Martin Brennan 59343c3057
DEV: Add Windows Hello webauthn authentication spec (#15871)
Follow up to 6f7364e48bf3546e5a279fe483549d6e62cb3272 to add a spec
that tests the full authentication of a Windows Hello algorithm (-257)
webauthn verification. The test added in that commit only tested that
we know about that algorithm, not whether it was actually usable.
2022-02-09 12:47:47 +10:00

236 lines
8.9 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rails_helper'
require 'webauthn'
require 'webauthn/security_key_registration_service'
# These tests use the following parameters generated on a local discourse
# instance to test an actual authentication flow:
# - credential_id
# - public_key
# - challenge
# - signature
# - authenticator_data
# - client_data_origin
# - challenge_params_origin
# To create another test (e.g. for a different COSE algorithm) you need to:
# 1. Add a security key for a user on a local discourse instance. Go into
# the console and get the credential_id and public_key params from there.
# 2. Log out and try to log back in to that user to get the security
# key challenge
# 3. Touch the security key. Inside the authenticate_security_key method
# you need to add puts debugger statements (or use binding.pry) like so:
# puts client_data
# puts signature
# puts auth_data
# The auth_data will have the challenge param, but you must Base64.decode64 to
# use it in the let(:challenge) variable. The signature and auth_data params
# can be used as is.
# You also need to make sure that client_data_param has the exact same structure
# and order of keys as auth_data, otherwise even with everything else right the
# public key verification will fail.
# The origin params just need to be whatever your localhost URL for Discourse is.
describe Webauthn::SecurityKeyAuthenticationService do
let(:security_key_user) { current_user }
let!(:security_key) do
credential_id: credential_id,
public_key: public_key,
user: security_key_user,
last_used: nil
let(:public_key) { 'pQECAyYgASFYIMNgw4GCpwBUlR2SznJ1yY7B9yFvsuxhfo+C9kcA4IitIlggRdofrCezymy2B/YarX+gfB6gZKg648/cHIMjf6wWmmU=' }
let(:credential_id) { 'mJAJ4CznTO0SuLkJbYwpgK75ao4KMNIPlU5KWM92nq39kRbXzI9mSv6GxTcsMYoiPgaouNw7b7zBiS4vsQaO6A==' }
let(:challenge) { '81d4acfbd69eafa8f02bc2ecbec5267be8c9b28c1e0ba306d52b79f0f13d' }
let(:client_data_challenge) { Base64.strict_encode64(challenge) }
let(:client_data_webauthn_type) { 'webauthn.get' }
let(:client_data_origin) { 'http://localhost:3000' }
# IMPORTANT: For the SHA256 hash to match the same one as was used to generate
# the values for this spec, the three keys and values must be in the same order
# (challenge, origin, type)
let(:client_data_param) {
challenge: client_data_challenge,
origin: client_data_origin,
type: client_data_webauthn_type
# These are sourced from an actual login using the UserSecurityKey credential
# defined in this spec, generated via a local discourse.
let(:signature) { "MEUCIBppPyK8blxBDoktU54mI1vWEY96r1V5H1rEBtPDxwcGAiEAoi7LCmMoEAuWYu0krZpflZlULsbURCGcqOwP06amXYE=" }
let(:authenticator_data) { "SZYN5YgOjGh0NBcPZHZgW4/krrmihjLHmVzzuoMdl2MBAAAAVw==" }
let(:params) do
clientData: Base64.strict_encode64(client_data_param.to_json),
credentialId: credential_id,
authenticatorData: authenticator_data,
signature: signature
# The original key was generated in localhost
let(:rp_id) { 'localhost' }
let(:challenge_params_origin) { 'http://localhost:3000' }
let(:challenge_params) do
challenge: challenge,
rp_id: rp_id,
origin: challenge_params_origin
let(:current_user) { Fabricate(:user) }
let(:subject) { described_class.new(current_user, params, challenge_params) }
it 'updates last_used when the security key and params are valid' do
expect(subject.authenticate_security_key).to eq(true)
expect(security_key.reload.last_used).not_to eq(nil)
context "when params is blank" do
let(:params) { nil }
it "returns false with no validation" do
expect(subject.authenticate_security_key).to eq(false)
context "when params is not blank and not a hash" do
let(:params) { 'test' }
it "returns false with no validation" do
expect(subject.authenticate_security_key).to eq(false)
context 'when the credential ID does not match any user security key in the database' do
before do
it 'raises a NotFoundError' do
