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A data model for representing the composer's current state
@class Composer
@extends Discourse.Model
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
var CLOSED = 'closed',
SAVING = 'saving',
OPEN = 'open',
DRAFT = 'draft',
// The actions the composer can take
CREATE_TOPIC = 'createTopic',
PRIVATE_MESSAGE = 'privateMessage',
REPLY = 'reply',
EDIT = 'edit',
REPLY_AS_NEW_TOPIC_KEY = "reply_as_new_topic";
Discourse.Composer = Discourse.Model.extend({
archetypes: function() {
return Discourse.Site.currentProp('archetypes');
creatingTopic: Em.computed.equal('action', CREATE_TOPIC),
creatingPrivateMessage: Em.computed.equal('action', PRIVATE_MESSAGE),
notCreatingPrivateMessage: Em.computed.not('creatingPrivateMessage'),
privateMessage: function(){
return this.get('creatingPrivateMessage') || this.get('topic.archetype') === 'private_message';
}.property('creatingPrivateMessage', 'topic'),
editingPost: Em.computed.equal('action', EDIT),
replyingToTopic: Em.computed.equal('action', REPLY),
viewOpen: Em.computed.equal('composeState', OPEN),
viewDraft: Em.computed.equal('composeState', DRAFT),
archetype: function() {
return this.get('archetypes').findProperty('id', this.get('archetypeId'));
archetypeChanged: function() {
return this.set('metaData', Em.Object.create());
editingFirstPost: Em.computed.and('editingPost', 'post.firstPost'),
canEditTitle: Em.computed.or('creatingTopic', 'creatingPrivateMessage', 'editingFirstPost'),
canCategorize: Em.computed.and('canEditTitle', 'notCreatingPrivateMessage'),
showAdminOptions: function() {
if (this.get('creatingTopic') && Discourse.User.currentProp('staff')) return true;
return false;
// Determine the appropriate title for this action
actionTitle: function() {
var topic = this.get('topic');
var postLink, topicLink;
if (topic) {
var postNumber = this.get('post.post_number');
postLink = "<a href='" + (topic.get('url')) + "/" + postNumber + "'>" +
I18n.t("post.post_number", { number: postNumber }) + "</a>";
topicLink = "<a href='" + (topic.get('url')) + "'> " + (Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(topic.get('title'))) + "</a>";
var postDescription,
post = this.get('post');
if (post) {
postDescription = I18n.t('post.' + this.get('action'), {
link: postLink,
replyAvatar: Discourse.Utilities.tinyAvatar(post.get('avatar_template')),
username: this.get('post.username')
var replyUsername = post.get('reply_to_user.username');
var replyAvatarTemplate = post.get('reply_to_user.avatar_template');
if (replyUsername && replyAvatarTemplate && this.get('action') === EDIT) {
postDescription += " " + I18n.t("post.in_reply_to") + " " + Discourse.Utilities.tinyAvatar(replyAvatarTemplate) + " " + replyUsername;
switch (this.get('action')) {
case PRIVATE_MESSAGE: return I18n.t('topic.private_message');
case CREATE_TOPIC: return I18n.t('topic.create_long');
case REPLY:
case EDIT:
if (postDescription) return postDescription;
if (topic) return I18n.t('post.reply_topic', { link: topicLink });
}.property('action', 'post', 'topic', 'topic.title'),
toggleText: function() {
return this.get('showPreview') ? I18n.t('composer.hide_preview') : I18n.t('composer.show_preview');
hidePreview: Em.computed.not('showPreview'),
// Whether to disable the post button
cantSubmitPost: function() {
// Can't submit while loading
if (this.get('loading')) return true;
// Title is required when:
// - creating a new topic
// - editing the 1st post
// - creating a private message
if (this.get('canEditTitle') && !this.get('titleLengthValid')) return true;
// Need at least one user when sending a private message
if ( this.get('creatingPrivateMessage') &&
this.get('targetUsernames') &&
(this.get('targetUsernames').trim() + ',').indexOf(',') === 0) {
return true;
// reply is always required
if (this.get('missingReplyCharacters') > 0) return true;
if (this.get('canCategorize') && !Discourse.SiteSettings.allow_uncategorized_topics && !this.get('categoryId')) return true;
return false;
}.property('loading', 'canEditTitle', 'titleLength', 'targetUsernames', 'replyLength', 'categoryId', 'missingReplyCharacters'),
Is the title's length valid?
