The logster initializer tries to adds RailsMultisite::Formatter to the STDOUT logger. In production, the lograge initializer then removes the RailsMultisite:Formatter because the JSON log will include the database.
e10a74694a used `Rails.application.reloader.to_prepare` to defer running the 100-logster initializer, which meant it ran **after** 101-lograge. This meant that we were writing JSON logs with a non-json text prefix.
The `to_prepare` was added because our freedom-patches are now deferred using `to_prepare`, and some initializers were relying on the freedom patches. However, following 1533cbb38b, we decided to load the RailsMultisite freedom patch without `to_prepare`. Therefore, `005-site_settings` and `100-logster` no longer need to use `to_prepare`. Removing it means that these initializers are back to running in sequential order, and the logging issue will be resolved.
The only remaining initializer which depends on freedom patches is `100-i18n`. I've added a comment to explain why.