Dan Ungureanu ba73d91e3b FIX: Display tag related actions only if tagging is enabled. (#6136)
The affected buttons are "Replace Tags" and "Append Tags".
2018-07-23 12:35:08 +10:00

169 lines
4.7 KiB

import ModalFunctionality from "discourse/mixins/modal-functionality";
const _buttons = [];
const alwaysTrue = () => true;
function identity() {}
function addBulkButton(action, key, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
const btn = {
label: `topics.bulk.${key}`,
icon: opts.icon,
buttonVisible: opts.buttonVisible || alwaysTrue,
class: opts.class
// Default buttons
addBulkButton("showChangeCategory", "change_category", { icon: "pencil" });
addBulkButton("closeTopics", "close_topics", { icon: "lock" });
addBulkButton("archiveTopics", "archive_topics", { icon: "folder" });
addBulkButton("showNotificationLevel", "notification_level", {
icon: "d-regular"
addBulkButton("resetRead", "reset_read", { icon: "backward" });
addBulkButton("unlistTopics", "unlist_topics", {
icon: "eye-slash",
buttonVisible: topics => topics.some(t => t.visible)
addBulkButton("relistTopics", "relist_topics", {
icon: "eye",
buttonVisible: topics => topics.some(t => !t.visible)
if (Discourse.SiteSettings.tagging_enabled) {
addBulkButton("showTagTopics", "change_tags", { icon: "tag" });
addBulkButton("showAppendTagTopics", "append_tags", { icon: "tag" });
addBulkButton("deleteTopics", "delete", { icon: "trash", class: "btn-danger" });
// Modal for performing bulk actions on topics
export default Ember.Controller.extend(ModalFunctionality, {
tags: null,
emptyTags: Ember.computed.empty("tags"),
categoryId: Ember.computed.alias("model.category.id"),
onShow() {
const topics = this.get("model.topics");
// const relistButtonIndex = _buttons.findIndex(b => b.action === 'relistTopics');
this.set("buttons", _buttons.filter(b => b.buttonVisible(topics)));
this.set("modal.modalClass", "topic-bulk-actions-modal small");
this.send("changeBulkTemplate", "modal/bulk-actions-buttons");
perform(operation) {
this.set("loading", true);
const topics = this.get("model.topics");
return Discourse.Topic.bulkOperation(topics, operation)
.then(result => {
this.set("loading", false);
if (result && result.topic_ids) {
return result.topic_ids.map(t => topics.findBy("id", t));
return result;
.catch(() => {
this.set("loading", false);
forEachPerformed(operation, cb) {
this.perform(operation).then(topics => {
if (topics) {
(this.get("refreshClosure") || identity)();
performAndRefresh(operation) {
return this.perform(operation).then(() => {
(this.get("refreshClosure") || identity)();
actions: {
showTagTopics() {
this.set("tags", "");
this.set("action", "changeTags");
this.set("label", "change_tags");
this.set("title", "choose_new_tags");
this.send("changeBulkTemplate", "bulk-tag");
changeTags() {
this.performAndRefresh({ type: "change_tags", tags: this.get("tags") });
showAppendTagTopics() {
this.set("tags", "");
this.set("action", "appendTags");
this.set("label", "append_tags");
this.set("title", "choose_append_tags");
this.send("changeBulkTemplate", "bulk-tag");
appendTags() {
this.performAndRefresh({ type: "append_tags", tags: this.get("tags") });
showChangeCategory() {
this.send("changeBulkTemplate", "modal/bulk-change-category");
showNotificationLevel() {
this.send("changeBulkTemplate", "modal/bulk-notification-level");
deleteTopics() {
this.performAndRefresh({ type: "delete" });
closeTopics() {
this.forEachPerformed({ type: "close" }, t => t.set("closed", true));
archiveTopics() {
this.forEachPerformed({ type: "archive" }, t => t.set("archived", true));
unlistTopics() {
this.forEachPerformed({ type: "unlist" }, t => t.set("visible", false));
relistTopics() {
this.forEachPerformed({ type: "relist" }, t => t.set("visible", true));
changeCategory() {
const categoryId = parseInt(this.get("newCategoryId"), 10) || 0;
const category = Discourse.Category.findById(categoryId);
this.perform({ type: "change_category", category_id: categoryId }).then(
topics => {
topics.forEach(t => t.set("category", category));
(this.get("refreshClosure") || identity)();
resetRead() {
this.performAndRefresh({ type: "reset_read" });
export { addBulkButton };