mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 13:30:40 +08:00

Updates markdown-it to v13.0.1 Noteworthy changes: * `markdownit()` is now available on `globalThis` instead of `window`. * The `text_collapse` rule was renamed to `fragments_join` which affected the `bbcode-inline` implementation. * The `linkify` rule was added to the `inline` chain which affected the handling of the `[url]` BBCode. If available, our implementation reuses `link_open` and `link_close` tokens created by linkify in order to prevent duplicate links. * The rendered HTML for code changed slightly. There's now a linebreak before the `</code>` tag. The tests were adjusted accordingly.
576 lines
17 KiB
576 lines
17 KiB
import AllowLister from "pretty-text/allow-lister";
import { cloneJSON } from "discourse-common/lib/object";
import deprecated from "discourse-common/lib/deprecated";
import guid from "pretty-text/guid";
import { sanitize } from "pretty-text/sanitizer";
export const ATTACHMENT_CSS_CLASS = "attachment";
function deprecate(feature, name) {
return function () {
if (window.console && window.console.log) {
feature +
": " +
name +
" is deprecated, please use the new markdown it APIs"
// We have some custom extensions and extension points for markdown-it, including
// the helper (passed in via setup) that has registerOptions, registerPlugin etc.
// as well as our postProcessText rule to replace text with a regex.
// Take a look at https://meta.discourse.org/t/developers-guide-to-markdown-extensions/66023
// for more detailed information.
function createHelper(
) {
let helper = {};
helper.markdownIt = true;
helper.allowList = (info) => allowListed.push([featureName, info]);
helper.whiteList = (info) => {
deprecated("`whiteList` has been replaced with `allowList`", {
since: "2.6.0.beta.4",
dropFrom: "2.7.0",
helper.registerInline = deprecate(featureName, "registerInline");
helper.replaceBlock = deprecate(featureName, "replaceBlock");
helper.addPreProcessor = deprecate(featureName, "addPreProcessor");
helper.inlineReplace = deprecate(featureName, "inlineReplace");
helper.postProcessTag = deprecate(featureName, "postProcessTag");
helper.inlineRegexp = deprecate(featureName, "inlineRegexp");
helper.inlineBetween = deprecate(featureName, "inlineBetween");
helper.postProcessText = deprecate(featureName, "postProcessText");
helper.onParseNode = deprecate(featureName, "onParseNode");
helper.registerBlock = deprecate(featureName, "registerBlock");
// hack to allow moving of getOptions
helper.getOptions = () => getOptions.f();
helper.registerOptions = (callback) => {
optionCallbacks.push([featureName, callback]);
helper.registerPlugin = (callback) => {
pluginCallbacks.push([featureName, callback]);
helper.buildCookFunction = (callback) => {
customMarkdownCookFnCallbacks.push([featureName, callback]);
return helper;
// TODO we may just use a proper ruler from markdown it... this is a basic proxy
class Ruler {
constructor() {
this.rules = [];
getRules() {
return this.rules;
getRuleForTag(tag) {
if (this.cache.hasOwnProperty(tag)) {
return this.cache[tag];
ensureCache() {
if (this.cache) {
this.cache = {};
for (let i = this.rules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let info = this.rules[i];
this.cache[info.rule.tag] = info;
push(name, rule) {
this.rules.push({ name, rule });
this.cache = null;
// block bb code ruler for parsing of quotes / code / polls
function setupBlockBBCode(md) {
md.block.bbcode = { ruler: new Ruler() };
// inline bbcode ruler for parsing of spoiler tags, discourse-chart etc
function setupInlineBBCode(md) {
md.inline.bbcode = { ruler: new Ruler() };
// rule for text replacement via regex, used for @mentions, category hashtags, etc.
