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529 lines
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import { url } from 'discourse/lib/computed';
import RestModel from 'discourse/models/rest';
import avatarTemplate from 'discourse/lib/avatar-template';
import UserStream from 'discourse/models/user-stream';
import UserPostsStream from 'discourse/models/user-posts-stream';
import Singleton from 'discourse/mixins/singleton';
import { longDate } from 'discourse/lib/formatter';
const User = RestModel.extend({
hasPMs: Em.computed.gt("private_messages_stats.all", 0),
hasStartedPMs: Em.computed.gt("private_messages_stats.mine", 0),
hasUnreadPMs: Em.computed.gt("private_messages_stats.unread", 0),
hasPosted: Em.computed.gt("post_count", 0),
hasNotPosted: Em.computed.not("hasPosted"),
canBeDeleted: Em.computed.and("can_be_deleted", "hasNotPosted"),
stream: function() {
return UserStream.create({ user: this });
postsStream: function() {
return UserPostsStream.create({ user: this });
Is this user a member of staff?
@property staff
@type {Boolean}
staff: Em.computed.or('admin', 'moderator'),
searchContext: function() {
return {
type: 'user',
id: this.get('username_lower'),
user: this
This user's display name. Returns the name if possible, otherwise returns the
@property displayName
@type {String}
displayName: function() {
if (Discourse.SiteSettings.enable_names && !this.blank('name')) {
return this.get('name');
return this.get('username');
}.property('username', 'name'),
This user's profile background(in CSS).
@property profileBackground
@type {String}
profileBackground: function() {
var url = this.get('profile_background');
if (Em.isEmpty(url) || !Discourse.SiteSettings.allow_profile_backgrounds) { return; }
return ('background-image: url(' + Discourse.getURLWithCDN(url) + ')').htmlSafe();
Path to this user.
@property path
@type {String}
path: function(){
return Discourse.getURL('/users/' + this.get('username_lower'));
// no need to observe, requires a hard refresh to update
Path to this user's administration
@property adminPath
@type {String}
adminPath: url('username_lower', "/admin/users/%@"),
This user's username in lowercase.
@property username_lower
@type {String}
username_lower: function() {
return this.get('username').toLowerCase();
This user's trust level.
@property trustLevel
@type {Integer}
trustLevel: function() {
return Discourse.Site.currentProp('trustLevels').findProperty('id', parseInt(this.get('trust_level'), 10));
isBasic: Em.computed.equal('trust_level', 0),
isLeader: Em.computed.equal('trust_level', 3),
isElder: Em.computed.equal('trust_level', 4),
canManageTopic: Em.computed.or('staff', 'isElder'),
isSuspended: Em.computed.equal('suspended', true),
suspended: function() {
return this.get('suspended_till') && moment(this.get('suspended_till')).isAfter();
suspendedTillDate: function() {
return longDate(this.get('suspended_till'));
Changes this user's username.
@method changeUsername
@param {String} newUsername The user's new username
@returns Result of ajax call
changeUsername: function(newUsername) {
return Discourse.ajax("/users/" + this.get('username_lower') + "/preferences/username", {
type: 'PUT',
data: { new_username: newUsername }
Changes this user's email address.
@method changeEmail
@param {String} email The user's new email address\
@returns Result of ajax call
changeEmail: function(email) {
return Discourse.ajax("/users/" + this.get('username_lower') + "/preferences/email", {
type: 'PUT',
data: { email: email }
Returns a copy of this user.
@method copy
@returns {User}
copy: function() {
return Discourse.User.create(this.getProperties(Ember.keys(this)));
Save's this user's properties over AJAX via a PUT request.
@method save
@returns {Promise} the result of the operation
save: function() {
const self = this,
data = this.getProperties(
var cats = self.get(s + 'Categories').map(function(c){ return c.get('id')});
// HACK: denote lack of categories
if(cats.length === 0) { cats = [-1]; }
data[s + '_category_ids'] = cats;
if (!Discourse.SiteSettings.edit_history_visible_to_public) {
data['edit_history_public'] = this.get('edit_history_public');
// TODO: We can remove this when migrated fully to rest model.
this.set('isSaving', true);
return Discourse.ajax("/users/" + this.get('username_lower'), {
data: data,
type: 'PUT'
}).then(function(data) {
var userProps = self.getProperties('enable_quoting', 'external_links_in_new_tab', 'dynamic_favicon');
}).finally(() => {
this.set('isSaving', false);
Changes the password and calls the callback function on AJAX.complete.
