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synced 2025-02-04 11:57:13 +08:00
368 lines
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368 lines
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(function() {
window.Discourse.Post = Ember.Object.extend(Discourse.Presence, {
/* Url to this post
url: (function() {
return Discourse.Utilities.postUrl(this.get('topic.slug') || this.get('topic_slug'), this.get('topic_id'), this.get('post_number'));
}).property('post_number', 'topic_id', 'topic.slug'),
originalPostUrl: (function() {
return "/t/" + (this.get('topic_id')) + "/" + (this.get('reply_to_post_number'));
showUserReplyTab: (function() {
return this.get('reply_to_user') && (this.get('reply_to_post_number') < (this.get('post_number') - 1));
}).property('reply_to_user', 'reply_to_post_number', 'post_number'),
firstPost: (function() {
if (this.get('bestOfFirst') === true) {
return true;
return this.get('post_number') === 1;
hasHistory: (function() {
return this.get('version') > 1;
postElementId: (function() {
return "post_" + (this.get('post_number'));
The class for the read icon of the post. It starts with read-icon then adds 'seen' or
'last-read' if the post has been seen or is the highest post number seen so far respectively.
bookmarkClass: (function() {
var result, topic;
result = 'read-icon';
if (this.get('bookmarked')) {
return result + ' bookmarked';
topic = this.get('topic');
if (topic && topic.get('last_read_post_number') === this.get('post_number')) {
result += ' last-read';
} else {
if (this.get('read')) {
result += ' seen';
return result;
}).property('read', 'topic.last_read_post_number', 'bookmarked'),
/* Custom tooltips for the bookmark icons
bookmarkTooltip: (function() {
var topic;
if (this.get('bookmarked')) {
return Em.String.i18n('bookmarks.created');
if (!this.get('read')) {
return "";
topic = this.get('topic');
if (topic && topic.get('last_read_post_number') === this.get('post_number')) {
return Em.String.i18n('bookmarks.last_read');
return Em.String.i18n('bookmarks.not_bookmarked');
}).property('read', 'topic.last_read_post_number', 'bookmarked'),
bookmarkedChanged: (function() {
var _this = this;
return jQuery.ajax({
url: "/posts/" + (this.get('id')) + "/bookmark",
type: 'PUT',
data: {
bookmarked: this.get('bookmarked') ? true : false
error: function(error) {
var errors;
errors = jQuery.parseJSON(error.responseText).errors;
return _this.toggleProperty('bookmarked');
internalLinks: (function() {
if (this.blank('link_counts')) {
return null;
return this.get('link_counts').filterProperty('internal').filterProperty('title');
/* Edits are the version - 1, so version 2 = 1 edit
editCount: (function() {
return this.get('version') - 1;
historyHeat: (function() {
var rightNow, updatedAt, updatedAtDate;
if (!(updatedAt = this.get('updated_at'))) {
rightNow = new Date().getTime();
/* Show heat on age
updatedAtDate = Date.create(updatedAt).getTime();
if (updatedAtDate > (rightNow - 60 * 60 * 1000 * 12)) {
return 'heatmap-high';
if (updatedAtDate > (rightNow - 60 * 60 * 1000 * 24)) {
return 'heatmap-med';
if (updatedAtDate > (rightNow - 60 * 60 * 1000 * 48)) {
return 'heatmap-low';
flagsAvailable: (function() {
var _this = this;
return Discourse.get('site.flagTypes').filter(function(item) {
return _this.get("actionByName." + (item.get('name_key')) + ".can_act");
}).property('Discourse.site.flagTypes', 'actions_summary.@each.can_act'),
actionsHistory: (function() {
if (!this.present('actions_summary')) {
return null;
return this.get('actions_summary').filter(function(i) {
if (i.get('count') === 0) {
return false;
if (i.get('users') && i.get('users').length > 0) {
return true;
return !i.get('hidden');
}).property('actions_summary.@each.users', 'actions_summary.@each.count'),
/* Save a post and call the callback when done.