expect { subject.authenticate_security_key }.to raise_error(
Webauthn::NotFoundError, I18n.t('webauthn.validation.not_found_error')
context 'when the credential ID does exist but it is for a different user' do
let(:security_key_user) { Fabricate(:user) }
it 'raises an OwnershipError' do
expect { subject.authenticate_security_key }.to raise_error(
Webauthn::OwnershipError, I18n.t('webauthn.validation.ownership_error')
context 'when the client data webauthn type is not webauthn.get' do
let(:client_data_webauthn_type) { 'webauthn.explode' }
it 'raises an InvalidTypeError' do
expect { subject.authenticate_security_key }.to raise_error(
Webauthn::InvalidTypeError, I18n.t('webauthn.validation.invalid_type_error')
context 'when the decoded challenge does not match the original challenge provided by the server' do
let(:client_data_challenge) { Base64.strict_encode64('invalid challenge') }
it 'raises a ChallengeMismatchError' do
expect { subject.authenticate_security_key }.to raise_error(
Webauthn::ChallengeMismatchError, I18n.t('webauthn.validation.challenge_mismatch_error')
context 'when the origin of the client data does not match the server origin' do
let(:client_data_origin) { 'https://someothersite.com' }
it 'raises a InvalidOriginError' do
expect { subject.authenticate_security_key }.to raise_error(
Webauthn::InvalidOriginError, I18n.t('webauthn.validation.invalid_origin_error')
context 'when the sha256 hash of the relaying party ID does not match the one in attestation.authData' do
let(:rp_id) { 'bad_rp_id' }
it 'raises a InvalidRelyingPartyIdError' do
expect { subject.authenticate_security_key }.to raise_error(
Webauthn::InvalidRelyingPartyIdError, I18n.t('webauthn.validation.invalid_relying_party_id_error')
context 'when there is a problem verifying the public key (e.g. invalid signature)' do
let(:signature) { Base64.strict_encode64('badsig') }
it 'raises a PublicKeyError' do
expect { subject.authenticate_security_key }.to raise_error(
Webauthn::PublicKeyError, I18n.t('webauthn.validation.public_key_error')
context 'when the COSE algorithm used cannot be found' do
before do
it 'raises a UnknownCOSEAlgorithmError' do
expect { subject.authenticate_security_key }.to raise_error(
Webauthn::UnknownCOSEAlgorithmError, I18n.t('webauthn.validation.unknown_cose_algorithm_error')
context 'for windows hello (alg -257)' do
# These are sourced from an actual login using the UserSecurityKey credential
# defined in this spec, generated via a local discourse.
let(:challenge) { "fa7cb122f8713745dc08e16863e087ffa2d3bfda7f1b0386ea4b14635bb6" }
let(:signature) { "OKEP/8oiojjE+LBwg6F37yJzjOTT9mBPukrW1E8Sih5Vh/3p9WHrqZdylxr1x9z/c8GplC0ABayanpAqN/miQezt3wm97gIwoHq/6rrmHDZu6irQhpjeX9yHRlu0lQw+SUEZfoW3iB4oP/d2ryYlafFA9intm++lLlP/qI3mvpCQwkAeotaelx7fn0RwiY767dG+bGVPyYuUicGHcLLvCY2k0G8kRQ7I5SQqB+dIcOINWikC9I2xvUKu6Br7hZZIrDy+soFtdnnCnvi2q/3ocOPYL5jy58wdpCTsh1RRPIEF/fQFVDOXtdS7PVgaa0PMBcWMCe5TimwGlTlICnsm+g==" }
let(:authenticator_data) { "SZYN5YgOjGh0NBcPZHZgW4/krrmihjLHmVzzuoMdl2MFAAAABA==" }
let(:credential_id) { "8AddFow3jT87k1UPWvjn+rOetCEambpESGZ+z/63hOE=" }
let(:public_key) { "pAEDAzkBACBZAQCqsl50KrR5zVm/QT9vWkeGTGxby32m0QRtCRh2UWseqoG0ZmBhGeWEYvkdoYlB1jObQKEHsAeB+1NBf5q69/88AA5zv4fzrvCydCtL41EUsHYFEbaPGnB61zZmYVLTPI7BYa+fu4F4MzFa924s36tVlU/L7n04peviJVZW2C1YIQfwOGDZJSvUpqJoZMQtw1vGRfrb4cQKlHfrpDZUpa3QLE8phh4ce4nwtX1tUnUGgCy8sOaFVkDNufENGTNr8HdAIHcinUiax3yy/Q8LjSZb8UR2ha6oXSe1vRHhj001B/P/mr5AdVMxSrOT1sUNXWkHv8L8IzS/iTBQpsC8CADZIUMBAAE=" }
let(:challenge_params_origin) { 'http://localhost:4200' }
let(:client_data_origin) { 'http://localhost:4200' }
# This has to be in the exact same order with the same data as it was originally
# generated.
let(:client_data_param) {
type: client_data_webauthn_type,
challenge: client_data_challenge,
origin: client_data_origin,
crossOrigin: false,
other_keys_can_be_added_here: "do not compare clientDataJSON against a template. See https://goo.gl/yabPex"
it 'updates last_used when the security key and params are valid' do
expect(subject.authenticate_security_key).to eq(true)
expect(security_key.reload.last_used).not_to eq(nil)
it 'all supported algorithms are implemented' do
Webauthn::SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS.each do |alg|
expect(COSE::Algorithm.find(alg)).not_to be_nil