@method changePassword
@returns {Promise} the result of the change password operation
changePassword: function() {
return Discourse.ajax("/session/forgot_password", {
dataType: 'json',
data: { login: this.get('username') },
type: 'POST'
Loads a single user action by id.
@method loadUserAction
@param {Integer} id The id of the user action being loaded
@returns A stream of the user's actions containing the action of id
loadUserAction: function(id) {
var self = this,
stream = this.get('stream');
return Discourse.ajax("/user_actions/" + id + ".json", { cache: 'false' }).then(function(result) {
if (result && result.user_action) {
var ua = result.user_action;
if ((self.get('stream.filter') || ua.action_type) !== ua.action_type) return;
if (!self.get('stream.filter') && !self.inAllStream(ua)) return;
var action = Discourse.UserAction.collapseStream([Discourse.UserAction.create(ua)]);
stream.set('itemsLoaded', stream.get('itemsLoaded') + 1);
stream.get('content').insertAt(0, action[0]);
inAllStream: function(ua) {
return ua.action_type === Discourse.UserAction.TYPES.posts ||
ua.action_type === Discourse.UserAction.TYPES.topics;
// The user's stat count, excluding PMs.
statsCountNonPM: function() {
var self = this;
if (this.blank('statsExcludingPms')) return 0;
var count = 0;
_.each(this.get('statsExcludingPms'), function(val) {
if (self.inAllStream(val)){
count += val.count;
return count;
// The user's stats, excluding PMs.
statsExcludingPms: function() {
if (this.blank('stats')) return [];
return this.get('stats').rejectProperty('isPM');
findDetails: function(options) {
var user = this;
return PreloadStore.getAndRemove("user_" + user.get('username'), function() {
return Discourse.ajax("/users/" + user.get('username') + '.json', {data: options});
}).then(function (json) {
if (!Em.isEmpty(json.user.stats)) {
json.user.stats = Discourse.User.groupStats(_.map(json.user.stats,function(s) {
if (s.count) s.count = parseInt(s.count, 10);
return Discourse.UserActionStat.create(s);
if (!Em.isEmpty(json.user.custom_groups)) {
json.user.custom_groups = json.user.custom_groups.map(function (g) {
return Discourse.Group.create(g);
if (json.user.invited_by) {
json.user.invited_by = Discourse.User.create(json.user.invited_by);
if (!Em.isEmpty(json.user.featured_user_badge_ids)) {
var userBadgesMap = {};
Discourse.UserBadge.createFromJson(json).forEach(function(userBadge) {
userBadgesMap[ userBadge.get('id') ] = userBadge;
json.user.featured_user_badges = json.user.featured_user_badge_ids.map(function(id) {
return userBadgesMap[id];
if (json.user.card_badge) {
json.user.card_badge = Discourse.Badge.create(json.user.card_badge);
return user;
findStaffInfo: function() {
if (!Discourse.User.currentProp("staff")) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(null); }
var self = this;
return Discourse.ajax("/users/" + this.get("username_lower") + "/staff-info.json").then(function(info) {
avatarTemplate: function() {
return avatarTemplate(this.get('username'), this.get('uploaded_avatar_id'));
}.property('uploaded_avatar_id', 'username'),
Change avatar selection
pickAvatar: function(uploadId) {
var self = this;
return Discourse.ajax("/users/" + this.get("username_lower") + "/preferences/avatar/pick", {
type: 'PUT',
data: { upload_id: uploadId }
self.set('uploaded_avatar_id', uploadId);
Determines whether the current user is allowed to upload a file.
