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General utility functions
@class Utilities
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.Utilities = {
translateSize: function(size) {
switch (size) {
case 'tiny': return 20;
case 'small': return 25;
case 'medium': return 32;
case 'large': return 45;
case 'extra_large': return 60;
case 'huge': return 120;
return size;
Allows us to supply bindings without "binding" to a helper.
normalizeHash: function(hash, hashTypes) {
for (var prop in hash) {
if (hashTypes[prop] === 'ID') {
hash[prop + 'Binding'] = hash[prop];
delete hash[prop];
avatarUrl: function(template, size) {
if (!template) { return ""; }
var rawSize = Discourse.Utilities.getRawSize(Discourse.Utilities.translateSize(size));
return template.replace(/\{size\}/g, rawSize);
getRawSize: function(size) {
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
return pixelRatio >= 1.5 ? size * 2 : size;
avatarImg: function(options) {
var size = Discourse.Utilities.translateSize(options.size);
var url = Discourse.Utilities.avatarUrl(options.avatarTemplate, size);
// We won't render an invalid url
if (!url || url.length === 0) { return ""; }
var classes = "avatar" + (options.extraClasses ? " " + options.extraClasses : "");
var title = (options.title) ? " title='" + Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(options.title || "") + "'" : "";
return "<img width='" + size + "' height='" + size + "' src='" + url + "' class='" + classes + "'" + title + ">";
tinyAvatar: function(avatarTemplate, options) {
return Discourse.Utilities.avatarImg(_.merge({avatarTemplate: avatarTemplate, size: 'tiny' }, options));
postUrl: function(slug, topicId, postNumber) {
var url = Discourse.getURL("/t/");
if (slug) {
url += slug + "/";
} else {
url += 'topic/';
url += topicId;
if (postNumber > 1) {
url += "/" + postNumber;
return url;
userUrl: function(username) {
return Discourse.getURL("/users/" + username.toLowerCase());
emailValid: function(email) {
// see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/46155/validate-email-address-in-javascript
var re = /^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?\^_`{|}~\-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'\*+\/=?\^_`{|}~\-]+)*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$/;
return re.test(email);
selectedText: function() {
var html = '';
if (typeof window.getSelection !== "undefined") {
var sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount) {
var container = document.createElement("div");
for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) {
html = container.innerHTML;
} else if (typeof document.selection !== "undefined") {
if (document.selection.type === "Text") {
html = document.selection.createRange().htmlText;
// Strip out any .click elements from the HTML before converting it to text
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = html;
$('.clicks', $(div)).remove();
var text = div.textContent || div.innerText || "";
return String(text).trim();
// Determine the position of the caret in an element
caretPosition: function(el) {
var r, rc, re;
if (el.selectionStart) {
return el.selectionStart;
if (document.selection) {
r = document.selection.createRange();
if (!r) return 0;
re = el.createTextRange();
rc = re.duplicate();
rc.setEndPoint('EndToStart', re);
return rc.text.length;
return 0;
// Set the caret's position
setCaretPosition: function(ctrl, pos) {
var range;
if (ctrl.setSelectionRange) {
ctrl.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
if (ctrl.createTextRange) {
range = ctrl.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', pos);
range.moveStart('character', pos);
return range.select();
Validate a list of files to be uploaded
@method validateUploadedFiles
@param {Array} files The list of files we want to upload
validateUploadedFiles: function(files, bypassNewUserRestriction) {
if (!files || files.length === 0) { return false; }
// can only upload one file at a time
if (files.length > 1) {
return false;
var upload = files[0];
var type = Discourse.Utilities.isAnImage(upload.name) ? 'image' : 'attachment';
// CHROME ONLY: if the image was pasted, sets its name to a default one
if (upload instanceof Blob && !(upload instanceof File) && upload.type === "image/png") { upload.name = "blob.png"; }
return Discourse.Utilities.validateUploadedFile(upload, type, bypassNewUserRestriction);
Validate a file to be uploaded
@method validateUploadedFile
@param {File} file The file to be uploaded
@param {string} type The type of the upload (image, attachment)
@params {bool} bypassNewUserRestriction
@returns true whenever the upload is valid
validateUploadedFile: function(file, type, bypassNewUserRestriction) {
// check that the uploaded file is authorized
if (!Discourse.Utilities.authorizesAllExtensions() &&
!Discourse.Utilities.isAuthorizedUpload(file)) {
var extensions = Discourse.Utilities.authorizedExtensions();
bootbox.alert(I18n.t('post.errors.upload_not_authorized', { authorized_extensions: extensions }));
return false;
if (!bypassNewUserRestriction) {
// ensures that new users can upload a file
if (!Discourse.User.current().isAllowedToUploadAFile(type)) {
bootbox.alert(I18n.t('post.errors.' + type + '_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user'));
return false;
// check file size
var fileSizeKB = file.size / 1024;
var maxSizeKB = Discourse.SiteSettings['max_' + type + '_size_kb'];
if (fileSizeKB > maxSizeKB) {
bootbox.alert(I18n.t('post.errors.' + type + '_too_large', { max_size_kb: maxSizeKB }));
return false;
// everything went fine
return true;
Determine whether all file extensions are authorized.
