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synced 2025-02-19 17:39:29 +08:00
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This view is for rendering an icon representing the status of a topic
@class TopicView
@extends Discourse.View
@namespace Discourse
@uses Discourse.Scrolling
@module Discourse
Discourse.TopicView = Discourse.View.extend(Discourse.Scrolling, {
templateName: 'topic',
topicBinding: 'controller.content',
userFiltersBinding: 'controller.userFilters',
classNameBindings: ['controller.multiSelect:multi-select', 'topic.archetype', 'topic.category.secure:secure_category'],
progressPosition: 1,
menuVisible: true,
// Update the progress bar using sweet animations
updateBar: function() {
var $topicProgress, bg, currentWidth, progressWidth, ratio, totalWidth;
if (!this.get('topic.loaded')) return;
$topicProgress = $('#topic-progress');
if (!$topicProgress.length) return;
ratio = this.get('progressPosition') / this.get('topic.filtered_posts_count');
totalWidth = $topicProgress.width();
progressWidth = ratio * totalWidth;
bg = $topicProgress.find('.bg');
bg.stop(true, true);
currentWidth = bg.width();
if (currentWidth === totalWidth) {
bg.width(currentWidth - 1);
if (progressWidth === totalWidth) {
bg.css("border-right-width", "0px");
} else {
bg.css("border-right-width", "1px");
if (currentWidth === 0) {
} else {
bg.animate({ width: progressWidth }, 400);
}.observes('progressPosition', 'topic.filtered_posts_count', 'topic.loaded'),
updateTitle: function() {
var title = this.get('topic.title');
if (title) return Discourse.set('title', title);
}.observes('topic.loaded', 'topic.title'),
currentPostChanged: function() {
var current = this.get('controller.currentPost');
var topic = this.get('topic');
if (!(current && topic)) return;
if (current > (this.get('maxPost') || 0)) {
this.set('maxPost', current);
var postUrl = topic.get('url');
if (current > 1) {
postUrl += "/" + current;
} else {
if (this.get('controller.bestOf')) {
postUrl += "/best_of";
// Show appropriate jump tools
if (current === 1) {
$('#jump-top').attr('disabled', true);
} else {
$('#jump-top').attr('disabled', false);
if (current === this.get('topic.highest_post_number')) {
$('#jump-bottom').attr('disabled', true);
} else {
$('#jump-bottom').attr('disabled', false);
}.observes('controller.currentPost', 'controller.bestOf', 'topic.highest_post_number'),
composeChanged: function() {
var composerController = Discourse.get('router.composerController');
composerController.set('topic', this.get('topic'));
// This view is being removed. Shut down operations
willDestroyElement: function() {
// Unbind link tracking
this.$().off('mouseup.discourse-redirect', '.cooked a, a.track-link');
this.get('controller').set('onPostRendered', null);
// this happens after route exit, stuff could have trickled in
this.set('controller.controllers.header.showExtraInfo', false)
didInsertElement: function(e) {
this.bindScrolling({debounce: 0});
var topicView = this;
$(window).bind('resize.discourse-on-scroll', function() { topicView.updatePosition(false); });
var controller = this.get('controller');
controller.set('onPostRendered', function(){
this.$().on('mouseup.discourse-redirect', '.cooked a, a.track-link', function(e) {
return Discourse.ClickTrack.trackClick(e);
debounceLoadSuggested: Discourse.debounce(function(){
if (this.get('isDestroyed') || this.get('isDestroying')) { return; }
var incoming = this.get('topicTrackingState.newIncoming');
var suggested = this.get('topic.suggested_topics');
var topicId = this.get('topic.id');
if(suggested) {
var existing = _.invoke(suggested, 'get', 'id');
var lookup = _.chain(incoming)
Discourse.TopicList.loadTopics(lookup, "").then(function(topics){
}, 1000),
hasNewSuggested: function(){
// Triggered whenever any posts are rendered, debounced to save over calling
postsRendered: Discourse.debounce(function() {
}, 50),
resetRead: function(e) {
var topicView = this;
this.get('topic').resetRead().then(function() {
topicView.set('controller.message', Em.String.i18n("topic.read_position_reset"));
topicView.set('controller.loaded', false);
gotFocus: function(){
if (Discourse.get('hasFocus')){
getPost: function($post){
var post, postView;
postView = Ember.View.views[$post.prop('id')];
if (postView) {
return postView.get('post');
return null;
// Called for every post seen, returns the post number
