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synced 2025-03-09 09:25:25 +08:00

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This commit adds a new "Invite" link to the sidebar for all users who can invite to the site. Clicking the link opens the invite modal without changing the current route the user is on. Admins can customize the new link or remove it entirely if they wish by editing the sidebar section. Internal topic: t/129752.
92 lines
2.7 KiB
92 lines
2.7 KiB
# frozen_string_literal: true
class SidebarUrl < ActiveRecord::Base
enum :segment, { primary: 0, secondary: 1 }, scopes: false, suffix: true
name: "Topics",
path: "/latest",
icon: "layer-group",
segment: SidebarUrl.segments["primary"],
name: "My Posts",
path: "/my/activity",
icon: "user",
segment: SidebarUrl.segments["primary"],
{ name: "Review", path: "/review", icon: "flag", segment: SidebarUrl.segments["primary"] },
{ name: "Admin", path: "/admin", icon: "wrench", segment: SidebarUrl.segments["primary"] },
name: "Invite",
path: "/new-invite",
icon: "paper-plane",
segment: SidebarUrl.segments["primary"],
{ name: "Users", path: "/u", icon: "users", segment: SidebarUrl.segments["secondary"] },
name: "About",
path: "/about",
icon: "circle-info",
segment: SidebarUrl.segments["secondary"],
name: "FAQ",
path: "/faq",
icon: "circle-question",
segment: SidebarUrl.segments["secondary"],
{ name: "Groups", path: "/g", icon: "user-group", segment: SidebarUrl.segments["secondary"] },
name: "Badges",
path: "/badges",
icon: "certificate",
segment: SidebarUrl.segments["secondary"],
validates :icon, presence: true, length: { maximum: MAX_ICON_LENGTH }
validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: MAX_NAME_LENGTH }
validates :value, presence: true, length: { maximum: MAX_VALUE_LENGTH }
validate :path_validator
before_validation :remove_internal_hostname, :set_external
def path_validator
return true if !external?
raise ActionController::RoutingError.new("Not Found") if value !~ Discourse::Utils::URI_REGEXP
rescue ActionController::RoutingError
def remove_internal_hostname
self.value = self.value.sub(%r{\Ahttp(s)?://#{Discourse.current_hostname}}, "")
def set_external
self.external = value.start_with?("http://", "https://")
# == Schema Information
# Table name: sidebar_urls
# id :bigint not null, primary key
# name :string(80) not null
# value :string(1000) not null
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
# icon :string(40) not null
# external :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# segment :integer default("primary"), not null