@method authorizesAllExtensions
authorizesAllExtensions: function() {
return Discourse.SiteSettings.authorized_extensions.indexOf("*") >= 0;
Check the extension of the file against the list of authorized extensions
@method isAuthorizedUpload
@param {File} file The file we want to upload
isAuthorizedUpload: function(file) {
if (file && file.name) {
var extensions = _.chain(Discourse.SiteSettings.authorized_extensions.split("|"))
.reject(function(extension) { return extension.indexOf("*") >= 0; })
.map(function(extension) { return (extension.indexOf(".") === 0 ? extension.substring(1) : extension).replace(".", "\\."); })
return new RegExp("\\.(" + extensions.join("|") + ")$", "i").test(file.name);
return false;
List the authorized extension for display
@method authorizedExtensions
authorizedExtensions: function() {
return _.chain(Discourse.SiteSettings.authorized_extensions.split("|"))
.reject(function(extension) { return extension.indexOf("*") >= 0; })
.map(function(extension) { return extension.toLowerCase(); })
.join(", ");
Get the markdown template for an upload (either an image or an attachment)
@method getUploadMarkdown
@param {Upload} upload The upload we want the markdown from
getUploadMarkdown: function(upload) {
if (Discourse.Utilities.isAnImage(upload.original_filename)) {
return '<img src="' + upload.url + '" width="' + upload.width + '" height="' + upload.height + '">';
} else {
return '<a class="attachment" href="' + upload.url + '">' + upload.original_filename + '</a> (' + I18n.toHumanSize(upload.filesize) + ')';
Check whether the path is refering to an image
@method isAnImage
@param {String} path The path
isAnImage: function(path) {
return (/\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|tif|tiff)$/i).test(path);
Determines whether we allow attachments or not
@method allowsAttachments
allowsAttachments: function() {
return Discourse.Utilities.authorizesAllExtensions() ||
displayErrorForUpload: function(data) {
// deal with meaningful errors first
if (data.jqXHR) {
switch (data.jqXHR.status) {
// cancel from the user
case 0: return;
// entity too large, usually returned from the web server
case 413:
var maxSizeKB = Discourse.SiteSettings.max_image_size_kb;
bootbox.alert(I18n.t('post.errors.image_too_large', { max_size_kb: maxSizeKB }));
// the error message is provided by the server
case 422:
// otherwise, display a generic error message
Crop an image to be used as avatar.
Simulate the "centered square thumbnail" generation done server-side.
Uses only the first frame of animated gifs when they are disabled.
@method cropAvatar
@param {String} url The url of the avatar
@param {String} fileType The file type of the uploaded file
@returns {Promise} a promise that will eventually be the cropped avatar.
cropAvatar: function(url, fileType) {
if (Discourse.SiteSettings.allow_animated_avatars && fileType === "image/gif") {
// can't crop animated gifs... let the browser stretch the gif
return Ember.RSVP.resolve(url);
} else {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve) {
var image = document.createElement("img");
// this event will be fired as soon as the image is loaded
image.onload = function(e) {
var img = e.target;
// computes the dimension & position (x, y) of the largest square we can fit in the image
var width = img.width, height = img.height, dimension, center, x, y;
if (width <= height) {
dimension = width;
center = height / 2;
x = 0;
y = center - (dimension / 2);
} else {
dimension = height;
center = width / 2;
x = center - (dimension / 2);
y = 0;
// set the size of the canvas to the maximum available size for avatars (browser will take care of downsizing the image)
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var size = Discourse.Utilities.getRawSize(Discourse.Utilities.translateSize("huge"));
canvas.height = canvas.width = size;
// draw the image into the canvas
canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(img, x, y, dimension, dimension, 0, 0, size, size);
// retrieve the image from the canvas
// launch the onload event
image.src = url;
timestampFromAutocloseString: function(arg) {
if (!arg) return null;
if (arg.match(/^[\d]{4}-[\d]{1,2}-[\d]{1,2} [\d]{1,2}:[\d]{2}/)) {
return moment(arg).toJSON(); // moment will add the timezone
} else {
var matches = arg.match(/^([\d]{1,2}):([\d]{2})$/); // just the time HH:MM
if (matches) {
var now = moment(),
t = moment(new Date(now.year(), now.month(), now.date(), matches[1], matches[2]));
if (t.isAfter()) {
return t.toJSON();
} else {
return t.add('days', 1).toJSON();
} else {
return (arg === '' ? null : arg);
defaultHomepage: function() {
// the homepage is the first item of the 'top_menu' site setting
return Discourse.SiteSettings.top_menu.split("|")[0].split(",")[0];