function setupTextPostProcessRuler(md) {
const TextPostProcessRuler = requirejs(
md.core.textPostProcess = { ruler: new TextPostProcessRuler() };
// hoists html_raw tokens out of the render flow and replaces them
// with a GUID. this GUID is then replaced with the final raw HTML
// content in unhoistForCooked
function renderHoisted(tokens, idx, options) {
const content = tokens[idx].content;
if (content && content.length > 0) {
let id = guid();
options.discourse.hoisted[id] = content;
return id;
} else {
return "";
function setupUrlDecoding(md) {
// this fixed a subtle issue where %20 is decoded as space in
// automatic urls
md.utils.lib.mdurl.decode.defaultChars = ";/?:@&=+$,# ";
// html_raw tokens, funnily enough, render raw HTML via renderHoisted and
// unhoistForCooked
function setupHoister(md) {
md.renderer.rules.html_raw = renderHoisted;
// videoHTML and audioHTML follow the same HTML syntax
// as oneboxer.rb when dealing with these formats
function videoHTML(token) {
const src = token.attrGet("src");
const origSrc = token.attrGet("data-orig-src");
const dataOrigSrcAttr = origSrc !== null ? `data-orig-src="${origSrc}"` : "";
return `<div class="video-container">
<video width="100%" height="100%" preload="metadata" controls>
<source src="${src}" ${dataOrigSrcAttr}>
<a href="${src}">${src}</a>
function audioHTML(token) {
const src = token.attrGet("src");
const origSrc = token.attrGet("data-orig-src");
const dataOrigSrcAttr = origSrc !== null ? `data-orig-src="${origSrc}"` : "";
return `<audio preload="metadata" controls>
<source src="${src}" ${dataOrigSrcAttr}>
<a href="${src}">${src}</a>
const IMG_SIZE_REGEX = /^([1-9]+[0-9]*)x([1-9]+[0-9]*)(\s*,\s*(x?)([1-9][0-9]{0,2}?)([%x]?))?$/;
function renderImageOrPlayableMedia(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
const token = tokens[idx];
const alt = slf.renderInlineAsText(token.children, options, env);
const split = alt.split("|");
const altSplit = [split[0]];
// markdown-it supports returning HTML instead of continuing to render the current token
// see https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it/blob/master/docs/architecture.md#renderer
// handles |video and |audio alt transformations for image tags
if (split[1] === "video") {
if (
options.discourse.previewing &&
) {
return `<div class="onebox-placeholder-container">
<span class="placeholder-icon video"></span>
} else {
return videoHTML(token);
} else if (split[1] === "audio") {
return audioHTML(token);
// parsing ![myimage|500x300]() or ![myimage|75%]() or ![myimage|500x300, 75%]
for (let i = 1, match, data; i < split.length; ++i) {
if ((match = split[i].match(IMG_SIZE_REGEX)) && match[1] && match[2]) {
let width = match[1];
let height = match[2];
// calculate using percentage
if (match[5] && match[6] && match[6] === "%") {
let percent = parseFloat(match[5]) / 100.0;
width = parseInt(width * percent, 10);
height = parseInt(height * percent, 10);
// calculate using only given width
if (match[5] && match[6] && match[6] === "x") {
let wr = parseFloat(match[5]) / width;
width = parseInt(match[5], 10);
height = parseInt(height * wr, 10);
// calculate using only given height
if (match[5] && match[4] && match[4] === "x" && !match[6]) {
let hr = parseFloat(match[5]) / height;
height = parseInt(match[5], 10);
width = parseInt(width * hr, 10);
if (token.attrIndex("width") === -1) {
token.attrs.push(["width", width]);
if (token.attrIndex("height") === -1) {
token.attrs.push(["height", height]);
if (
options.discourse.previewing &&
match[6] !== "x" &&
match[4] !== "x"
) {
token.attrs.push(["class", "resizable"]);
} else if ((data = extractDataAttribute(split[i]))) {
} else if (split[i] === "thumbnail") {
token.attrs.push(["data-thumbnail", "true"]);
} else {
token.attrs[token.attrIndex("alt")][1] = altSplit.join("|");
