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synced 2025-03-04 17:23:27 +08:00

We updated version of moment and moment-timezone as our current versions are outdated making Discourse Dates broken on places where timezone had updates, like here in Brazil. This also update highlightJS to the latest version and corrected a test that relied on a no longer supported locale in moment.
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//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Welsh [cy]
//! author : Robert Allen : https://github.com/robgallen
//! author : https://github.com/ryangreaves
;(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'
&& typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :
}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';
//! moment.js locale configuration
var cy = moment.defineLocale('cy', {
months: 'Ionawr_Chwefror_Mawrth_Ebrill_Mai_Mehefin_Gorffennaf_Awst_Medi_Hydref_Tachwedd_Rhagfyr'.split(
monthsShort: 'Ion_Chwe_Maw_Ebr_Mai_Meh_Gor_Aws_Med_Hyd_Tach_Rhag'.split(
weekdays: 'Dydd Sul_Dydd Llun_Dydd Mawrth_Dydd Mercher_Dydd Iau_Dydd Gwener_Dydd Sadwrn'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sul_Llun_Maw_Mer_Iau_Gwe_Sad'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Ll_Ma_Me_Ia_Gw_Sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
// time formats are the same as en-gb
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Heddiw am] LT',
nextDay: '[Yfory am] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [am] LT',
lastDay: '[Ddoe am] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [diwethaf am] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'mewn %s',
past: '%s yn ôl',
s: 'ychydig eiliadau',
ss: '%d eiliad',
m: 'munud',
mm: '%d munud',
h: 'awr',
hh: '%d awr',
d: 'diwrnod',
dd: '%d diwrnod',
M: 'mis',
MM: '%d mis',
y: 'blwyddyn',
yy: '%d flynedd',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(fed|ain|af|il|ydd|ed|eg)/,
// traditional ordinal numbers above 31 are not commonly used in colloquial Welsh
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number,
output = '',
lookup = [
'fed', // 1af to 10fed
'fed', // 11eg to 20fed
if (b > 20) {
if (b === 40 || b === 50 || b === 60 || b === 80 || b === 100) {
output = 'fed'; // not 30ain, 70ain or 90ain
} else {
output = 'ain';
} else if (b > 0) {
output = lookup[b];
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
return cy;