2016-07-11 12:57:05 -04:00

158 lines
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import { ajax } from 'discourse/lib/ajax';
import BadgeGrouping from 'discourse/models/badge-grouping';
import RestModel from 'discourse/models/rest';
const Badge = RestModel.extend({
newBadge: Em.computed.none('id'),
url: function() {
return Discourse.getURL(`/badges/${this.get('id')}/${this.get('slug')}`);
Update this badge with the response returned by the server on save.
@method updateFromJson
@param {Object} json The JSON response returned by the server
updateFromJson: function(json) {
const self = this;
if (json.badge) {
Object.keys(json.badge).forEach(function(key) {
self.set(key, json.badge[key]);
if (json.badge_types) {
json.badge_types.forEach(function(badgeType) {
if (badgeType.id === self.get('badge_type_id')) {
self.set('badge_type', Object.create(badgeType));
badgeTypeClassName: function() {
const type = this.get('badge_type.name') || "";
return "badge-type-" + type.toLowerCase();
Save and update the badge from the server's response.
@method save
@returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to the updated `Badge`
save: function(data) {
let url = "/admin/badges",
requestType = "POST";
const self = this;
if (this.get('id')) {
// We are updating an existing badge.
url += "/" + this.get('id');
requestType = "PUT";
return ajax(url, {
type: requestType,
data: data
}).then(function(json) {
return self;
}).catch(function(error) {
throw error;
Destroy the badge.
@method destroy
@returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to the server response
destroy: function() {
if (this.get('newBadge')) return Ember.RSVP.resolve();
return ajax("/admin/badges/" + this.get('id'), {
type: "DELETE"
Create `Badge` instances from the server JSON response.
@method createFromJson
@param {Object} json The JSON returned by the server
@returns Array or instance of `Badge` depending on the input JSON
createFromJson: function(json) {
// Create BadgeType objects.
const badgeTypes = {};
if ('badge_types' in json) {
json.badge_types.forEach(function(badgeTypeJson) {
badgeTypes[badgeTypeJson.id] = Ember.Object.create(badgeTypeJson);
const badgeGroupings = {};
if ('badge_groupings' in json) {
json.badge_groupings.forEach(function(badgeGroupingJson) {
badgeGroupings[badgeGroupingJson.id] = BadgeGrouping.create(badgeGroupingJson);
// Create Badge objects.
let badges = [];
if ("badge" in json) {
badges = [json.badge];
} else if (json.badges) {
badges = json.badges;
badges = badges.map(function(badgeJson) {
const badge = Badge.create(badgeJson);
badge.set('badge_type', badgeTypes[badge.get('badge_type_id')]);
badge.set('badge_grouping', badgeGroupings[badge.get('badge_grouping_id')]);
return badge;
if ("badge" in json) {
return badges[0];
} else {
return badges;
Find all `Badge` instances that have been defined.
@method findAll
@returns {Promise} a promise that resolves to an array of `Badge`
findAll: function(opts) {
let listable = "";
if(opts && opts.onlyListable){
listable = "?only_listable=true";
return ajax('/badges.json' + listable).then(function(badgesJson) {
return Badge.createFromJson(badgesJson);
Returns a `Badge` that has the given ID.
@method findById
@param {Number} id ID of the badge
@returns {Promise} a promise that resolves to a `Badge`
findById: function(id) {
return ajax("/badges/" + id).then(function(badgeJson) {
return Badge.createFromJson(badgeJson);
export default Badge;