dev that make introducing string less annoying and make it possible to garbage collect old unused strings, I hate trudging through that file.</p></blockquote></aside></p>\n\n<p>As said, I\'d look into whether WP\'s tools can\'t be reused for this with some tweaking. They seem to be able to scan a code base for new strings, and make them available automatically to translators.</p>\n\n<p>They\'re PHP based which isn\'t ideal, but it looks like they\'ve done a crapload of work to take the hassle out of translations.</p>',
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"<p>This site looks so nice with all the little tweaks like \"10 minutes ago\" instead of simply time, etc - I wonder if there will also be support for proper pluralization in other languages? That's a pretty hard task though, I don't think I've ever seen a website that has done that. But it would be <em>awesome</em>.</p>",
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'<p><aside class="quote" data-post="12" data-topic="280"><div class="title">\n<div class="quote-controls"></div>\n<img width="20" height="20" src="/user_avatar/meta.discourse.org/pekka/40/5253.png" class="avatar">pekka said:</div>\n<blockquote><p>As said, I\'d look into whether WP\'s tools can\'t be reused for this with some tweaking. They seem to be able to scan a code base for new strings, and make them available automatically to translators.</p></blockquote></aside></p>\n\n<p>I\'ve had pretty decent luck using Localeapp to localize Rails applications:</p>\n\n<p><a href="http://www.localeapp.com/" class="onebox" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.localeapp.com/</a></p>\n\n<p>The developer workflow took me about an hour to really get used to, and there were a few minor glitches. But the non-technical translators had very few problems. One limitation: It insists on rewriting all those yaml files full of strings.</p>\n\n<p>Anyway, it\'s worth a look, and it\'s free for open source, if I recall correctly. Certainly easier than doing a whole bunch of toolsmithing from scratch.</p>',
post_number: 14,
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title: "Easy localization for Rails apps | Locale",
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'<p><aside class="quote" data-post="14" data-topic="280"><div class="title">\n<div class="quote-controls"></div>\n<img width="20" height="20" src="/user_avatar/meta.discourse.org/emk/40/8400.png" class="avatar">emk said:</div>\n<blockquote><p>I\'ve had pretty decent luck using Localeapp to localize Rails applications</p></blockquote></aside></p>\n\n<p>Ohhh. Looking sexy. <em>droool</em></p>',
post_number: 15,
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created_at: "2013-02-07T20:52:22.454Z",
'<p><aside class="quote" data-post="15" data-topic="280"><div class="title">\n<div class="quote-controls"></div>\n<img width="20" height="20" src="/user_avatar/meta.discourse.org/pekka/40/5253.png" class="avatar">pekka said:</div>\n<blockquote><p>Ohhh. Looking sexy. droool</p></blockquote></aside></p>\n\n<p>Yeah, it\'s pretty. <img src="/images/emoji/twitter/smile.png" title=":smile:" class="emoji" alt="smile" width="64" height="64"> But there were still some rough edges as of a few months ago.</p>\n\n<p>Whether or not those rough edges are a deal-breaker will probably depends on whether or not localization is already a source of acute pain. If you\'re already hurting, Localeapp is a pretty useful tool, especially when it comes to enlisting non-technical translators.</p>\n\n<p>But it does require changing how you work with text, and adding one new tool to the mix. So for projects that just don\'t want to know about non-English languages, it\'s not yet seamless the way Unicode is these days.</p>\n\n<p>(Sweet forum software, by the way. I was just testing out Egyptian hieroglyphics on the test server, because they\'re well off the Basic Multilingual Plane, and tend to flush Unicode bugs. Everything worked flawlessly.)</p>',
post_number: 16,
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'<p><aside class="quote" data-post="16" data-topic="280"><div class="title">\n<div class="quote-controls"></div>\n<img width="20" height="20" src="/user_avatar/meta.discourse.org/emk/40/8400.png" class="avatar">emk said:</div>\n<blockquote><p>But it does require changing how you work with text, and adding one new tool to the mix. So for projects that just don\'t want to know about non-English languages, it\'s not yet seamless the way Unicode is these days.</p></blockquote></aside></p>\n\n<p>Interesting, thanks for the insight. I don\'t think localization is seriously on their table right now, there\'s likely to be many other things on the table before it... but it will become an issue sooner or later.</p>',
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"<p>I had an idea ... what if in dev mode, you could right-click on a page and get access to all the translations on the page, make your edits and have it refreshed live. </p>\n\n<p>I think it would be awesome, very doable technically.</p>",
post_number: 18,
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"<p>That would be fricking cool. There'd still be some leftovers (like error messages that normally never show up, etc.) but you could corral those up on a specific page.</p>\n\n<p>It could have a dropdown giving you all the languages that you have a .yml for in the locale directory, and write the changes into the one selected. I'm sure people would love it.</p>",
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'<p>If you use gettext format you could leverage <a href="https://translations.launchpad.net/" rel="nofollow">Launchpad</a> translations and the community behind it.</p>',
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"<p>I'm seeing this issue as well. When you hit the rate limit, any further likes look like the forum is attempting and failing to apply them - the text saying 'you liked this' comes into place before quickly being removed. </p>\n\n<p>This makes it look (to the user) like the forum software is running into errors instead of said user hitting an intentional limit, which is a bit unfortunate.</p>",
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"<p>I'm going to guess that the bootbox library got broken somehow?</p>",
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'<p>Yeah maybe another Ember 1.10 regression for <a class="mention" href="/users/eviltrout">@eviltrout</a> ?</p>',
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