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synced 2025-02-10 16:37:31 +08:00
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350 lines
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import RestModel from 'discourse/models/rest';
import { popupAjaxError } from 'discourse/lib/ajax-error';
import ActionSummary from 'discourse/models/action-summary';
import { url, propertyEqual } from 'discourse/lib/computed';
import Quote from 'discourse/lib/quote';
import computed from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators';
const Post = RestModel.extend({
siteSettings() {
// TODO: Remove this once one instantiate all `Discourse.Post` models via the store.
return Discourse.SiteSettings;
shareUrl: function() {
const user = Discourse.User.current();
const userSuffix = user ? '?u=' + user.get('username_lower') : '';
if (this.get('firstPost')) {
return this.get('topic.url') + userSuffix;
} else {
return this.get('url') + userSuffix ;
new_user: Em.computed.equal('trust_level', 0),
firstPost: Em.computed.equal('post_number', 1),
// Posts can show up as deleted if the topic is deleted
deletedViaTopic: Em.computed.and('firstPost', 'topic.deleted_at'),
deleted: Em.computed.or('deleted_at', 'deletedViaTopic'),
notDeleted: Em.computed.not('deleted'),
showName: function() {
const name = this.get('name');
return name && (name !== this.get('username')) && Discourse.SiteSettings.display_name_on_posts;
}.property('name', 'username'),
postDeletedBy: function() {
if (this.get('firstPost')) { return this.get('topic.deleted_by'); }
return this.get('deleted_by');
}.property('firstPost', 'deleted_by', 'topic.deleted_by'),
postDeletedAt: function() {
if (this.get('firstPost')) { return this.get('topic.deleted_at'); }
return this.get('deleted_at');
}.property('firstPost', 'deleted_at', 'topic.deleted_at'),
url: function() {
return Discourse.Utilities.postUrl(this.get('topic.slug') || this.get('topic_slug'), this.get('topic_id'), this.get('post_number'));
}.property('post_number', 'topic_id', 'topic.slug'),
// Don't drop the /1
@computed('post_number', 'url')
urlWithNumber(postNumber, postUrl) {
return postNumber === 1 ? postUrl + "/1" : postUrl;
usernameUrl: url('username', '/users/%@'),
topicOwner: propertyEqual('topic.details.created_by.id', 'user_id'),
updatePostField(field, value) {
const data = {};
data[field] = value;
return Discourse.ajax(`/posts/${this.get('id')}/${field}`, { type: 'PUT', data }).then(() => {
this.set(field, value);
internalLinks: function() {
if (Ember.isEmpty(this.get('link_counts'))) return null;
return this.get('link_counts').filterProperty('internal').filterProperty('title');
flagsAvailable: function() {
const post = this;
return Discourse.Site.currentProp('flagTypes').filter(function(item) {
return post.get("actionByName." + item.get('name_key') + ".can_act");
afterUpdate(res) {
if (res.category) {
updateProperties() {
return {
post: { raw: this.get('raw'), edit_reason: this.get('editReason') },
image_sizes: this.get('imageSizes')
createProperties() {
// composer only used once, defer the dependency
const Composer = require('discourse/models/composer').default;
const data = this.getProperties(Composer.serializedFieldsForCreate());
data.reply_to_post_number = this.get('reply_to_post_number');
data.image_sizes = this.get('imageSizes');
const metaData = this.get('metaData');
// Put the metaData into the request
if (metaData) {
data.meta_data = {};
Ember.keys(metaData).forEach(function(key) { data.meta_data[key] = metaData.get(key); });
return data;
// Expands the first post's content, if embedded and shortened.
expand() {
const self = this;
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + this.get('id') + "/expand-embed").then(function(post) {
self.set('cooked', "<section class='expanded-embed'>" + post.cooked + "</section>" );
// Recover a deleted post
recover() {
const post = this,
initProperties = post.getProperties('deleted_at', 'deleted_by', 'user_deleted', 'can_delete');
deleted_at: null,
deleted_by: null,
user_deleted: false,
can_delete: false
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + (this.get('id')) + "/recover", { type: 'PUT', cache: false }).then(function(data){
cooked: data.cooked,
raw: data.raw,
user_deleted: false,
can_delete: true,
version: data.version
}).catch(function(error) {
Changes the state of the post to be deleted. Does not call the server, that should be
done elsewhere.
setDeletedState(deletedBy) {
this.set('oldCooked', this.get('cooked'));
// Moderators can delete posts. Users can only trigger a deleted at message, unless delete_removed_posts_after is 0.
if (deletedBy.get('staff') || Discourse.SiteSettings.delete_removed_posts_after === 0) {
deleted_at: new Date(),
deleted_by: deletedBy,
can_delete: false
} else {
cooked: Discourse.Markdown.cook(I18n.t("post.deleted_by_author", {count: Discourse.SiteSettings.delete_removed_posts_after})),
can_delete: false,
version: this.get('version') + 1,
can_recover: true,
can_edit: false,
user_deleted: true
Changes the state of the post to NOT be deleted. Does not call the server.