@property titleLengthValid
titleLengthValid: function() {
if (this.get('titleLength') < this.get('minimumTitleLength')) return false;
return (this.get('titleLength') <= Discourse.SiteSettings.max_topic_title_length);
}.property('minimumTitleLength', 'titleLength'),
// The text for the save button
saveText: function() {
switch (this.get('action')) {
case EDIT: return I18n.t('composer.save_edit');
case REPLY: return I18n.t('composer.reply');
case CREATE_TOPIC: return I18n.t('composer.create_topic');
case PRIVATE_MESSAGE: return I18n.t('composer.create_pm');
hasMetaData: function() {
var metaData = this.get('metaData');
return metaData ? Em.isEmpty(Em.keys(this.get('metaData'))) : false;
Did the user make changes to the reply?
@property replyDirty
replyDirty: function() {
return this.get('reply') !== this.get('originalText');
}.property('reply', 'originalText'),
Number of missing characters in the title until valid.
@property missingTitleCharacters
missingTitleCharacters: function() {
return this.get('minimumTitleLength') - this.get('titleLength');
}.property('minimumTitleLength', 'titleLength'),
Minimum number of characters for a title to be valid.
@property minimumTitleLength
minimumTitleLength: function() {
if (this.get('privateMessage')) {
return Discourse.SiteSettings.min_private_message_title_length;
} else {
return Discourse.SiteSettings.min_topic_title_length;
Number of missing characters in the reply until valid.
@property missingReplyCharacters
missingReplyCharacters: function() {
return this.get('minimumPostLength') - this.get('replyLength');
}.property('minimumPostLength', 'replyLength'),
Minimum number of characters for a post body to be valid.
@property minimumPostLength
minimumPostLength: function() {
if( this.get('privateMessage') ) {
return Discourse.SiteSettings.min_private_message_post_length;
} else {
return Discourse.SiteSettings.min_post_length;
Computes the length of the title minus non-significant whitespaces
@property titleLength
titleLength: function() {
var title = this.get('title') || "";
return title.replace(/\s+/img, " ").trim().length;
Computes the length of the reply minus the quote(s) and non-significant whitespaces
@property replyLength
replyLength: function() {
var reply = this.get('reply') || "";
while (Discourse.Quote.REGEXP.test(reply)) { reply = reply.replace(Discourse.Quote.REGEXP, ""); }
return reply.replace(/\s+/img, " ").trim().length;
updateDraftStatus: function() {
var $title = $('#reply-title'),
$reply = $('#wmd-input');
// 'title' is focused
if ($title.is(':focus')) {
var titleDiff = this.get('missingTitleCharacters');
if (titleDiff > 0) {
return this.set('draftStatus', I18n.t('composer.min_length.need_more_for_title', { n: titleDiff }));
// 'reply' is focused
} else if ($reply.is(':focus')) {
var replyDiff = this.get('missingReplyCharacters');
if (replyDiff > 0) {
return this.set('draftStatus', I18n.t('composer.min_length.need_more_for_reply', { n: replyDiff }));
// hide the counters if the currently focused text field is OK
this.set('draftStatus', null);
}.observes('missingTitleCharacters', 'missingReplyCharacters'),
init: function() {
var val = Discourse.KeyValueStore.get('composer.showPreview') || 'true';
this.set('showPreview', val === 'true');
this.set('archetypeId', Discourse.Site.currentProp('default_archetype'));
Append text to the current reply
@method appendText
@param {String} text the text to append
appendText: function(text) {
this.set('reply', (this.get('reply') || '') + text);
togglePreview: function() {
Discourse.KeyValueStore.set({ key: 'composer.showPreview', value: this.get('showPreview') });
importQuote: function() {
// If there is no current post, use the post id from the stream
var postId = this.get('post.id') || this.get('topic.postStream.firstPostId');
if (postId) {
this.set('loading', true);
var composer = this;
return Discourse.Post.load(postId).then(function(post) {
composer.appendText(Discourse.Quote.build(post, post.get('raw')));
composer.set('loading', false);
Open a composer