@method isAllowedToUploadAFile
@param {String} type The type of the upload (image, attachment)
@returns true if the current user is allowed to upload a file
isAllowedToUploadAFile: function(type) {
return this.get('staff') ||
this.get('trust_level') > 0 ||
Discourse.SiteSettings['newuser_max_' + type + 's'] > 0;
Invite a user to the site
@method createInvite
@param {String} email The email address of the user to invite to the site
@returns {Promise} the result of the server call
createInvite: function(email, groupNames) {
return Discourse.ajax('/invites', {
type: 'POST',
data: {email: email, group_names: groupNames}
updateMutedCategories: function() {
this.set("mutedCategories", Discourse.Category.findByIds(this.muted_category_ids));
updateTrackedCategories: function() {
this.set("trackedCategories", Discourse.Category.findByIds(this.tracked_category_ids));
updateWatchedCategories: function() {
this.set("watchedCategories", Discourse.Category.findByIds(this.watched_category_ids));
canDeleteAccount: function() {
return !Discourse.SiteSettings.enable_sso && this.get('can_delete_account') && ((this.get('reply_count')||0) + (this.get('topic_count')||0)) <= 1;
}.property('can_delete_account', 'reply_count', 'topic_count'),
"delete": function() {
if (this.get('can_delete_account')) {
return Discourse.ajax("/users/" + this.get('username'), {
type: 'DELETE',
data: {context: window.location.pathname}
} else {
return Ember.RSVP.reject(I18n.t('user.delete_yourself_not_allowed'));
dismissBanner: function (bannerKey) {
this.set("dismissed_banner_key", bannerKey);
Discourse.ajax("/users/" + this.get('username'), {
type: 'PUT',
data: { dismissed_banner_key: bannerKey }
checkEmail: function () {
var self = this;
return Discourse.ajax("/users/" + this.get("username_lower") + "/emails.json", {
type: "PUT",
data: { context: window.location.pathname }
}).then(function (result) {
if (result) {
email: result.email,
associated_accounts: result.associated_accounts
}, function () {});
User.reopenClass(Singleton, {
// Find a `Discourse.User` for a given username.
findByUsername: function(username, options) {
const user = User.create({username: username});
return user.findDetails(options);
// TODO: Use app.register and junk Singleton
createCurrent: function() {
var userJson = PreloadStore.get('currentUser');
if (userJson) {
const store = Discourse.__container__.lookup('store:main');
return store.createRecord('user', userJson);
return null;
Logs out the currently logged in user
@method logout
@returns {Promise} resolved when the logout finishes
logout: function() {
var discourseUserClass = this;
return Discourse.ajax("/session/" + Discourse.User.currentProp('username'), {
type: 'DELETE'
}).then(function () {
discourseUserClass.currentUser = null;
Checks if given username is valid for this email address
@method checkUsername
@param {String} username A username to check
@param {String} email An email address to check
@param {Number} forUserId user id - provide when changing username
checkUsername: function(username, email, forUserId) {
return Discourse.ajax('/users/check_username', {
data: { username: username, email: email, for_user_id: forUserId }
Groups the user's statistics
@method groupStats
@param {Array} stats Given stats
@returns {Object}
groupStats: function(stats) {
var responses = Discourse.UserActionStat.create({
count: 0,
action_type: Discourse.UserAction.TYPES.replies
stats.filterProperty('isResponse').forEach(function (stat) {
responses.set('count', responses.get('count') + stat.get('count'));
var result = Em.A();
var insertAt = 0;
result.forEach(function(item, index){
if(item.action_type === Discourse.UserAction.TYPES.topics || item.action_type === Discourse.UserAction.TYPES.posts){
insertAt = index + 1;
if(responses.count > 0) {
result.insertAt(insertAt, responses);
Creates a new account
createAccount: function(attrs) {
return Discourse.ajax("/users", {
data: {
name: attrs.accountName,
email: attrs.accountEmail,
password: attrs.accountPassword,
username: attrs.accountUsername,
password_confirmation: attrs.accountPasswordConfirm,
challenge: attrs.accountChallenge,
user_fields: attrs.userFields
type: 'POST'
export default User;