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synced 2025-03-13 01:05:48 +08:00

The previous sidebar default tags and categories implementation did not allow for a user to configure their sidebar to have no categories or tags. This commit changes how the defaults are applied. When a user is being created, we create the SidebarSectionLink records based on the `default_sidebar_categories` and `default_sidebar_tags` site settings. SidebarSectionLink records are only created for categories and tags which the user has visibility on at the point of user creation. With this change, we're also adding the ability for admins to apply changes to the `default_sidebar_categories` and `default_sidebar_tags` site settings historically when changing their site setting. When a new category/tag has been added to the default, the new category/tag will be added to the sidebar for all users if the admin elects to apply the changes historically. Like wise when a tag/category is removed, the tag/category will be removed from the sidebar for all users if the admin elects to apply the changes historically. Internal Ref: /t/73500
238 lines
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238 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.describe SiteSerializer do
let(:guardian) { Guardian.new }
let(:category) { Fabricate(:category) }
after do
describe '#onboarding_popup_types' do
it 'is included if enable_onboarding_popups' do
SiteSetting.enable_onboarding_popups = true
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:onboarding_popup_types]).to eq(OnboardingPopup.types)
it 'is not included if enable_onboarding_popups is disabled' do
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:onboarding_popup_types]).to eq(nil)
it "includes category custom fields only if its preloaded" do
category.custom_fields["enable_marketplace"] = true
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
c1 = serialized[:categories].find { |c| c[:id] == category.id }
expect(c1[:custom_fields]).to eq(nil)
Site.preloaded_category_custom_fields << "enable_marketplace"
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
c1 = serialized[:categories].find { |c| c[:id] == category.id }
expect(c1[:custom_fields]["enable_marketplace"]).to eq("t")
it "includes category tags" do
tag = Fabricate(:tag)
tag_group = Fabricate(:tag_group)
tag_group_2 = Fabricate(:tag_group)
category.tags << tag
category.tag_groups << tag_group
category.update!(category_required_tag_groups: [CategoryRequiredTagGroup.new(tag_group: tag_group_2, min_count: 1)])
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
c1 = serialized[:categories].find { |c| c[:id] == category.id }
expect(c1[:allowed_tags]).to contain_exactly(tag.name)
expect(c1[:allowed_tag_groups]).to contain_exactly(tag_group.name)
expect(c1[:required_tag_groups]).to eq([{ name: tag_group_2.name, min_count: 1 }])
it "doesn't explode when category_required_tag_group is missing" do
tag = Fabricate(:tag)
tag_group = Fabricate(:tag_group)
crtg = CategoryRequiredTagGroup.new(tag_group: tag_group, min_count: 1)
category.update!(category_required_tag_groups: [ crtg ])
tag_group.delete # Bypassing hooks like this should never happen in the app
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
c1 = serialized[:categories].find { |c| c[:id] == category.id }
expect(c1[:required_tag_groups]).to eq([{ name: nil, min_count: 1 }])
it "returns correct notification level for categories" do
SiteSetting.mute_all_categories_by_default = true
SiteSetting.default_categories_normal = category.id.to_s
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
categories = serialized[:categories]
expect(categories[0][:notification_level]).to eq(0)
expect(categories[-1][:notification_level]).to eq(1)
it "includes user-selectable color schemes" do
# it includes seeded color schemes
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:user_color_schemes].count).to eq(6)
scheme_names = serialized[:user_color_schemes].map { |x| x[:name] }
expect(scheme_names).to include(I18n.t("color_schemes.dark"))
expect(scheme_names).to include(I18n.t("color_schemes.wcag"))
expect(scheme_names).to include(I18n.t("color_schemes.wcag_dark"))
expect(scheme_names).to include(I18n.t("color_schemes.solarized_light"))
expect(scheme_names).to include(I18n.t("color_schemes.solarized_dark"))
expect(scheme_names).to include(I18n.t("color_schemes.dracula"))
dark_scheme = ColorScheme.create_from_base(name: "AnotherDarkScheme", base_scheme_id: "Dark")
dark_scheme.user_selectable = true