action - The action we're performing: edit, reply or createTopic
post - The post we're replying to, if present
topic - The topic we're replying to, if present
quote - If we're opening a reply from a quote, the quote we're making
open: function(opts) {
if (!opts) opts = {};
this.set('loading', false);
var replyBlank = Em.isEmpty(this.get("reply"));
var composer = this;
if (!replyBlank &&
(opts.action !== this.get('action') || ((opts.reply || opts.action === this.EDIT) && this.get('reply') !== this.get('originalText'))) &&
!opts.tested) {
opts.tested = true;
if (!opts.draftKey) throw 'draft key is required';
if (opts.draftSequence === null) throw 'draft sequence is required';
draftKey: opts.draftKey,
draftSequence: opts.draftSequence,
composeState: opts.composerState || OPEN,
action: opts.action,
topic: opts.topic,
targetUsernames: opts.usernames
if (opts.post) {
this.set('post', opts.post);
if (!this.get('topic')) {
this.set('topic', opts.post.get('topic'));
categoryId: opts.categoryId || this.get('topic.category.id'),
archetypeId: opts.archetypeId || Discourse.Site.currentProp('default_archetype'),
metaData: opts.metaData ? Em.Object.create(opts.metaData) : null,
reply: opts.reply || this.get("reply") || ""
if (!this.get('categoryId') && !Discourse.SiteSettings.allow_uncategorized_topics && Discourse.Category.list().length > 0) {
this.set('categoryId', Discourse.Category.list()[0].get('id'));
if (opts.postId) {
this.set('loading', true);
Discourse.Post.load(opts.postId).then(function(result) {
composer.set('post', result);
composer.set('loading', false);
// If we are editing a post, load it.
if (opts.action === EDIT && opts.post) {
title: this.get('topic.title'),
loading: true
Discourse.Post.load(opts.post.get('id')).then(function(result) {
reply: result.get('raw'),
originalText: result.get('raw'),
loading: false
if (opts.title) { this.set('title', opts.title); }
this.set('originalText', opts.draft ? '' : this.get('reply'));
return false;
save: function(opts) {
if( !this.get('cantSubmitPost') ) {
return this.get('editingPost') ? this.editPost(opts) : this.createPost(opts);
Clear any state we have in preparation for a new composition.
@method clearState
clearState: function() {
originalText: null,
reply: null,
post: null,
title: null
// When you edit a post
editPost: function(opts) {
var post = this.get('post'),
oldCooked = post.get('cooked'),
composer = this;
// Update the title if we've changed it
if (this.get('title') && post.get('post_number') === 1) {
var topic = this.get('topic');
title: this.get('title'),
fancy_title: this.get('title'),
category_id: parseInt(this.get('categoryId'), 10)
raw: this.get('reply'),
imageSizes: opts.imageSizes,
cooked: $('#wmd-preview').html()
this.set('composeState', CLOSED);
return Ember.Deferred.promise(function(promise) {
post.save(function(savedPost) {
}, function(error) {
var response = $.parseJSON(error.responseText);
if (response && response.errors) {
} else {
post.set('cooked', oldCooked);
composer.set('composeState', OPEN);
// Create a new Post
createPost: function(opts) {
var post = this.get('post'),
topic = this.get('topic'),
currentUser = Discourse.User.current(),
postStream = this.get('topic.postStream'),
addedToStream = false;
// Build the post object
var createdPost = Discourse.Post.create({
raw: this.get('reply'),
title: this.get('title'),
category: this.get('categoryId'),
topic_id: this.get('topic.id'),
reply_to_post_number: post ? post.get('post_number') : null,
imageSizes: opts.imageSizes,
cooked: $('#wmd-preview').html(),
reply_count: 0,
display_username: currentUser.get('name'),
username: currentUser.get('username'),
user_id: currentUser.get('id'),
metaData: this.get('metaData'),
archetype: this.get('archetypeId'),
post_type: Discourse.Site.currentProp('post_types.regular'),
target_usernames: this.get('targetUsernames'),
actions_summary: Em.A(),
moderator: currentUser.get('moderator'),
yours: true,
newPost: true,
auto_close_days: this.get('auto_close_days')
// If we're in a topic, we can append the post instantly.
