
195 lines
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Discourse.BBCode = {};
Create a simple BBCode tag handler
@method replaceBBCode
@param {tag} tag the tag we want to match
@param {function} emitter the function that creates JsonML for the tag
@param {Object} opts options to pass to Discourse.Dialect.inlineBetween
@param {Function} [opts.emitter] The function that will be called with the contents and returns JsonML.
@param {String} [opts.start] The starting token we want to find
@param {String} [opts.stop] The ending token we want to find
@param {String} [opts.between] A shortcut for when the `start` and `stop` are the same.
@param {Boolean} [opts.rawContents] If true, the contents between the tokens will not be parsed.
@param {Boolean} [opts.wordBoundary] If true, the match must be on a word boundary
@param {Boolean} [opts.spaceBoundary] If true, the match must be on a sppace boundary
Discourse.BBCode.register = function(codeName, args, emitter) {
// Optional second param for args
if (typeof args === "function") {
emitter = args;
args = {};
start: new RegExp("\\[" + codeName + "(=[^\\[\\]]+)?\\]([\\s\\S]*)", "igm"),
stop: new RegExp("\\[\\/" + codeName + "\\]", "igm"),
emitter: function(blockContents, matches, options) {
while (blockContents.length && (typeof blockContents[0] === "string" || blockContents[0] instanceof String)) {
blockContents[0] = String(blockContents[0]).replace(/^\s+/, '');
if (!blockContents[0].length) {
} else {
var contents = [];
if (blockContents.length) {
var self = this;
var nextContents = blockContents.slice(1);
blockContents = this.processBlock(blockContents[0], nextContents).concat(nextContents);
blockContents.forEach(function (bc) {
if (typeof bc === "string" || bc instanceof String) {
var processed = self.processInline(String(bc));
if (processed.length) {
} else {
if (!args.singlePara && contents.length === 1 && contents[0] instanceof Array && contents[0][0] === "para") {
contents = contents[0];
var result = emitter(contents, matches[1] ? matches[1].replace(/^=|\"/g, '') : null, options);
return args.noWrap ? result : ['p', result];
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode = function (tag, emitter, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts = _.merge(opts, { start: "[" + tag + "]", stop: "[/" + tag + "]", emitter: emitter });
tag = tag.toUpperCase();
opts = _.merge(opts, { start: "[" + tag + "]", stop: "[/" + tag + "]", emitter: emitter });
Shortcut to call replaceBBCode with `rawContents` as true.
@method replaceBBCode
@param {tag} tag the tag we want to match
@param {function} emitter the function that creates JsonML for the tag
Discourse.BBCode.rawBBCode = function (tag, emitter) {
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode(tag, emitter, { rawContents: true });
Creates a BBCode handler that accepts parameters. Passes them to the emitter.
@method replaceBBCodeParamsRaw
@param {tag} tag the tag we want to match
@param {function} emitter the function that creates JsonML for the tag
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCodeParamsRaw = function (tag, emitter) {
var opts = {
rawContents: true,
emitter: function(contents) {
var regexp = /^([^\]]+)\]([\S\s]*)$/,
m = regexp.exec(contents);
if (m) { return emitter.call(this, m[1], m[2]); }
Discourse.Dialect.inlineBetween(_.merge(opts, { start: "[" + tag + "=", stop: "[/" + tag + "]" }));
tag = tag.toUpperCase();
Discourse.Dialect.inlineBetween(_.merge(opts, { start: "[" + tag + "=", stop: "[/" + tag + "]" }));
Filters an array of JSON-ML nodes, removing nodes that represent empty lines ("\n").
@method removeEmptyLines
@param {Array} [contents] Array of JSON-ML nodes
Discourse.BBCode.removeEmptyLines = function (contents) {
var result = [];
for (var i=0; i < contents.length; i++) {
if (contents[i] !== "\n") { result.push(contents[i]); }
return result;
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode('b', function(contents) { return ['span', {'class': 'bbcode-b'}].concat(contents); });
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode('i', function(contents) { return ['span', {'class': 'bbcode-i'}].concat(contents); });
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode('u', function(contents) { return ['span', {'class': 'bbcode-u'}].concat(contents); });
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode('s', function(contents) { return ['span', {'class': 'bbcode-s'}].concat(contents); });
Discourse.Markdown.whiteListTag('span', 'class', /^bbcode-[bius]$/);
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode('ul', function(contents) { return ['ul'].concat(Discourse.BBCode.removeEmptyLines(contents)); });
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode('ol', function(contents) { return ['ol'].concat(Discourse.BBCode.removeEmptyLines(contents)); });
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode('li', function(contents) { return ['li'].concat(Discourse.BBCode.removeEmptyLines(contents)); });
Discourse.BBCode.rawBBCode('img', function(contents) { return ['img', {href: contents}]; });
Discourse.BBCode.rawBBCode('email', function(contents) { return ['a', {href: "mailto:" + contents, 'data-bbcode': true}, contents]; });
Discourse.BBCode.rawBBCode('spoiler', function(contents) {
if (/<img/i.test(contents)) {
return ['div', { 'class': 'spoiler' }, contents];
} else {
return ['span', { 'class': 'spoiler' }, contents];
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCode('url', function(contents) {
if (!Array.isArray(contents)) { return; }
if (contents.length === 1 && contents[0][0] === 'a') {
// single-line bbcode links shouldn't be oneboxed, so we mark this as a bbcode link.
if (typeof contents[0][1] !== 'object') { contents[0].splice(1, 0, {}); }
contents[0][1]['data-bbcode'] = true;
return ['concat'].concat(contents);
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCodeParamsRaw('url', function(param, contents) {
var url = param.replace(/(^")|("$)/g, '');
return ['a', {'href': url}].concat(this.processInline(contents));
Discourse.Dialect.on('parseNode', function(event) {
if (!Array.isArray(event.node)) { return; }
var result = [ event.node[0] ];
var nodes = event.node.slice(1);
var i, j;
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
if (Array.isArray(nodes[i]) && nodes[i][0] === 'concat') {
for (j = 1; j < nodes[i].length; j++) { result.push(nodes[i][j]); }
} else {
for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { event.node[i] = result[i]; }
Discourse.BBCode.replaceBBCodeParamsRaw("email", function(param, contents) {
return ['a', {href: "mailto:" + param, 'data-bbcode': true}].concat(contents);
Discourse.BBCode.register('size', function(contents, params) {
return ['span', {'class': "bbcode-size-" + (parseInt(params, 10) || 1)}].concat(contents);
Discourse.Markdown.whiteListTag('span', 'class', /^bbcode-size-\d+$/);
// Handles `[code] ... [/code]` blocks
start: /(\[code\])([\s\S]*)/igm,
stop: /\[\/code\]/igm,
rawContents: true,
emitter: function(blockContents) {
var inner = blockContents.join("\n");
return ['p', ['pre', ['code', {'class': Discourse.SiteSettings.default_code_lang}, inner]]];