save: function(complete, error) {
var data, metaData;
if (!this.get('newPost')) {
/* We're updating a post
return jQuery.ajax({
url: "/posts/" + (this.get('id')),
type: 'PUT',
data: {
post: {
raw: this.get('raw')
image_sizes: this.get('imageSizes')
success: function(result) {
return typeof complete === "function" ? complete(Discourse.Post.create(result)) : void 0;
error: function(result) {
return typeof error === "function" ? error(result) : void 0;
} else {
/* We're saving a post
data = {
post: this.getProperties('raw', 'topic_id', 'reply_to_post_number', 'category'),
archetype: this.get('archetype'),
title: this.get('title'),
image_sizes: this.get('imageSizes'),
target_usernames: this.get('target_usernames')
/* Put the metaData into the request
if (metaData = this.get('metaData')) {
data.meta_data = {};
Ember.keys(metaData).forEach(function(key) {
data.meta_data[key] = metaData.get(key);
return jQuery.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: "/posts",
data: data,
success: function(result) {
return typeof complete === "function" ? complete(Discourse.Post.create(result)) : void 0;
error: function(result) {
return typeof error === "function" ? error(result) : void 0;
recover: function() {
return jQuery.ajax("/posts/" + (this.get('id')) + "/recover", {
type: 'PUT',
cache: false
"delete": function(complete) {
return jQuery.ajax("/posts/" + (this.get('id')), {
type: 'DELETE',
success: function(result) {
return typeof complete === "function" ? complete() : void 0;
Update the properties of this post from an obj, ignoring cooked as we should already
have that rendered.
updateFromSave: function(obj) {
var lookup,
_this = this;
if (!obj) {
Object.each(obj, function(key, val) {
if (key === 'actions_summary') {
return false;
if (val) {
return _this.set(key, val);
/* Rebuild actions summary
this.set('actions_summary', Em.A());
if (obj.actions_summary) {
lookup = Em.Object.create();
obj.actions_summary.each(function(a) {
var actionSummary;
a.post = _this;
a.actionType = Discourse.get("site").postActionTypeById(a.id);
actionSummary = Discourse.ActionSummary.create(a);
return lookup.set(a.actionType.get('name_key'), actionSummary);
return this.set('actionByName', lookup);
// Load replies to this post
loadReplies: function() {
var promise,
_this = this;
promise = new RSVP.Promise();
this.set('loadingReplies', true);
this.set('replies', []);
jQuery.getJSON("/posts/" + (this.get('id')) + "/replies", function(loaded) {
loaded.each(function(reply) {
var post;
post = Discourse.Post.create(reply);
post.set('topic', _this.get('topic'));
return _this.get('replies').pushObject(post);
_this.set('loadingReplies', false);
return promise.resolve();
return promise;
loadVersions: function(callback) {
return jQuery.get("/posts/" + (this.get('id')) + "/versions.json", function(result) {
return callback(result);
// Whether to show replies directly below
showRepliesBelow: (function() {
var reply_count, _ref;
reply_count = this.get('reply_count');
/* We don't show replies if there aren't any
if (reply_count === 0) {
return false;
/* Always show replies if the setting `supress_reply_directly_below` is false.
if (!Discourse.SiteSettings.supress_reply_directly_below) {
return true;
/*Always show replies if there's more than one
if (reply_count > 1) {
return true;
/* If we have *exactly* one reply, we have to consider if it's directly below us
if ((_ref = this.get('topic')) ? _ref.isReplyDirectlyBelow(this) : void 0) {
return false;
return true;
createActionSummary: function(result) {
var lookup;
if (result.actions_summary) {
lookup = Em.Object.create();
result.actions_summary = result.actions_summary.map(function(a) {
var actionSummary;
a.post = result;
a.actionType = Discourse.get("site").postActionTypeById(a.id);
actionSummary = Discourse.ActionSummary.create(a);
lookup.set(a.actionType.get('name_key'), actionSummary);
return actionSummary;
return result.set('actionByName', lookup);
create: function(obj, topic) {
var result;
result = this._super(obj);
if (obj.reply_to_user) {
result.set('reply_to_user', Discourse.User.create(obj.reply_to_user));
result.set('topic', topic);
return result;
deleteMany: function(posts) {
return jQuery.ajax("/posts/destroy_many", {
type: 'DELETE',
data: {
post_ids: posts.map(function(p) {
return p.get('id');
loadVersion: function(postId, version, callback) {
var _this = this;
return jQuery.getJSON("/posts/" + postId + ".json?version=" + version, function(result) {
return callback(Discourse.Post.create(result));
loadByPostNumber: function(topicId, postId, callback) {
var _this = this;
return jQuery.getJSON("/posts/by_number/" + topicId + "/" + postId + ".json", function(result) {
return callback(Discourse.Post.create(result));
loadQuote: function(postId) {
var promise,
_this = this;
promise = new RSVP.Promise();
jQuery.getJSON("/posts/" + postId + ".json", function(result) {
var post;
post = Discourse.Post.create(result);
return promise.resolve(Discourse.BBCode.buildQuoteBBCode(post, post.get('raw')));
return promise;
load: function(postId, callback) {
var _this = this;
return jQuery.getJSON("/posts/" + postId + ".json", function(result) {
return callback(Discourse.Post.create(result));