postSeen: function($post) {
var post = this.getPost($post);
if (post) {
var postNumber = post.get('post_number');
if (postNumber > (this.get('topic.last_read_post_number') || 0)) {
this.set('topic.last_read_post_number', postNumber);
if (!post.get('read')) {
post.set('read', true);
return post.get('post_number');
observeFirstPostLoaded: (function() {
var loaded, old, posts;
posts = this.get('topic.posts');
// TODO topic.posts stores non ember objects in it for a period of time, this is bad
loaded = posts && posts[0] && posts[0].post_number === 1;
// I avoided a computed property cause I did not want to set it, over and over again
old = this.get('firstPostLoaded');
if (loaded) {
if (old !== true) {
this.set('firstPostLoaded', true);
} else {
if (old !== false) {
this.set('firstPostLoaded', false);
// Load previous posts if there are some
prevPage: function($post) {
var postView = Ember.View.views[$post.prop('id')];
if (!postView) return;
var post = postView.get('post');
if (!post) return;
// We don't load upwards from the first page
if (post.post_number === 1) return;
// double check
if (this.topic && this.topic.posts && this.topic.posts.length > 0 && this.topic.posts[0].post_number !== post.post_number) return;
// half mutex
if (this.get('controller.loading')) return;
this.set('controller.loading', true);
this.set('controller.loadingAbove', true);
var opts = $.extend({ postsBefore: post.get('post_number') }, this.get('controller.postFilters'));
var topicView = this;
return Discourse.Topic.find(this.get('topic.id'), opts).then(function(result) {
var lastPostNum, posts;
posts = topicView.get('topic.posts');
// Add a scrollTo record to the last post inserted to the DOM
lastPostNum = result.posts[0].post_number;
_.each(result.posts,function(post) {
var newPost;
newPost = Discourse.Post.create(post, topicView.get('topic'));
if (post.post_number === lastPostNum) {
newPost.set('scrollTo', {
top: $(window).scrollTop(),
height: $(document).height()
return posts.unshiftObject(newPost);
topicView.set('controller.loading', false);
return topicView.set('controller.loadingAbove', false);
fullyLoaded: (function() {
return this.get('controller.seenBottom') || this.get('topic.at_bottom');
}).property('topic.at_bottom', 'controller.seenBottom'),
// Load new posts if there are some
nextPage: function($post) {
if (this.get('controller.loading') || this.get('controller.seenBottom')) return;
return this.loadMore(this.getPost($post));
postCountChanged: function() {
this.set('controller.seenBottom', false);
loadMore: function(post) {
if (!post) return;
if (this.get('controller.loading')) return;
// Don't load if we know we're at the bottom
if (this.get('topic.highest_post_number') === post.get('post_number')) return;
if (this.get('controller.seenBottom')) return;
// Don't double load ever
if (this.topic.posts[this.topic.posts.length-1].post_number !== post.post_number) return;
this.set('controller.loadingBelow', true);
this.set('controller.loading', true);
var opts = $.extend({ postsAfter: post.get('post_number') }, this.get('controller.postFilters'));
var topicView = this;
var topic = this.get('controller.content');
return Discourse.Topic.find(topic.get('id'), opts).then(function(result) {
if (result.at_bottom || result.posts.length === 0) {
topicView.set('controller.seenBottom', 'true');
topic.pushPosts(_.map(result.posts,function(p) {
return Discourse.Post.create(p, topic);
if (result.suggested_topics) {
var suggested = Em.A();
_.each(result.suggested_topics,function(topic) {
topicView.set('topic.suggested_topics', suggested);
topicView.set('controller.loadingBelow', false);
return topicView.set('controller.loading', false);
cancelEdit: function() {
// close editing mode
this.set('editingTopic', false);
finishedEdit: function() {
// TODO: This should be in a controller and use proper text fields
var topicView = this;
if (this.get('editingTopic')) {
var topic = this.get('topic');
// retrieve the title from the text field
var newTitle = $('#edit-title').val();
// retrieve the category from the combox box
var newCategoryName = $('#topic-title select option:selected').val();
// manually update the titles & category
title: newTitle,
fancy_title: newTitle,
categoryName: newCategoryName
// save the modifications
// update the title if it has been changed (cleaned up) server-side
var title = result.basic_topic.fancy_title;
title: title,
