Martin Brennan 60ad836313
DEV: Chat service object initial implementation (#19814)
This is a combined work of Martin Brennan, Loïc Guitaut, and Joffrey Jaffeux.


This commit implements a base service object when working in chat. The documentation is available at https://discourse.github.io/discourse/chat/backend/Chat/Service.html

Generating documentation has been made as part of this commit with a bigger goal in mind of generally making it easier to dive into the chat project.

Working with services generally involves 3 parts:

- The service object itself, which is a series of steps where few of them are specialized (model, transaction, policy)

class UpdateAge
  include Chat::Service::Base

  model :user, :fetch_user
  policy :can_see_user
  step :update_age

  class Contract
    attribute :age, :integer

  def fetch_user(user_id:, **)
    User.find_by(id: user_id)

  def can_see_user(guardian:, **)

  def update_age(age:, **)
    user.update!(age: age)

- The `with_service` controller helper, handling success and failure of the service within a service and making easy to return proper response to it from the controller

def update
  with_service(UpdateAge) do
    on_success { render_serialized(result.user, BasicUserSerializer, root: "user") }

- Rspec matchers and steps inspector, improving the dev experience while creating specs for a service

RSpec.describe(UpdateAge) do
  subject(:result) do
    described_class.call(guardian: guardian, user_id: user.id, age: age)

  fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
  fab!(:current_user) { Fabricate(:admin) }

  let(:guardian) { Guardian.new(current_user) }
  let(:age) { 1 }

   it { expect(user.reload.age).to eq(age) }

Note in case of unexpected failure in your spec, the output will give all the relevant information:

  1) UpdateAge when no channel_id is given is expected to fail to find a model named 'user'
     Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to fail_to_find_a_model(:user) }

       Expected model 'foo' (key: 'result.model.user') was not found in the result object.

       [1/4] [model] 'user' 
       [2/4] [policy] 'can_see_user'
       [3/4] [contract] 'default'
       [4/4] [step] 'update_age'

       /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/update_age.rb:32:in `fetch_user': missing keyword: :user_id (ArgumentError)
       	from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `instance_exec'
       	from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:202:in `call'
       	from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:219:in `call'
       	from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `block in run!'
       	from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `each'
       	from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:417:in `run!'
       	from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:411:in `run'
       	from <internal:kernel>:90:in `tap'
       	from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/app/services/base.rb:302:in `call'
       	from /Users/joffreyjaffeux/Code/pr-discourse/plugins/chat/spec/services/update_age_spec.rb:15:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
2023-02-13 13:09:57 +01:00