if (postStream) {
// If it's in reply to another post, increase the reply count
if (post) {
post.set('reply_count', (post.get('reply_count') || 0) + 1);
if (!postStream.stagePost(createdPost, currentUser)) {
// If we can't stage the post, return and don't save. We're likely currently
// staging a post.
var composer = this;
return Ember.Deferred.promise(function(promise) {
composer.set('composeState', SAVING);
createdPost.save(function(result) {
var addedPost = false,
saving = true;
if (topic) {
// It's no longer a new post
createdPost.set('newPost', false);
topic.set('draft_sequence', result.draft_sequence);
addedToStream = true;
} else {
// We created a new topic, let's show it.
composer.set('composeState', CLOSED);
saving = false;
composer.set('createdPost', createdPost);
if (addedToStream) {
composer.set('composeState', CLOSED);
} else if (saving) {
composer.set('composeState', SAVING);
return promise.resolve({ post: result });
}, function(error) {
// If an error occurs
if (postStream) {
composer.set('composeState', OPEN);
// TODO extract error handling code
var parsedError;
try {
parsedError = $.parseJSON(error.responseText).errors[0];
catch(ex) {
parsedError = "Unknown error saving post, try again. Error: " + error.status + " " + error.statusText;
saveDraft: function() {
// Do not save when drafts are disabled
if (this.get('disableDrafts')) return;
// Do not save when there is no reply
if (!this.get('reply')) return;
// Do not save when the reply's length is too small
if (this.get('replyLength') < Discourse.SiteSettings.min_post_length) return;
var data = {
reply: this.get('reply'),
action: this.get('action'),
title: this.get('title'),
categoryId: this.get('categoryId'),
postId: this.get('post.id'),
archetypeId: this.get('archetypeId'),
metaData: this.get('metaData'),
usernames: this.get('targetUsernames')
this.set('draftStatus', I18n.t('composer.saving_draft_tip'));
var composer = this;
// try to save the draft
return Discourse.Draft.save(this.get('draftKey'), this.get('draftSequence'), data)
.then(function() {
composer.set('draftStatus', I18n.t('composer.saved_draft_tip'));
}, function() {
composer.set('draftStatus', I18n.t('composer.drafts_offline'));
flashDraftStatusForNewUser: function() {
var $draftStatus = $('#draft-status');
if (Discourse.User.currentProp('trust_level') === 0) {
$draftStatus.toggleClass('flash', true);
setTimeout(function() { $draftStatus.removeClass('flash'); }, 250);
open: function(opts) {
var composer = Discourse.Composer.create();
return composer;
loadDraft: function(draftKey, draftSequence, draft, topic) {
var composer;
try {
if (draft && typeof draft === 'string') {
draft = JSON.parse(draft);
} catch (error) {
draft = null;
Discourse.Draft.clear(draftKey, draftSequence);
if (draft && ((draft.title && draft.title !== '') || (draft.reply && draft.reply !== ''))) {
composer = this.open({
draftKey: draftKey,
draftSequence: draftSequence,
topic: topic,
action: draft.action,
title: draft.title,
categoryId: draft.categoryId,
postId: draft.postId,
archetypeId: draft.archetypeId,
reply: draft.reply,
metaData: draft.metaData,
usernames: draft.usernames,
draft: true,
composerState: DRAFT
return composer;
// The status the compose view can have
// The actions the composer can take
// Draft key