Martin Brennan 5d9306a6fc FIX: Improve error reporting and failure modes for channel archiving (#19791)
There was an issue with channel archiving, where at times the topic
creation could fail which left the archive in a bad state, as read-only
instead of archived. This commit does several things:

* Changes the ChatChannelArchiveService to validate the topic being
  created first and if it is not valid report the topic creation errors
  in the PM we send to the user
* Changes the UI message in the channel with the archive status to reflect
  that topic creation failed
* Validate the new topic when starting the archive process from the UI,
  and show the validation errors to the user straight away instead of
  creating the archive record and starting the process

This also fixes another issue in the discourse_dev config which was
failing because YAML parsing does not enable all classes by default now,
which was making the seeding rake task for chat fail.
2023-01-25 13:48:49 +02:00

⚠️ This plugin is still in active development and may change frequently


The Discourse Chat plugin adds chat functionality to your Discourse so it can natively support both long-form and short-form communication needs of your online community.

For documentation, see Discourse Chat

Plugin API



api.registerChatComposerButton({ id: "foo", ... });


Every option accepts a value or a function, when passing a function this will be the chat-composer component instance. Example of an option using a function:

  id: "foo",
  displayed() {
    return && this.canAttachUploads;
  • id unique, used to identify your button, eg: "gifs"
  • action callback when the button is pressed, can be an action name or an anonymous function, eg: "onFooClicked" or () => { console.log("clicked") }

A button requires at least an icon or a label:

  • icon, eg: "times"
  • label, text displayed on the button, a translatable key, eg: ""
  • translatedLabel, text displayed on the button, a string, eg: "Add gifs"
  • position, can be "inline" or "dropdown", defaults to "inline"
  • title, title attribute of the button, a translatable key, eg: ""
  • translatedTitle, title attribute of the button, a string, eg: "Add gifs"
  • ariaLabel, aria-label attribute of the button, a translatable key, eg: ""
  • translatedAriaLabel, aria-label attribute of the button, a string, eg: "Add gifs"
  • classNames, additional names to add to the button’s class attribute, eg: ["foo", "bar"]
  • displayed, hide/or show the button, expects a boolean
  • disabled, sets the disabled attribute on the button, expects a boolean
  • priority, an integer defining the order of the buttons, higher comes first, eg: 700
  • dependentKeys, list of property names which should trigger a refresh of the buttons when changed, eg: ["", "bar.baz"]