282 lines
7.1 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
source "https://rubygems.org"
# if there is a super emergency and rubygems is playing up, try
#source 'http://production.cf.rubygems.org'
gem "bootsnap", require: false, platform: :mri
def rails_master?
if rails_master?
gem "arel", git: "https://github.com/rails/arel.git"
gem "rails", git: "https://github.com/rails/rails.git"
# NOTE: Until rubygems gives us optional dependencies we are stuck with this needing to be explicit
# this allows us to include the bits of rails we use without pieces we do not.
# To issue a rails update bump the version number here
rails_version = ""
gem "actionmailer", rails_version
gem "actionpack", rails_version
gem "actionview", rails_version
gem "activemodel", rails_version
gem "activerecord", rails_version
gem "activesupport", rails_version
gem "railties", rails_version
gem "sprockets-rails"
gem "json"
# TODO: At the moment Discourse does not work with Sprockets 4, we would need to correct internals
# We intend to drop sprockets rather than upgrade to 4.x
gem "sprockets", git: "https://github.com/rails/sprockets", branch: "3.x"
# this will eventually be added to rails,
# allows us to precompile all our templates in the unicorn master
gem "actionview_precompiler", require: false
gem "discourse-seed-fu"
gem "mail", git: "https://github.com/discourse/mail.git"
gem "mini_mime"
gem "mini_suffix"
gem "redis"
# This is explicitly used by Sidekiq and is an optional dependency.
# We tell Sidekiq to use the namespace "sidekiq" which triggers this
# gem to be used. There is no explicit dependency in sidekiq cause
# redis namespace support is optional
# We already namespace stuff in DiscourseRedis, so we should consider
# just using a single implementation in core vs having 2 namespace implementations
gem "redis-namespace"
# NOTE: AM serializer gets a lot slower with recent updates
# we used an old branch which is the fastest one out there
# are long term goal here is to fork this gem so we have a
# better maintained living fork
gem "active_model_serializers", "~> 0.8.3"
gem "http_accept_language", require: false
gem "discourse-fonts", require: "discourse_fonts"
gem "message_bus"
gem "rails_multisite"
gem "fast_xs", platform: :ruby
gem "xorcist"
gem "fastimage"
gem "aws-sdk-s3", require: false
gem "aws-sdk-sns", require: false
gem "excon", require: false
gem "unf", require: false
gem "email_reply_trimmer"
gem "image_optim"
gem "multi_json"
gem "mustache"
gem "nokogiri"
gem "loofah"
gem "css_parser", require: false
gem "omniauth"
gem "omniauth-facebook"
gem "omniauth-twitter"
gem "omniauth-github"
gem "omniauth-oauth2", require: false
gem "omniauth-google-oauth2"
# pending: https://github.com/ohler55/oj/issues/789
gem "oj", "3.13.14"
gem "pg"
gem "mini_sql"
gem "pry-rails", require: false
gem "pry-byebug", require: false
gem "rtlcss_wrapper", require: false
gem "rake"
gem "thor", require: false
gem "diffy", require: false
gem "rinku"
gem "sidekiq"
gem "mini_scheduler"
gem "execjs", require: false
gem "mini_racer"
gem "highline", require: false
gem "rack"
gem "rack-protection" # security
gem "cbor", require: false
gem "cose", require: false
gem "addressable"
gem "json_schemer"
gem "net-smtp", require: false
gem "net-imap", require: false
gem "net-pop", require: false
gem "digest", require: false
# Gems used only for assets and not required in production environments by default.
# Allow everywhere for now cause we are allowing asset debugging in production
group :assets do
gem "uglifier"
group :test do
gem "capybara", require: false
gem "webmock", require: false
gem "fakeweb", require: false
gem "minitest", require: false
gem "simplecov", require: false
gem "selenium-webdriver", require: false
gem "test-prof"
gem "webdrivers", require: false
group :test, :development do
gem "rspec"
gem "listen", require: false
gem "certified", require: false
gem "fabrication", require: false
gem "mocha", require: false
gem "rb-fsevent", require: RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i ? "rb-fsevent" : false
gem "rspec-rails"
gem "shoulda-matchers", require: false
gem "rspec-html-matchers"
gem "byebug", require: ENV["RM_INFO"].nil?, platform: :mri
gem "rubocop-discourse", require: false
gem "parallel_tests"
gem "rswag-specs"
gem "annotate"
gem "syntax_tree"
gem "syntax_tree-disable_ternary"
group :development do
gem "ruby-prof", require: false, platform: :mri
gem "bullet", require: !!ENV["BULLET"]
gem "better_errors", platform: :mri, require: !!ENV["BETTER_ERRORS"]
gem "binding_of_caller"
gem "yaml-lint"
gem "yard"
gem "discourse_dev_assets"
gem "faker", "~> 2.16"
group :development, :test do
gem "discourse_dev_assets"
gem "faker", "~> 2.16"
# this is an optional gem, it provides a high performance replacement
# to String#blank? a method that is called quite frequently in current
# ActiveRecord, this may change in the future
gem "fast_blank", platform: :ruby
# this provides a very efficient lru cache
gem "lru_redux"
gem "htmlentities", require: false
# IMPORTANT: mini profiler monkey patches, so it better be required last
# If you want to amend mini profiler to do the monkey patches in the railties
# we are open to it. by deferring require to the initializer we can configure discourse installs without it
gem "rack-mini-profiler", require: ["enable_rails_patches"]
gem "unicorn", require: false, platform: :ruby
gem "puma", require: false
gem "rbtrace", require: false, platform: :mri
gem "gc_tracer", require: false, platform: :mri
# required for feed importing and embedding
gem "ruby-readability", require: false
# rss gem is a bundled gem from Ruby 3 onwards
gem "rss", require: false
gem "stackprof", require: false, platform: :mri
gem "memory_profiler", require: false, platform: :mri
gem "cppjieba_rb", require: false
gem "lograge", require: false
gem "logstash-event", require: false
gem "logstash-logger", require: false
gem "logster"
# These are forks of sassc and sassc-rails with dart-sass support
gem "dartsass-ruby"
gem "dartsass-sprockets"
gem "rotp", require: false
gem "rqrcode"
gem "rubyzip", require: false
gem "sshkey", require: false
gem "rchardet", require: false
gem "lz4-ruby", require: false, platform: :ruby
gem "sanitize"
if ENV["IMPORT"] == "1"
gem "mysql2"
gem "redcarpet"
# NOTE: in import mode the version of sqlite can matter a lot, so we stick it to a specific one
gem "sqlite3", "~> 1.3", ">= 1.3.13"
gem "ruby-bbcode-to-md", git: "https://github.com/nlalonde/ruby-bbcode-to-md"
gem "reverse_markdown"
gem "tiny_tds"
gem "csv"
gem "parallel", require: false
gem "web-push"
gem "colored2", require: false
gem "maxminddb"
gem "rails_failover", require: false
gem "faraday"
gem "faraday-retry"
# workaround for faraday-net_http, see
# https://github.com/ruby/net-imap/issues/16#issuecomment-803086765
gem "net-http"
# workaround for prometheus-client
gem "webrick", require: false
# Workaround until Ruby ships with cgi version 0.3.6 or higher.
gem "cgi", ">= 0.3.6", require: false