Alan Guo Xiang Tan 96ae5c395f
DEV: Set database checkout timeout to 10 on CI (#25604)
Why this change?

We have been seeing checkout timeouts happening on CI when using the
default of 5 seconds. This can happen in system tests when the server
has to process many requests using the same database connection.
Therefore, we will double the timeout for now and monitor if stuff
continues to timeout.
2024-02-08 10:35:55 +08:00

59 lines
1.9 KiB

prepared_statements: false
adapter: postgresql
database: <%= ENV['DISCOURSE_DEV_DB'] || 'discourse_development' %>
min_messages: warning
pool: 5
checkout_timeout: <%= ENV['CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT'] || 5 %>
### Don't include the port number here. Change the "port" site setting instead, at /admin/site_settings.
### If you change this setting you will need to
### - restart sidekiq if you change this setting
### - rebake all to posts using: `RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake posts:rebake`
- "<%= ENV['DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME'] || 'localhost' %>"
variables: <%= ENV.filter { |k,v| k.start_with? 'DISCOURSE_DB_VARIABLES_' }
.transform_keys { |k| k.slice(('DISCOURSE_DB_VARIABLES_'.length)..).downcase }
.to_json %>
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
test_db = ENV["RAILS_DB"]
if !test_db.present?
test_db = "discourse_test"
num = num.presence || "1"
test_db += "_#{num}"
prepared_statements: false
adapter: postgresql
database: <%= test_db %>
min_messages: warning
pool: 1
reaping_frequency: 0
checkout_timeout: <% ENV["CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT"] || 5 %>
- test.localhost
# profile db is used for benchmarking using the script/bench.rb script
prepared_statements: false
adapter: postgresql
database: discourse_profile
min_messages: warning
pool: 5
- "localhost"
# You may be surprised production is not here, it is sourced from application.rb using a monkey patch
# This is done for 2 reasons
# 1. we need to support blank settings correctly and rendering nothing in yaml/erb is a PITA
# 2. why go from object -> yaml -> object, pointless