return slf.renderToken(tokens, idx, options);
// we have taken over the ![]() syntax in markdown to
// be able to render a video or audio URL as well as the
// image using |video and |audio in the text inside []
function setupImageAndPlayableMediaRenderer(md) {
md.renderer.rules.image = renderImageOrPlayableMedia;
function renderAttachment(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
const linkToken = tokens[idx];
const textToken = tokens[idx + 1];
const split = textToken.content.split("|");
const contentSplit = [];
for (let i = 0, data; i < split.length; ++i) {
if (split[i] === ATTACHMENT_CSS_CLASS) {
linkToken.attrs.unshift(["class", split[i]]);
} else if ((data = extractDataAttribute(split[i]))) {
} else {
if (contentSplit.length > 0) {
textToken.content = contentSplit.join("|");
return slf.renderToken(tokens, idx, options);
function setupAttachments(md) {
md.renderer.rules.link_open = renderAttachment;
function buildCustomMarkdownCookFunction(engineOpts, defaultEngineOpts) {
// everything except the engine for opts can just point to the other
// opts references, they do not change and we don't need to worry about
// mutating them. note that this may need to be updated when additional
// opts are added to the pipeline
const newOpts = {};
newOpts.allowListed = defaultEngineOpts.allowListed;
newOpts.pluginCallbacks = defaultEngineOpts.pluginCallbacks;
newOpts.sanitizer = defaultEngineOpts.sanitizer;
newOpts.discourse = {};
const featureConfig = cloneJSON(defaultEngineOpts.discourse.features);
// everything from the discourse part of defaultEngineOpts can be cloned except
// the features, because these can be a limited subset and we don't want to
// change the original object reference
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(defaultEngineOpts.discourse)) {
if (key !== "features") {
newOpts.discourse[key] = value;
if (engineOpts.featuresOverride !== undefined) {
overrideMarkdownFeatures(featureConfig, engineOpts.featuresOverride);
newOpts.discourse.features = featureConfig;
const markdownitOpts = {
discourse: newOpts.discourse,
html: defaultEngineOpts.engine.options.html,
breaks: defaultEngineOpts.engine.options.breaks,
xhtmlOut: defaultEngineOpts.engine.options.xhtmlOut,
linkify: defaultEngineOpts.engine.options.linkify,
typographer: defaultEngineOpts.engine.options.typographer,
newOpts.engine = createMarkdownItEngineWithOpts(
// we have to do this to make sure plugin callbacks, allow list, and helper
// functions are all set up correctly for the new engine
setupMarkdownEngine(newOpts, featureConfig);
// we don't need the whole engine as a consumer, just a cook function
// will do
return function customRenderFn(contentToRender) {
return cook(contentToRender, newOpts);
function createMarkdownItEngineWithOpts(markdownitOpts, ruleOverrides) {
if (ruleOverrides !== undefined) {
// Preset for "zero", https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it/blob/master/lib/presets/zero.js
return globalThis.markdownit("zero", markdownitOpts).enable(ruleOverrides);
return globalThis.markdownit(markdownitOpts);
function overrideMarkdownFeatures(features, featureOverrides) {
if (featureOverrides !== undefined) {
Object.keys(features).forEach((feature) => {
features[feature] = featureOverrides.includes(feature);
function setupMarkdownEngine(opts, featureConfig) {
const quotation_marks =
if (quotation_marks) {
opts.engine.options.quotes = quotation_marks.split("|");
(opts.discourse.limitedSiteSettings.markdownLinkifyTlds || "").split("|")
opts.pluginCallbacks.forEach(([feature, callback]) => {
if (featureConfig[feature]) {
// top level markdown it notifier
opts.markdownIt = true;
opts.setup = true;
if (!opts.discourse.sanitizer || !opts.sanitizer) {
const allowLister = new AllowLister(opts.discourse);
opts.allowListed.forEach(([feature, info]) => {
