Martin Brennan 6fb0f36ce1
FEATURE: Optionally delete bookmark when reminder sent (#9637)
We now show an options gear icon next to the bookmark name.

When expanded we show the "delete bookmark when reminder sent" option. The value of this checkbox is saved in local storage for the user.

If this is ticked, when a reminder is sent for the bookmark the bookmark itself is deleted. This is so people can use the reminder functionality by itself.

Also remove the blue alert reminder section from the "Edit Bookmark" modal as it just added clutter, because the user can already see they had a reminder set:

Adds a default false boolean column `delete_when_reminder_sent` to bookmarks.
2020-05-07 13:37:39 +10:00

111 lines
3.4 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
class Bookmark < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :post
belongs_to :topic
validates :reminder_at, presence: {
message: I18n.t("bookmarks.errors.time_must_be_provided"),
if: -> { reminder_type.present? }
validate :unique_per_post_for_user
validate :ensure_sane_reminder_at_time
# we don't care whether the post or topic is deleted,
# they hold important information about the bookmark
def post
Post.unscoped { super }
def topic
Topic.unscoped { super }
def unique_per_post_for_user
existing_bookmark = Bookmark.find_by(user_id: user_id, post_id: post_id)
return if existing_bookmark.blank? || existing_bookmark.id == id
self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("bookmarks.errors.already_bookmarked_post"))
def ensure_sane_reminder_at_time
return if reminder_at.blank?
if reminder_at < Time.zone.now
self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("bookmarks.errors.cannot_set_past_reminder"))
if reminder_at > 10.years.from_now.utc
self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("bookmarks.errors.cannot_set_reminder_in_distant_future"))
def no_reminder?
self.reminder_at.blank? && self.reminder_type.blank?
scope :pending_reminders, ->(before_time = Time.now.utc) do
where("reminder_at IS NOT NULL AND reminder_at <= :before_time", before_time: before_time)
scope :pending_reminders_for_user, ->(user) do
pending_reminders.where(user: user)
def self.reminder_types
@reminder_type = Enum.new(
later_today: 1,
next_business_day: 2,
tomorrow: 3,
next_week: 4,
next_month: 5,
custom: 6,
start_of_next_business_week: 7,
later_this_week: 8
def self.count_per_day(opts = nil)
opts ||= {}
result = where('bookmarks.created_at >= ?', opts[:start_date] || (opts[:since_days_ago] || 30).days.ago)
result = result.where('bookmarks.created_at <= ?', opts[:end_date]) if opts[:end_date]
result = result.joins(:topic).merge(Topic.in_category_and_subcategories(opts[:category_id])) if opts[:category_id]
# == Schema Information
# Table name: bookmarks
# id :bigint not null, primary key
# user_id :bigint not null
# topic_id :bigint not null
# post_id :bigint not null
# name :string
# reminder_type :integer
# reminder_at :datetime
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
# reminder_last_sent_at :datetime
# reminder_set_at :datetime
# delete_when_reminder_sent :boolean default(FALSE)
# Indexes
# index_bookmarks_on_post_id (post_id)
# index_bookmarks_on_reminder_at (reminder_at)
# index_bookmarks_on_reminder_set_at (reminder_set_at)
# index_bookmarks_on_reminder_type (reminder_type)
# index_bookmarks_on_topic_id (topic_id)
# index_bookmarks_on_user_id (user_id)
# index_bookmarks_on_user_id_and_post_id (user_id,post_id) UNIQUE
# Foreign Keys
# fk_rails_... (post_id => posts.id)
# fk_rails_... (topic_id => topics.id)
# fk_rails_... (user_id => users.id)