Sam a3e8c3cd7b FEATURE: Native theme support
This feature introduces the concept of themes. Themes are an evolution
of site customizations.

Themes introduce two very big conceptual changes:

- A theme may include other "child themes", children can include grand
children and so on.

- A theme may specify a color scheme

The change does away with the idea of "enabled" color schemes.

It also adds a bunch of big niceties like

- You can source a theme from a git repo

- History for themes is much improved

- You can only have a single enabled theme. Themes can be selected by
    users, if you opt for it.

On a technical level this change comes with a whole bunch of goodies

- All CSS is now compiled using a custom pipeline that uses libsass
    see /lib/stylesheet

- There is a single pipeline for css compilation (in the past we used
    one for customizations and another one for the rest of the app

- The stylesheet pipeline is now divorced of sprockets, there is no
   reliance on sprockets for CSS bundling

- CSS is generated with source maps everywhere (including themes) this
    makes debugging much easier

- Our "live reloader" is smarter and avoid a flash of unstyled content
   we run a file watcher in "puma" in dev so you no longer need to run
   rake autospec to watch for CSS changes
2017-04-12 10:53:49 -04:00

164 lines
4.6 KiB

import { default as computed } from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators';
import { url } from 'discourse/lib/computed';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
hasEditedFields(fields) {
return fields.any(f=>!Em.isBlank(f.value));
editedDescriptions(fields) {
let descriptions = [];
let description = target => {
let current = fields.filter(field => field.target === target && !Em.isBlank(field.value));
if (current.length > 0) {
let text = I18n.t('admin.customize.theme.'+target);
let localized = current.map(f=>I18n.t('admin.customize.theme.'+f.name + '.text'));
return text + ": " + localized.join(" , ");
['common','desktop','mobile'].forEach(target=> {
return descriptions.reject(d=>Em.isBlank(d));
@computed("colorSchemeId", "model.color_scheme_id")
colorSchemeChanged(colorSchemeId, existingId) {
colorSchemeId = colorSchemeId === null ? null : parseInt(colorSchemeId);
return colorSchemeId !== existingId;
@computed("availableChildThemes", "model.childThemes.@each", "model", "allowChildThemes")
selectableChildThemes(available, childThemes, model, allowChildThemes) {
if (!allowChildThemes && (!childThemes || childThemes.length === 0)) {
return null;
let themes = [];
available.forEach(t=> {
if (!childThemes || (childThemes.indexOf(t) === -1)) {
return themes.length === 0 ? null : themes;
showSchemes: Em.computed.or("model.default", "model.user_selectable"),
@computed("allThemes", "allThemes.length", "model")
availableChildThemes(allThemes, count) {
if (count === 1) {
return null;
let excludeIds = [this.get("model.id")];
let themes = [];
allThemes.forEach(theme => {
if (excludeIds.indexOf(theme.get("id")) === -1) {
return themes;
downloadUrl: url('model.id', '/admin/themes/%@'),
actions: {
updateToLatest() {
this.set("updatingRemote", true);
this.set("updatingRemote", false);
checkForThemeUpdates() {
this.set("updatingRemote", true);
this.set("updatingRemote", false);
cancelChangeScheme() {
this.set("colorSchemeId", this.get("model.color_scheme_id"));
let schemeId = this.get("colorSchemeId");
this.set("model.color_scheme_id", schemeId === null ? null : parseInt(schemeId));
startEditingName() {
this.set("oldName", this.get("model.name"));
this.set("editingName", true);
cancelEditingName() {
this.set("model.name", this.get("oldName"));
this.set("editingName", false);
finishedEditingName() {
this.set("editingName", false);
editTheme() {
let edit = ()=>this.transitionToRoute('adminCustomizeThemes.edit', {model: this.get('model')});
if (this.get("model.remote_theme")) {
bootbox.confirm(I18n.t("admin.customize.theme.edit_confirm"), result => {
if (result) {
} else {
applyDefault() {
const model = this.get("model");
if (model.get("default")) {
if (theme !== model && theme.get('default')) {
theme.set("default", false);
applyUserSelectable() {
addChildTheme() {
let themeId = parseInt(this.get("selectedChildThemeId"));
let theme = this.get("allThemes").findBy("id", themeId);
removeChildTheme(theme) {
destroy() {
return bootbox.confirm(I18n.t("admin.customize.delete_confirm"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), result => {
if (result) {
const model = this.get('model');
model.destroyRecord().then(() => {