allowLister.allowListFeature(feature, info);
opts.sanitizer = opts.discourse.sanitizer = !!opts.discourse.sanitize
? (a) => sanitize(a, allowLister)
: (a) => a;
function unhoistForCooked(hoisted, cooked) {
const keys = Object.keys(hoisted);
if (keys.length) {
let found = true;
const unhoist = function (key) {
cooked = cooked.replace(new RegExp(key, "g"), function () {
found = true;
return hoisted[key];
while (found) {
found = false;
return cooked;
export function extractDataAttribute(str) {
let sep = str.indexOf("=");
if (sep === -1) {
return null;
const key = `data-${str.slice(0, sep)}`.toLowerCase();
if (!/^[A-Za-z]+[\w\-\:\.]*$/.test(key)) {
return null;
const value = str.slice(sep + 1);
return [key, value];
let Helpers;
export function setup(opts, siteSettings, state) {
if (opts.setup) {
// we got to require this late cause bundle is not loaded in pretty-text
Helpers =
Helpers || requirejs("pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown/helpers");
opts.markdownIt = true;
let optionCallbacks = [];
let pluginCallbacks = [];
let customMarkdownCookFnCallbacks = [];
// ideally I would like to change the top level API a bit, but in the mean time this will do
let getOptions = {
f: () => opts,
const check = /discourse-markdown\/|markdown-it\//;
let features = [];
let allowListed = [];
// all of the modules under discourse-markdown or markdown-it
// directories are considered additional markdown "features" which
// may define their own rules
Object.keys(require._eak_seen).forEach((entry) => {
if (check.test(entry)) {
const module = requirejs(entry);
if (module && module.setup) {
const id = entry.split("/").reverse()[0];
let priority = module.priority || 0;
features.unshift({ id, setup: module.setup, priority });
.sort((a, b) => a.priority - b.priority)
.forEach((markdownFeature) => {
Object.entries(state.allowListed || {}).forEach((entry) => {
optionCallbacks.forEach(([, callback]) => {
callback(opts, siteSettings, state);
// enable all features by default
features.forEach((feature) => {
if (!opts.features.hasOwnProperty(feature.id)) {
opts.features[feature.id] = true;
if (opts.featuresOverride !== undefined) {
overrideMarkdownFeatures(opts.features, opts.featuresOverride);
let copy = {};
Object.keys(opts).forEach((entry) => {
copy[entry] = opts[entry];
delete opts[entry];
copy.helpers = {
textReplace: Helpers.textReplace,
opts.discourse = copy;
getOptions.f = () => opts.discourse;
opts.discourse.limitedSiteSettings = {
secureMedia: siteSettings.secure_media,
enableDiffhtmlPreview: siteSettings.enable_diffhtml_preview,
traditionalMarkdownLinebreaks: siteSettings.traditional_markdown_linebreaks,
enableMarkdownLinkify: siteSettings.enable_markdown_linkify,
enableMarkdownTypographer: siteSettings.enable_markdown_typographer,
markdownLinkifyTlds: siteSettings.markdown_linkify_tlds,
const markdownitOpts = {
discourse: opts.discourse,
html: true,
breaks: !opts.discourse.limitedSiteSettings.traditionalMarkdownLinebreaks,
xhtmlOut: false,
linkify: opts.discourse.limitedSiteSettings.enableMarkdownLinkify,
typographer: opts.discourse.limitedSiteSettings.enableMarkdownTypographer,
opts.engine = createMarkdownItEngineWithOpts(
opts.pluginCallbacks = pluginCallbacks;
opts.allowListed = allowListed;
setupMarkdownEngine(opts, opts.discourse.features);
customMarkdownCookFnCallbacks.forEach(([, callback]) => {
callback(opts, (engineOpts, afterBuild) =>
afterBuild(buildCustomMarkdownCookFunction(engineOpts, opts))
export function cook(raw, opts) {
// we still have to hoist html_raw nodes so they bypass the allowlister
// this is the case for oneboxes
let hoisted = {};
opts.discourse.hoisted = hoisted;
const rendered = opts.engine.render(raw);
let cooked = opts.discourse.sanitizer(rendered).trim();
cooked = unhoistForCooked(hoisted, cooked);
delete opts.discourse.hoisted;
return cooked;