minusfive cdcc5d6174 Extracted/DRYed user-stream-item component CSS from user.css into own files
- Renamed 'stream-item' component to 'user-stream-item'
- Replaced generic 'item' class with clearer 'user-stream-item' class
- Retained 'item' class for backward compatibility, marked as 'DEPRECATED'
- Extracted CSS pertaining 'user-stream-item' component to component CSS files
- Removed unnecessary duplication from 'user-stream-item' CSS
- Removed unnecessary nesting from 'user-stream-item' CSS
2017-08-25 08:38:27 -07:00

25 lines
547 B

// Desktop styles for "user-stream-item" component
.user-stream {
// The ".item" class should be eventually removed because it's too generic.
// Once ".item" has been removed, ".user-stream-item" can replace
// ".user-stream" as the top-level selector on this file as all other
// selectors below are its children
.user-stream-item {
padding: 20px 8px 15px 8px;
.delete-info {
margin-right: 8px;
.notification {
&.unread {
background-color: $tertiary-low;