fancy_title: title
}, function(error) {
topicView.set('editingTopic', true);
if (error && error.responseText) {
} else {
// close editing mode
topicView.set('editingTopic', false);
editTopic: function() {
if (!this.get('topic.can_edit')) return false;
// enable editing mode
this.set('editingTopic', true);
return false;
showFavoriteButton: function() {
return Discourse.User.current() && !this.get('topic.isPrivateMessage');
resetExamineDockCache: function() {
this.docAt = null;
this.dockedTitle = false;
this.dockedCounter = false;
updateDock: function(postView) {
if (!postView) return;
var post = postView.get('post');
if (!post) return;
this.set('progressPosition', post.get('index'));
nonUrgentPositionUpdate: Discourse.debounce(function(opts) {
var model = this.get('controller.model');
if (model) {
this.set('controller.currentPost', opts.currentPost);
scrolled: function(){
updatePosition: function(userActive) {
var rows = $('.topic-post');
if (!rows || rows.length === 0) { return; }
// if we have no rows
var info = Discourse.Eyeline.analyze(rows);
if(!info) { return; }
// top on screen
if(info.top === 0 || info.onScreen[0] === 0 || info.bottom === 0) {
// bottom of screen
var currentPost;
if(info.bottom === rows.length-1) {
currentPost = this.postSeen($(rows[info.bottom]));
// update dock
// mark everything on screen read
var topicView = this;
var seen = topicView.postSeen($(rows[item]));
currentPost = currentPost || seen;
var currentForPositionUpdate = currentPost;
if (!currentForPositionUpdate) {
var postView = this.getPost($(rows[info.bottom]));
if (postView) { currentForPositionUpdate = postView.get('post_number'); }
if (currentForPositionUpdate) {
userActive: userActive,
currentPost: currentPost || currentForPositionUpdate
} else {
console.error("can't update position ");
var offset = window.pageYOffset || $('html').scrollTop();
var firstLoaded = this.get('firstPostLoaded');
if (!this.docAt) {
var title = $('#topic-title');
if (title && title.length === 1) {
this.docAt = title.offset().top;
var headerController = this.get('controller.controllers.header');
if (this.docAt) {
headerController.set('showExtraInfo', offset >= this.docAt || !firstLoaded);
} else {
headerController.set('showExtraInfo', !firstLoaded);
// there is a whole bunch of caching we could add here
var $lastPost = $('.last-post');
var lastPostOffset = $lastPost.offset();
if (!lastPostOffset) return;
if (offset >= (lastPostOffset.top + $lastPost.height()) - $(window).height()) {
if (!this.dockedCounter) {
this.dockedCounter = true;
} else {
if (this.dockedCounter) {
this.dockedCounter = false;
topicTrackingState: function(){
return Discourse.TopicTrackingState.current();
browseMoreMessage: function() {
var category, opts;
opts = {
latestLink: "<a href=\"/\">" + (Em.String.i18n("topic.view_latest_topics")) + "</a>"
if (category = this.get('controller.content.category')) {
opts.catLink = Discourse.Utilities.categoryLink(category);
} else {
opts.catLink = "<a href=\"" + Discourse.getURL("/categories") + "\">" + (Em.String.i18n("topic.browse_all_categories")) + "</a>";
var tracking = this.get('topicTrackingState');
var unreadTopics = tracking.countUnread();
var newTopics = tracking.countNew();
if (newTopics + unreadTopics > 0) {
var hasBoth = unreadTopics > 0 && newTopics > 0;
return I18n.messageFormat("topic.read_more_MF", {
"BOTH": hasBoth,
"UNREAD": unreadTopics,
"NEW": newTopics,
"CATEGORY": category ? true : false,
latestLink: opts.latestLink,
catLink: opts.catLink
else if (category) {
return Ember.String.i18n("topic.read_more_in_category", opts);
} else {
return Ember.String.i18n("topic.read_more", opts);
// Scroll to a given post, if in the DOM. Returns whether it was in the DOM or not.
scrollTo: function(topicId, postNumber, callback) {
// Make sure we're looking at the topic we want to scroll to
var existing, header, title, expectedOffset;
if (parseInt(topicId, 10) !== parseInt($('#topic').data('topic-id'), 10)) return false;
existing = $("#post_" + postNumber);
if (existing.length) {
if (postNumber === 1) {
$('html, body').scrollTop(0);
} else {
header = $('header');
title = $('#topic-title');
expectedOffset = title.height() - header.find('.contents').height();
if (expectedOffset < 0) {
expectedOffset = 0;
$('html, body').scrollTop(existing.offset().top - (header.outerHeight(true) + expectedOffset));
return true;
return false;