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:user_color_schemes].count).to eq(7)
expect(serialized[:user_color_schemes][0][:is_dark]).to eq(true)
it "includes default dark mode scheme" do
scheme = ColorScheme.last
SiteSetting.default_dark_mode_color_scheme_id = scheme.id
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
default_dark_scheme =
expect(serialized[:default_dark_color_scheme]["name"]).to eq(scheme.name)
SiteSetting.default_dark_mode_color_scheme_id = -1
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:default_dark_color_scheme]).to eq(nil)
it 'does not include shared_drafts_category_id if the category is Uncategorized' do
admin = Fabricate(:admin)
admin_guardian = Guardian.new(admin)
SiteSetting.shared_drafts_category = SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(admin_guardian), scope: admin_guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:shared_drafts_category_id]).to eq(nil)
it 'includes show_welcome_topic_banner' do
admin = Fabricate(:admin)
admin_guardian = Guardian.new(admin)
UserAuthToken.generate!(user_id: admin.id)
first_post = Fabricate(:post, created_at: 25.days.ago)
SiteSetting.welcome_topic_id = first_post.topic.id
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(admin_guardian), scope: admin_guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:show_welcome_topic_banner]).to eq(true)
describe '#anonymous_default_sidebar_tags' do
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
fab!(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'dev') }
fab!(:tag2) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'random') }
fab!(:hidden_tag) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "secret") }
fab!(:staff_tag_group) { Fabricate(:tag_group, permissions: { "staff" => 1 }, tag_names: [hidden_tag.name]) }
before do
SiteSetting.enable_experimental_sidebar_hamburger = true
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true
SiteSetting.default_sidebar_tags = "#{tag.name}|#{tag2.name}|#{hidden_tag.name}"
it 'is not included in the serialised object when tagging is not enabled' do
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false
guardian = Guardian.new(user)
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:anonymous_default_sidebar_tags]).to eq(nil)
it 'is not included in the serialised object when experimental sidebar has not been enabled' do
SiteSetting.enable_experimental_sidebar_hamburger = false
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:anonymous_default_sidebar_tags]).to eq(nil)
it 'is not included in the serialised object when user is not anonymous' do
guardian = Guardian.new(user)
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:anonymous_default_sidebar_tags]).to eq(nil)
it 'is not included in the serialisd object when default sidebar tags have not been configured' do
SiteSetting.default_sidebar_tags = ""
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:anonymous_default_sidebar_tags]).to eq(nil)
it 'includes only tags user can see in the serialised object when user is anonymous' do
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:anonymous_default_sidebar_tags]).to eq(["dev", "random"])
describe '#top_tags' do
fab!(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag) }
describe 'when tagging is not enabled' do
before do
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false
it 'is not included in the serialised object' do
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:top_tags]).to eq(nil)
describe 'when tagging is enabled' do
fab!(:tag2) { Fabricate(:tag) }
fab!(:tag3) { Fabricate(:tag) }
before do
SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true
it 'is not included in the serialised object when there are no tags' do
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:top_tags]).to eq([])
it 'is included in the serialised object containing the top tags' do
tag2 = Fabricate(:tag)
tag2 = Fabricate(:tag)
SiteSetting.max_tags_in_filter_list = 1
CategoryTagStat.create!(category_id: SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id, tag_id: tag2.id, topic_count: 2)
CategoryTagStat.create!(category_id: SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id, tag_id: tag.id, topic_count: 1)
CategoryTagStat.create!(category_id: SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id, tag_id: tag3.id, topic_count: 5)
serialized = described_class.new(Site.new(guardian), scope: guardian, root: false).as_json
expect(serialized[:top_tags]).to eq([tag3.name, tag2.name])