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synced 2025-02-15 06:23:07 +08:00
If users attempt to mention a group that is "mentionable" display a warning informing them that people will be notified.
63 lines
2.2 KiB
63 lines
2.2 KiB
function replaceSpan($e, username, opts) {
if (opts && opts.group) {
var extra = "", extraClass = "";
if (opts.mentionable) {
extra = " data-name='" + username + "' data-mentionable-user-count='" + opts.mentionable.user_count + "' ";
extraClass = " notify";
$e.replaceWith("<a href='" +
Discourse.getURL("/groups/") + username +
"' class='mention-group" + extraClass + "'" + extra + ">@" + username + "</a>");
} else {
$e.replaceWith("<a href='" +
Discourse.getURL("/users/") + username.toLowerCase() +
"' class='mention'>@" + username + "</a>");
const found = [];
const foundGroups = [];
const mentionableGroups = [];
const checked = [];
function updateFound($mentions, usernames) {
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', function() {
$mentions.each((i, e) => {
const $e = $(e);
const username = usernames[i];
if (found.indexOf(username.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
replaceSpan($e, username);
} else if (foundGroups.indexOf(username) !== -1) {
const mentionable = _(mentionableGroups).where({name: username}).first();
replaceSpan($e, username, {group: true, mentionable: mentionable});
} else if (checked.indexOf(username) !== -1) {
export function linkSeenMentions($elem, siteSettings) {
const $mentions = $('span.mention:not(.mention-tested)', $elem);
if ($mentions.length) {
const usernames = $mentions.map((_, e) => $(e).text().substr(1));
const unseen = _.uniq(usernames).filter((u) => {
return u.length >= siteSettings.min_username_length && checked.indexOf(u) === -1;
updateFound($mentions, usernames);
return unseen;
return [];
export function fetchUnseenMentions($elem, usernames) {
return Discourse.ajax("/users/is_local_username", { data: { usernames } }).then(function(r) {
found.push.apply(found, r.valid);
foundGroups.push.apply(foundGroups, r.valid_groups);
mentionableGroups.push.apply(mentionableGroups, r.mentionable_groups);
checked.push.apply(checked, usernames);
return r;