Robin Ward b9abd7dc9e FEATURE: Shared Drafts
This feature can be enabled by choosing a destination for the
`shared drafts category` site setting.

* Staff members can create shared drafts, choosing a destination
category for the topic when it is published.

* Shared Drafts can be viewed in their category, or above the
topic list for the destination category where it will end up.

* When the shared draft is ready, it can be published to the
appropriate category by clicking a button on the topic view.

* When published, Drafts change their timestamps to the current
time, and any edits to the original post are removed.
2018-03-20 17:15:26 -04:00

108 lines
2.7 KiB

import computed from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators';
import { categoryLinkHTML } from 'discourse/helpers/category-link';
const CUSTOM_TYPES = [
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
classNameBindings: [':row', ':setting', 'setting.overridden', 'typeClass'],
content: Ember.computed.alias('setting'),
validationMessage: null,
@computed("buffered.value", "setting.value")
dirty(bufferVal, settingVal) {
if (bufferVal === null || bufferVal === undefined) bufferVal = '';
if (settingVal === null || settingVal === undefined) settingVal = '';
return bufferVal.toString() !== settingVal.toString();
@computed("setting", "buffered.value")
preview(setting, value) {
// A bit hacky, but allows us to use helpers
if (setting.get('setting') === 'category_style') {
let category ='categories.firstObject');
if (category) {
return categoryLinkHTML(category, {
categoryStyle: value
let preview = setting.get('preview');
if (preview) {
return new Handlebars.SafeString("<div class='preview'>" + preview.replace(/\{\{value\}\}/g, value) + "</div>");
typeClass(componentType) {
return componentType.replace(/\_/g, '-');
settingName(setting) {
return setting.replace(/\_/g, ' ');
componentType(type) {
return CUSTOM_TYPES.indexOf(type) !== -1 ? type : 'string';
componentName(typeClass) {
return "site-settings/" + typeClass;
_watchEnterKey: function() {
const self = this;
this.$().on("keydown.setting-enter", ".input-setting-string", function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // enter key
_removeBindings: function() {
_save() {
Em.warn("You should define a `_save` method", { id: "admin.mixins.setting-component" });
return Ember.RSVP.resolve();
actions: {
save() {
this._save().then(() => {
this.set('validationMessage', null);
}).catch(e => {
if (e.jqXHR.responseJSON && e.jqXHR.responseJSON.errors) {
this.set('validationMessage', e.jqXHR.responseJSON.errors[0]);
} else {
this.set('validationMessage', I18n.t('generic_error'));
resetDefault() {
this.set('buffered.value', this.get('setting.default'));
cancel() {