Joffrey JAFFEUX f3dee5863f
FIX: pins down highlight.js to the last commit of the v9 tree (#9921)
The 10+ version has actually a bug with bash. We will wait a little bit before upgrading to 10, we should also make sure any of the breaking changes listed here are not impacting us.
2020-05-29 10:21:21 +02:00

1 line
939 B

hljs.registerLanguage("actionscript",function(e){var a={cN:"rest_arg",b:"[.]{3}",e:"[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*",relevance:10};return{aliases:["as"],k:{keyword:"as break case catch class const continue default delete do dynamic each else extends final finally for function get if implements import in include instanceof interface internal is namespace native new override package private protected public return set static super switch this throw try typeof use var void while with",literal:"true false null undefined"},c:[e.ASM,e.QSM,e.CLCM,e.CBCM,e.CNM,{cN:"class",bK:"package",e:"{",c:[e.TM]},{cN:"class",bK:"class interface",e:"{",eE:!0,c:[{bK:"extends implements"},e.TM]},{cN:"meta",bK:"import include",e:";",k:{"meta-keyword":"import include"}},{cN:"function",bK:"function",e:"[{;]",eE:!0,i:"\\S",c:[e.TM,{cN:"params",b:"\\(",e:"\\)",c:[e.ASM,e.QSM,e.CLCM,e.CBCM,a]},{b:":\\s*([*]|[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)"}]},e.METHOD_GUARD],i:/#/}});