This can only be called after setDeletedState was called, but the delete
failed on the server.
undoDeleteState() {
if (this.get('oldCooked')) {
deleted_at: null,
deleted_by: null,
cooked: this.get('oldCooked'),
version: this.get('version') - 1,
can_recover: false,
can_delete: true,
user_deleted: false
destroy(deletedBy) {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + this.get('id'), {
data: { context: window.location.pathname },
type: 'DELETE'
Updates a post from another's attributes. This will normally happen when a post is loading but
is already found in an identity map.
updateFromPost(otherPost) {
const self = this;
Object.keys(otherPost).forEach(function (key) {
let value = otherPost[key],
oldValue = self[key];
if (!value) { value = null; }
if (!oldValue) { oldValue = null; }
let skip = false;
if (typeof value !== "function" && oldValue !== value) {
// wishing for an identity map
if (key === "reply_to_user" && value && oldValue) {
skip = value.username === oldValue.username || Em.get(value, "username") === Em.get(oldValue, "username");
if (!skip) {
self.set(key, value);
expandHidden() {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + this.get('id') + "/cooked.json").then(result => {
this.setProperties({ cooked: result.cooked, cooked_hidden: false });
rebake() {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + this.get("id") + "/rebake", { type: "PUT" });
unhide() {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + this.get("id") + "/unhide", { type: "PUT" });
toggleBookmark() {
const self = this;
let bookmarkedTopic;
if(this.get("bookmarked") && !this.get("topic.bookmarked")) {
this.set("topic.bookmarked", true);
bookmarkedTopic = true;
// need to wait to hear back from server (stuff may not be loaded)
return Discourse.Post.updateBookmark(this.get('id'), this.get('bookmarked'))
self.set("topic.bookmarked", result.topic_bookmarked);
.catch(function(e) {
if (bookmarkedTopic) {self.set("topic.bookmarked", false); }
throw e;
updateActionsSummary(json) {
if (json && json.id === this.get('id')) {
json = Post.munge(json);
this.set('actions_summary', json.actions_summary);
munge(json) {
if (json.actions_summary) {
const lookup = Em.Object.create();
// this area should be optimized, it is creating way too many objects per post
json.actions_summary = json.actions_summary.map(function(a) {
a.actionType = Discourse.Site.current().postActionTypeById(a.id);
a.count = a.count || 0;
const actionSummary = ActionSummary.create(a);
lookup[a.actionType.name_key] = actionSummary;
if (a.actionType.name_key === "like") {
json.likeAction = actionSummary;
return actionSummary;
json.actionByName = lookup;
if (json && json.reply_to_user) {
json.reply_to_user = Discourse.User.create(json.reply_to_user);
return json;
updateBookmark(postId, bookmarked) {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + postId + "/bookmark", {
type: 'PUT',
data: { bookmarked: bookmarked }
deleteMany(selectedPosts, selectedReplies) {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/destroy_many", {
type: 'DELETE',
data: {
post_ids: selectedPosts.map(function(p) { return p.get('id'); }),
reply_post_ids: selectedReplies.map(function(p) { return p.get('id'); })
loadRevision(postId, version) {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + postId + "/revisions/" + version + ".json")
.then(result => Ember.Object.create(result));
hideRevision(postId, version) {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + postId + "/revisions/" + version + "/hide", { type: 'PUT' });
showRevision(postId, version) {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + postId + "/revisions/" + version + "/show", { type: 'PUT' });
loadQuote(postId) {
return Discourse.ajax("/posts/" + postId + ".json").then(result => {
const post = Discourse.Post.create(result);
return Quote.build(post, post.get('raw'), {raw: true, full: true});
loadRawEmail(postId) {
return Discourse.ajax(`/posts/${postId}/raw-email.json`);
export default Post;